In a move that left family and friends utterly astounded,
My choice of you as the centerpiece of my heart
Added an element of luxury and happiness
To the already extravagant excitement.

Nobody came across our pleasure
I was the hero to give this piece of leisure
Which you managed to keep the grand gesture
A well-guarded secret until the last moment

Our love pulled off in an awe-inspiring way
As I did it in a way that only me could
with a stunning kisses packed to the brim
on your adorable, cute lips

I still cherish those minutes
As love like moon rose in me
To moderate my heart beat on its axis
And to create rhythms to guide my vision on you

I still cherish your glance of love
That could make me dazzle and freeze
I still cherish what dad said when he first saw you
"You have chosen what I could have chosen"