Walter Crane Play Poems

  • 1.
    I saw three ships come sailing by,
    Sailing by, sailing by,
    I saw three ships come sailing by,
  • 2.
    Girls and boys come out to play,
    The moon doth shine as bright as day;
    Leave your supper, and leave your sleep;
  • 3.
    In the race of the flowers that's run due,

    As the HARTSTONGUE pants at the well

  • 4.
    You have heard how Sir Fox treated Crane:
    With soup in a plate. When again
    They dined, a long bottle
    Just suited Crane's throttle;
  • 5.
    "What pranks I shall play!" thought the Ass,
    "In this skin for a Lion to pass;"
    But he left one ear out,
    And a hiding, no doubt,
  • 6.
    Tom he was a piper's son,
    He learnt to play when he was young;
    But all the tunes that he could play
  • 7.
    The Fox said "I can play, when it fits,
    Many wiles that with man make me quits."
    "But my trick's up a tree!"
    Said the Cat, safe to see
  • 8.
    When Summer on the earth was queen
    She held her court in gardens green
    Fair hung with tapestry of leaves,
    Where threads of gold the sun enweaves
Total 8 Play Poems by Walter Crane

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William Butler Yeats Poem
The Witch
 by William Butler Yeats

Toil and grow rich,
What's that but to lie
With a foul witch
And after, drained dry,
To be brought
To the chamber where
Lies one long sought
With despair?

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