Comments about Valerie Jarrett

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Roncohe54918265: As easy as it is to be disgusted by BiDumb and his diversity-prop administration, we all know it’s Obama, Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice calling the shots. Regime 3 for Obama and satanic company. 4th Reich of the Nazis,

SarahRabbit23: She is also a racist. She says that Roseanne was right with everything she said about Valerie Jarrett. She is against black history month. She talks about how she thinks black people get special privileges because they are black. She doesn't believe in hate crimes.

csadoc: Don’t forget Valerie Jarrett, Victoria Nuland and many other vicious Marxist traitors to America.

seijo777: Obama was a CIA asset. He met Prince Al Waleed Talal in New York. Prince financed Obama Presidency and hand-picked all Obama Cabinet with Muslim Brotherhoods/Sisterhood members. Valerie Jarrett was the de-facto President and handler of low IQ Obama.


sunnyright: Valerie Jarrett’s daughter has a scoop on what a federal judge is doing as it relates to a Republican. Totally normal.

William60736669: Rupert used to run with Valerie Jarrett,,that's a clue. Valerie Jarrett was the Iranian communist who ran Obama's Whitehouse.

JohnTuc72335789: we don't tolerate communist China behavior Dems tolerate it Gop tolerates it WH tolerates it Valerie Jarrett/obama/soros Loves China they are for NWO. Russia is only country against it.

SabrinaNC10: Matt Taibbi issues warning of government efforts to cleanse media of 'disinformation': 'Extremely dangerous'

XCapTrader: Doesnt seem like a very good idea. Anyone keeping tabs on Valerie Jarrett and Obama?

mostainback: Oh and screw you Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice

MadameMadoosa: Careful that you don’t get cancelled. When Roseanne Barr found Valerie Jarrett’s doppelgänger, EVERY self righteous woke head exploded even though we ALL thought HOLY CRAP! Uncanny!

WarNuse: Valerie June Jarrett. 18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason

parashotz: Obama won’t let Joe retaliate against Iran, Valerie Jarrett still has friends and family there.

PL5668: What Valerie Jarrett has Biden do while she and Obama run the country.

Roncohe54918265: I don’t know about anyone else, but I blame Obama for most of what we see, I know Valerie Jarrett is a Marxist, I’m not sure about Susan Rice. But, they, the Nazicrat’s seem to want a black Marxist face on everything they present these days.

Free_und_Fair: Actually, holding hands, they were gay lovers. They look on the right there is Valerie Jarrett.

SteamedBunLove: Valerie Jarrett has come out and written abt how they had the votes for Medicare For All but went with Romneycare in order to show they compromise with Republicans.

KovaInk: Whatever happened to ol’ Valerie Jarrett anyway?

WarNuse: Whoever Handles Valerie Jarrett Is The Real 'Power' Behind Barry And His Attempted Sellout, Destruction And Demise Of America, And The Active Coup Against The 45th U.S. President Donald J. Trump.

WarNuse: Barry Soetoro's Handler Is Without A Shadow Of A Doubt, In My Humble Opinion, Valerie Jarrett. The Question Is Who Handles Valerie Jarrett?

LaughAtLefties: The delicious (?) irony is that many of the same people who directed the Obama churn-and-burn cycle are ostensibly part of this WH, notably Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett, who are no doubt in contact with Obama himself more often than Biden.

NancyMomma5400: Valerie Jarrett. You know biden

filwma1: We SALUTE Valerie Jarrett! Formally, Sr. Political Advisor to Former President Barack Obama. Born in Iran, she immigrated to the USA & embraced the American dream. She is a successful businesswoman and currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Obama Foundation.

MCUSA1776: Go back and rewatch the documentary The Last Year. If you are observant you will see the fear in Jen Psaki, Ben Rhodes, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett and Barack Obama as the announcement of President Trump as the next President is made. They were afraid they did not do enough to...

SusanRe73106992: Who’s running this Hot Mess Scat Show? BHO or HRC? Susan Rice! Eric Holder & John Kerry? Valerie Jarrett? S.Powers? •••••••••••••• The Oligarchy is giving or selling away America; Wise Up & Rise Up!

shawnpisteySC: Who would think that a legal analysis of Donald Trump done by Valerie Jarrett's daughter would be unbiased? Evidently NBC does. Wow

AECarson3: That would be Obama and his two girlfriends, Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice!

TimJGraham: Valerie Jarrett was very powerful in the White House, and we can assume she helped her daughter get a job at CNN. So who's headed faster on the Stephanopoulos Track? Laura Jarrett or Jen Psaki?

CurtisHouck: NBC News relying on Valerie Jarrett's daughter to provide legal analysis on Donald Trump and his legal woes tells you all you need to know about what they hope happens and how they don't really care about conflicts of interest.

marquism1: Wow… such an important time in our history. Thank you for your reflections, Valerie Jarrett, and for your leadership of the work at the Foundation.

WarNuse: Valerie Jarrett. 18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious Conspiracy 18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason

JohnTuc72335789: leaving military for isis was planned by valerie jarrett/obama team. muslims believe ww3 will bring back the 13th imam and world will convert.

aretheynuts: He doesn't know what he's doing. It all stems from George Soros and Klaus Schwab and is orchestrated by Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice.


JWMLOBO: It depends of Valerie Jarrett Has he other ear piece in .

LalaKent17: You think these people aren't evil? You better think again! These are images of Valerie Jarrett, John Podesta, and his brother, Tony Podesta. People chosen by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden in each of their administrations and/or campaigns. Why do they....1/

brooklynmarie: "On Sept. 18 [2009], he used his trademark chalkboard to connect Cloward and Piven to Woodrow Wilson, Che Guevara, Bill Ayers, ACORN, the SEIU, George Soros, Van Jones, the Apollo Alliance, the Tides Foundation, Valerie Jarrett, and of course Obama --

robinmccann13: PRESIDENT TRUMP MADE AMERICA GREAT!! I Know It You Know It, Everyone knows it! FJB and his whole administration actually Hussein and Valerie Jarrett’s administration

aretheynuts: Joe Biden is NOT in-charge. He's a weak-minded, egotist, who thinks he's the big man while Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice call the shots and oversee the George Soros road map to America's destruction.

eb4prez: Here’s the thing… I believe what she says when she says she didn’t know Valerie Jarrett was Black. But also… this entire special looks and SOUNDS like a KKK rally. Even the audience.

GaryKJohnson7: Antifa and BLM are paid black supremacy riot groups of the left, liberal,Democrats created by Barrack Hussein Obama, Michael Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder,Jerry Nadler,Joe Biden,Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham,Valerie Jarrett and on and on.


truthforall13: Do you believe Obama had know idea about the Biden family Corruption when he was Vice President.The Question how much did Obama know and how was his staff Valerie Jarrett, David Plouffe, John Kerry not be aware of what Biden was doing They want us to leave our common at the door

chopperdude911: He was instructed by Valerie Jarrett to finish and then leave. I think I saw her hand and arm up his ass!

wayjones: Chinese printing presses, Venezuela voting software, volunteer free cheese recipients, shadow government run by Iranian Communist & corrupt Chicago POS her initials are Valerie Jarrett. That’s how you create more votes than the population of America & Canada combined. WTF Duck.

Gracie5111: Great idea but Obama and Valerie Jarrett won’t allow it.

ArtbyStiles: We can only guess who are the puppet masters; Obama-CitiGp/Soros or someone from the Middle East via his top advisor - Iranian born & raised Valerie Jarrett; Biden’s 47 yrs advisors from Blackrock; McCon - China. Only with Trump WILL we know who is actually running the country.

clint_laprade: He does whatever Valerie Jarrett, Obama, and all the neoliberal warmongers in his orbit tell him to.

OpinionatorIII: "The president gave one of the most powerful speeches about race in history during the 2008 campaign," Valerie Jarrett, senior adviser to the president, told National Journal.

Suecop1: Woman mysteriously died in plane crash, no one else died in it. She wrote the certificate. Anyone who investigated or questioned anything about Obama either was ruined or died. His handler,Valerie Jarrett. There’s much more if you investigate. He was placed in office to ruin US.

Rosemarie910: My mistake have to screen my comments. Obama had Valerie Jarrett in the White House

Rosemarie910: This was my error. Valerie Jarrett was in the White House with Obama. Could have sworn that’s what I said the first time. Some fact checkers like to edit. Just caught them changing my words. When I proof read.

Rosemarie910: Again Valerie Jarrett was in the White House when Obama was President.

Rosemarie910: Recheck!!!!! Valerie Jarrett was in the White House when Obama was President.

vagazette: Former presidential advisor visits W&M to talk about values-based leadership

William60736669: Just so everyone knows,,Rupert Murdock is a filthy liar and communist, he hangs out with Valerie Jarrett, the Iranian communist that works with Obama.

Candace16821073: Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett and Obama

nintyfan1991: Yup... Roseanne sucks. She deserved that heat after that racist comment at Valerie Jarrett. And not surprised she ended up on Alex Jones considering he defended her.

Sidney_Williams: Attending a presentation with Valerie Jarrett as part of Women’s History Month.

DrenaMay: Is Valerie Jarrett still housemate(s) with the Obamas?

7thSon1988: I still can’t believe they dressed up Valerie Jarrett as Austin Powers on an actual news show


angieblackburn: Sure looks like our country is being bombarded with ‘color revolution’ attacks by domestic TERRORISTS, funded by WEF foundations & directed by administrative state operatives like Victoria Nuland and Valerie Jarrett.

roomh202: Walgreens Boots Alliance Appoints Valerie Jarrett to Its Board of Directors | Nasdaq

jaymarose: Straight up racism. Susan Powers, Valerie Jarrett, Michelle Obama…

tsnurds: The one on the left is Valerie Jarrett...

NuclearHeart169: How embarrassing. Am I the only one who wonders if, as with Valerie Jarrett assigning Barry Saetoro to Michelle, someone didn't find the only man who wouldn't mind how Camel-Uh climbed the political ladder?

ykeiyse: comes DICK (disinfo/industry complex Karen) "Busybody Insider" carrying water and Depends for Joe Joe (read: commie dynamic duo third-termer Obozo/GF Valerie Jarrett). These people are complete FU¢KS!!... ...compromise? HAA!! marxist definition: "Do it my way, OR ELSE"...

dennisyedwab: In case this is relevant, here is the Board of Directors for Walgreens - and it includes Valerie Jarrett. Maybe, someone should ask them about this bullshit?

wayjones: From Chicago along with Valerie Jarrett , Hussein Obama, LaVaughn Robinson, was nominated for Supreme Court didn’t make it. Can you imagine this C*** Sucker on the Supreme Court.

rolotomassi1777: The green woman looks alot like Valerie Jarrett

SamuelG33510838: Valerie Jarrett was at the same party,there is another picture with them together.

DanceSquirrel1: Yeah folks, this is John Podesta & I believe that's Valerie Jarrett, allegedly. Is this what you want to represent you in Washington?

LutherBeckett: Rosanne Barr thought Valerie Jarrett was white. Here I was thinking she was a woodland creature from a forest in another dimension. Turns out she's the least attractive woman ever to come from Iran.

vrideout205: Rush said that, never had he seen a Potus not run out of Washington as soon as their term is up, Obama buys a house in WA & installs Valerie Jarrett in his home office..Rush said, there is a reason for that, shadow govt!

cbstrong68: John Podesta and Valerie Jarrett. Need we say more?

Zeviax3: Obama's BFF Valerie Jarrett is to the left in this pic

MarkBaltine12: and this is valerie jarrett

Canadiananon_17: Yes Stew and the person behind him is Valerie Jarrett. Chief of staff Obama.

LidoDude: Is this REALLY former Clinton campaign chairman and current Biden senior advisor John Pedo Podesta? And is that REALLy Valerie Jarrett behind him in green?

nwo_to: Solves that one then, but where does that vile audio come from? And is that Valerie Jarrett in the left corner?

Greycoat: Make that Jill Biden, Susan Rice, and Valerie Jarrett. With Obama pulling the strings for the deep state.

BoysePhyllis: Yes anyone with any intelligence and paying attention knows that Barry Soetoro (aka Obama) IS running Biden, totally, along with his girlfriends Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice. Biden has NO sayso in anyway. Even old Jill is telling him what to do.

WaltEagles24: Has anyone ever looked into the possible relationship between riots fires sabotage and the group Organize For Action? 30,000 plus trained agitators by BHO turned loose in USA. Guided by Valerie Jarrett from Obama DC Mansion.

BrianFreedom2: Is that Valerie Jarrett next to him?

Patriot911News: Valerie Jarrett Reveals Obama Had Trayvon Martin Question Planted with Reporter at “If I Had a Son” Press Conference

letshearthetru: In their completely misguided allegiance to the White House unqualified "Not Alone" task force headed by Valerie Jarrett, Laura Dunn, Alexander Prout, NH AG, NHPD, NHCADSV believe trusting police from dishonest departments keeps children safe. It does not. Fact.

Kinneas: The one in green is supposed to be Valerie Jarrett

csadoc: AND, the greedy, corrupted, America-hating traitors he stacked the bloated, out-of-control leftist-globalist government with will STILL be there being manipulated by the orders of obama, susan rice, valerie jarrett, soros, & all of the Marxist-globalist organizations, like the UN


DaveWallaceUS: We need to right our ship of state! Biden is wearing Barack’s Earpiece in one ear, and can hear Valerie Jarrett whispering to Barack!

MargaretSaulino: Valerie Jarrett belongs on this list, she was fired for stealing from Medicaid. Never returned a penny!

Charles95360054: We were all told Valerie Jarrett was an Iranian. So what is it. And when did it change? When she seen an opening to crush somebody who she thought was lower then her?

Merylee: Great questions. Can answer Climate Change question. We have to start from the beginning with Chicago Climate Exchange, funded by Joyce Foundation, Goldman Sachs, Al Gore, Obama, Valerie Jarrett, to b continued. Ukraine billions smells of money laundering but havent researched/

JMichaelWaller: In a brilliant pair of US and Israeli operations, the text of Khrushchev’s secret speech got out. The Eisenhower administration made it public. This splintered Communist parties and their fellow travelers around the world. Valerie Jarrett’s parents no doubt very upset.

gatewaypundit: Valerie Jarrett Reveals Obama Had Trayvon Martin Question Planted with Reporter at “If I Had a Son” Press Conference

MaxEdwards1: Yep. Along with Valerie Jarrett. Each are key components of the shadow govt led by Obama.

TrishMac20: A retaliation list, just like Valerie Jarrett.

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Elizabeth Stoddard Poem
The Tryst
 by Elizabeth Stoddard

Impelled by memory in a wayward mood,
Reluctant, yearning, with a faithless mind,
I sought once more a long neglected spot,
A wooded upland bordered by the sea,
Whose tides were swirling up the reedy sands,
Or floating noiseless in the yellow marsh.
My way was wild. The winds, awaking, smote
My face, but as I passed a ruined wall

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