Telephone message..

When eyes were still closed
We were sold to them that are mighty
Our elders were there sleeping and resting
Thinking strength and power was all
Now that our fathers were grown
They kept shouting "liberation'
Like dog in a cage
Barking and shouting with all power
They gave our fathers what they wanted
Then left the cage of theirs
Ruling and leading without fear
They were like bonding broom ready to groom
The ruling then came to us
But truth were sold for sliver
And righteous were sold for Gold
When shall we be there?

Then araise a need for my sister to leave our town
For those town migter than us
"In my phone, report shall get to thee"
Oh thou sister! Your love is in my hearth
Oh thou sister! I got there safely
How about our village
Full with grasshopper and predator
Hope they are all gone?
Sister! I heard bro Stephen was no more
Just for the truth he said
That must be a lie
I need a confirmation!
Oh my good sister! I heard that same goat
That was to use in appeasing the god
Has taken a leave by them
That must be a lie dear!
Oh thou sister! Please talk to me
I heard our king just take a new wife
Yes,That wife that belongs to Jim
This must be a delusion
Oh my good sister! I must confirm
That Gold that belongs to the whole village
I heard it has be claimed by the chiefs
That must be a fallacy!
Sister! I need to hear your voice
Has our land really been divided
By the grasshoppers that are elephants
That must be a joke!

Oh dear! This our land is full of Judas
And Achan is the promoter of them all
Oh thou sister! They are all truth
All which thou have heard are true
Our land is really sick, also need treatment
Where is the doctor to heal?
Oh thou sister! They are all truthAll which thou have heard!
Where is the Gold to give the physician?
Or a sliver to give the doctor?
Have they not being share by them
Oh thou sister! Our land is in coma!
Oh thou sis! Little have u heard
Our king is now pharaoh
And chiefs are now Joel and Abijah
Making rounded hand a road to diamond
Oh thou sister! I need to let you know
Our fathers are now on sleep
When will they wake up?
That my sister may come back home.