Comments about Richard Dawkins

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ExMuslimsMN: A more appropriate title would be Richard Dawkins Censored.

Livenet_de: Richard Dawkins

rajendrathanvi: Of all the persons Richard Dawkins. After all the first impulse of ‘Selfish Gene’ is self preservation!

Saddoomer66: The book the selfish gene by richard dawkins is a good book to read..

Urmel2011: Well done. Richard Dawkins was setting the agenda, and he could not be drawn into discussing a complex case.

maxratul: Joseph is smiling. Richard Dawkins is silent. Zubair is sending people to hiding and impacting geopolitics. what is power, then?

apostateali: Am I the only one who thinks it’s not a big deal that Richard Dawkins didn’t wanna answer questions on Islam/Islamic extremism? He might not want to deal with Islamists, it’s a tough ask. The man has done his bit

ApostateProphet: Richard Dawkins: I believe there is nothing after death. Muslim apologist: His eyes looked uncertain when he said that. Therefore Islam true.

Gopakfilms: Richard Dawkins first coined the term "meme" in his book The Selfish Gene in 1976. Genes seek immortality, and all forms of life are merely forms used to achieve this goal. In the book, Dawkins compares genes to units of culture, which he calls memes.

showoff_ebooks: National museums around does anyone with Richard Dawkins’ voice notes. All appointments made a summary.

EqualRightsInst: Richard Dawkins Retweeted My Article, and What We Can Learn From That

OpIndia_com: Richard Dawkins interview by Piers Morgan: Watch how a globally acclaimed atheist thinker chooses silence over criticising Islamic terrorism

srikantm: Richard Dawkins always speaks his mind. Even when he doesn't.

zaka87821: Chance is just a word expressing ignorance,Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene,chance, ignorance, random, science,

ChristianPost: Richard Dawkins understands two genders but has a God delusion

larizamassiel: Interesting interview of a atheist biologist about this neutral way to talk that NOW some people are pushing everybody else to talk, to think…to accept

krystynaheise12: Richard Dawkins vs Piers Morgan On Religion and Gender | The Full Interview

Luuk_DC: Richard Dawkins is a coward.

somnath1978: Richard Dawkins, one of the smartest men alive, cannot (will not) comment on certain things. Power of real intolerance, as opposed to champagne liberal intolerance....

CelebBot2: News from Oxford, fight breaks out between Richard Dawkins and EO Wilson, a Volvo v40 hatchback seen fleeing the scene

kun3er_ka5han: The Ignorance of Richard Dawkins

debbyRome: Cit. Richard Dawkins

BotOnBotAction: According to Amazon, people who bought this logical book about Twitter 'bots' also bought: - Richard Dawkins's 'The Selfish Gene' - Kingsley Zusak's 'The Gun Control Law' How very logical!

pkmn_philosophy: In the words of the immortal Richard Dawkins, 'LAKE OF RAGE... The appearance of a GYARADOS swarm... I smell a conspiracy. I know it!'

BrighamNarins: Please read. "Dawkins is wrong. There’s a heck of a lot more to it, and it’s a disservice to developmental biology to claim otherwise."

AndreGGouvea: I am still shocked that a prominent Atheist like Richard Dawkins defended J.K. Rowling on the gender issue. An Atheist defending an essential against the woke mob about saying there is thousands of genders. The same Atheist that we are "machines" Crazy times we are living in.

RepBrianKing: When two opposite points of view are expressed with equal intensity, the truth does not necessarily lie exactly halfway between them. It is possible for one side to be simply wrong. -Richard Dawkins

Uncle_Jebus: Richard Dawkins gets stamp of approval from the (conservative Christian) American Family Association for his anti-trans rhetoric. via /r/atheism

brrods: one of the lucky ones - richard dawkins

GodDBestAvenger: Watch "Richard Dawkins Just ADMITTED the Bible Was Right About This" on YouTube

Scranston: Why are scared of Richard Dawkins if you know Jesus loves you?

NostalgicLiv: Richard Dawkins ftw.

hemantmehta: Congratulations to Richard Dawkins for getting a stamp of approval from the (conservative Christian) American Family Association for his anti-trans rhetoric.

ScottKe67399863: Richard Dawkins vs Piers Morgan On Religion and Gender | The Full Interview

RITURAJSINGH007: When two opposite points of view are expressed with equal intensity, the truth does not necessarily lie exactly halfway between them. It is possible for one side to be simply wrong. -Richard Dawkins, biologist and author (b. 26 Mar 1941)

clivehenry1: I would like people to appreciate science in the same way they appreciate the arts. Richard Dawkins

11tulips: “When two opposite points of view are expressed with equal intensity, the truth does not necessarily lie exactly halfway between them. It is possible for one side to be simply wrong.” - Richard Dawkins, biologist, author (b. Mar 1941) c. Wordsmith

jasminezroberts: had a great time with the xr crowd but this was my standard gdc conversation: "what platform do you develop for?" "not sure that's the right question to ask me..." "'re platform agnostic." "no. i'm a platform atheist - the richard dawkins of platforms"

RetiredMark: "When two opposite points of view are expressed with equal intensity, the truth does not necessarily lie exactly halfway between them. It is possible for one side to be simply wrong." -Richard Dawkins, biologist and author (b. 26 Mar 1941)

The_70s_Guy1: Born 26 Mar 1941, Richard Dawkins is a British ethologist, author & evolutionary biologist. He 1st achieved popularity after publishing his book, The Selfish Gene, credited with popularising the gene selection theory. The book is also credited with introducing the term meme.

brainpicker: Richard Dawkins, who turns 82 today, on the luckiness of death

Wordfoolery: 4) The date and origin of this definition is surprisingly precise because it springs from a book, "The Selfish Gene" (1976) by the evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins. He coined the term to describe a unit of what he calls "cultural transmission".

PhillyEagles300: Hero of the Left, Atheist Evolutionary Biologist Richard Dawkins.

Skepticyes: Happy Birthday Richard Dawkins ❤

FernandoLongoOZ: When two opposite points of view are expressed with equal intensity, the truth does not necessarily lie exactly halfway between them. It is possible for one side to be simply wrong. -Richard Dawkins, biologist and author (b. 26 Mar 1941)

drdaviddasilva: Richard Dawkins (born 26 March 1941) is a British evolutionary biologist and author. He is an emeritus fellow of New College, Oxford. His 1976 book The Selfish Gene popularised the gene-centred view of evolution. Dawkins has won several academic and writing awards.

GAWBYcom: Happy Birthday Richard Dawkins! May the joy that you have spread in the past come back to you on this day.

JamesEsses: A true week of the highest highs and the lowest lows: 1. Disgraceful scenes in New Zealand 2. World Athletics protects women’s sport 3. Oxfam choose ideology over poverty 4. Richard Dawkins lays down the law (of biology)

JairoRod01_: Richard Dawkins (biggest critic against religion) and religious people when Trans ideology tries to overtake the public

MJaMitchell: Listening to an interview with Douglas Adams where he describes himself as a Dawkinsist and mentions Richard Dawkins numerous times and for the first time ever I'm kinda glad Adams died when he did.

SomeCndnSkeptic: Richard Dawkins is a silly old coot whose only true interest is serving the interests of capital.

DeadScrump: Atheists have an extremely pathetic, thin skinned community who will name-search terms like Atheism to defend it's honour. They crawl out of the woodwork when you say into thin air that anyone who worships Richard Dawkins is a walking fedora. They especially hate Christianity.

HwasoonAn: An Evening with Richard Dawkins: In Conversation with Nick Rawlins  (7 Ma..prai.

Collapse_Theory: At one point in history, religions like Christianity and its encompassing sects were able to at maintain its people happy. This is what Richard Dawkins style atheism has done to people.

MyFaceen: 2/2 happy birthday! Richard Dawkins March 26 2023 20:00

wadeanderson: I just learned the term meme has taken on a narrower definition than it’s original invention of the word in 1976 by an evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins.

RealFakeGoths: Squeeing at cute baby animals caused Richard Dawkins and Preston Garvey to both become fake goths together.

drjulie_b: Richard Dawkins is a shit biologist

SheinaP: Well said Richard Dawkins!

CHSommers: Please listen to the brilliant and sound Richard Dawkins.

TeddGraham: Piers Morgan PRESSES Richard Dawkins on GOD for 10 Minutes STRAIGHT

AjxyK6: Richard Dawkins is the every single religious person’s nightmare

theserfstv: Watching one my heroes Christopher Hitchens turn full neocon post 9/11 was one thing, seeing Richard Dawkins live was another. He spent the whole speech talking about how Islamophobia isn't real and complaining about safe spaces at schools being a detriment to professors

NEWSMAX: Richard Dawkins, a prominent British evolutionary biologist, defended author J.K. Rowling on Monday amid backlash for her feminist critique of the transgender movement.

cult_evo: This is a wonderful book! Merlin contemplates (chapter 5) if the alterations in human behaviour might be the extended phenotype of psilocybin! Positing positions between Richard Dawkins and Terrance McKenna

DikmenMec: I'll do a hardwork week, it's quite important in my life -my work, now. If earthquakes would chill, of course, but I can't live in fear that's no way of living so, prayers from all religions accepted, seriously, you can be Richard Dawkins and bid me good luck, anything, send it.

OrwellsRevenge: He'll be missed from the academic community

NightbaneAUS: Richard Dawkins vs Piers Morgan On Religion and Gender | The Full Interview

JeansLab: 10 intellectuals to get to know me: 1. Carl Sagan 2. Richard Dawkins 3. Yuval Noah Harari 4. Neil deGrasse Tyson 5. Brian Greene 6. Rutger Bregman 7. Jennifer Doudna 8. Siddhartha Mukherjee 9. Charles Darwin 10. Gregor Johann Mendel

Blue22Dave: NO! Richard Dawkins??? WOW, how many boosters did he get? Or did he drink the Kool-aid? I bet this is the first time HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS agree with him. Well, it was bound to happen!

SethDillon: When asked about the efforts of activists to de-gender the English language so it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings, Richard Dawkins replied: "The only possible response is contemptuous ridicule. I shall continue to use every one of the prohibited words."

JustMisogyny: THIS WEEK IN TRANS - Australia put up a flag to celebrate women being silenced - Billy Bragg approved - Apparently Richard Dawkins doesn't know anything about evolutionary biology - The Vice-President of the USA congratulated a man on being a woman for a year. It's Tuesday.

danielkrenn: It's quite a relief knowing that Richard Dawkins didn't catch the 'woke' virus.

TalkTV: Richard Dawkins says he doesn't believe that a spirit or soul survives after death, but tells Piers he would be "pleasantly surprised" if proved wrong. "I fear the process of dying but when you're dead, you don't know anything."

Bernard_Lane: How did we get to denial of biological reality? Richard Dawkins: "It's bullying ... it's very upsetting the way this tiny minority of people has managed to capture the discourse & to really talk arrant nonsense." What's the answer? RD: "Science.. as a biologist, there are two…

PLLibertarian: Chelsea here really doesn't understand how evolution works. Can I recommend "The Greatest Show on Earth" by Richard Dawkins?

_ValTown_: Richard “Convertible Burt” Simmons. Miami, 1987. Had Division 1 offers for wrestling but chose the streets instead. 50-100K a day at his peak.

DylanoA4: What does Richard Dawkins listen to in the gym?

KwstzHaderbonch: Jordan Peterson and Richard Dawkins are the same person, and you can't convince me otherwise. The amount of willful ignorance going into this is stunning.

JoshArnettReal: James River is going to single-handedly usher in a new wave of obnoxious Bill Maher/Richard Dawkins atheism, aren’t they?

LNormanMusic: Part two of my new series, touching upon the evolutionary biology of Richard Dawkins, the cosmological speculations of Stephen Hawking, and what it means to live in a universe that consists of "merely the hurrying of material, endlessly, meaninglessly."

yumtapwater: lmao i totally forgot that richard dawkins coined the term "meme" in the 70s

s4rd0nic4: using a picture of urself reading richard dawkins on a dating app is crazy

How2DeEscalate: Just googled it, and, well, um, this movie beat Saving Private Ryan, Thin Red Line, Elizabeth, and Life is Beautiful (a masterpiece) for Best Picture at the Academy Awards. If you believed in god before 1998, this should be more than enough to turn you into Richard Dawkins.

DemocracyMotion: "Thanks To Neo-Atheists, New Zealand Teaches Primitive Pagan Nonsense As Equal To ‘Western’ Science" Atheist Richard Dawkins may wash his hands of New Zealand’s pagan nonsense, but he is the useful idiot who made this all possible.

AlbertoGrau_: 14. The selfish gene de Richard Dawkins. "Nothing actually 'wants' to evolve. Evolution is something that happens"

AgingTips: Richard Dawkins idea is that different genes activate throughout our lifetimes, some when we are young and others when we are older.

billcobbinah_: A Critique of Richard Dawkins: Properly Understanding Faith | by Eric Van Evans | Medium

nytimes: The word "meme" is often considered an internet-age term, but it originated in a Richard Dawkins book in 1976. One of the first New York Times uses of "meme" came in 1995. Since then, it has appeared in our articles about genes, stocks and Bernie Sanders.

GregSheffield: Even Richard Dawkins, atheist extraordinaire, admits to me that "sometimes, 'Habanera' is not real to me, either." Like pulling teeth. Hail Mary.

showoff_ebooks: Lockdown tiers: 3: Anywhere with Richard Dawkins’ voice notes. All these bizarre pseudo-allies who go on

joannatdavis: Perth's so fortunate to have wonderful people in town. Recently, evolutionary biologist, Richard Dawkins, and on July 11, astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson.

riseaboveyrmind: "organisms that only learn through trial and error lose to organisms that learn from other's trial and error." - Richard Dawkins

Milo_Edwards: not to get too richard dawkins about it but so much of this is potemkin makework bullshit and when you travel a lot globally it becomes very obvious because different airports are doing totally contradictory things

JoseAngelGLanda: Retropost, 2013 Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss: Something from Nothing:

orb1973: Did Richard Dawkins Start a Cult? (The Psychology of the New Atheism)

BlalRwsy18: One way to express the answer is that it might happen by 'chance'. But 'chance' is just a word expressing ignorance. It means 'determined by some as yet unknown, or unspecified, means'.,Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene,science,

MARYMUCHOK46791: It has become almost a cliche to remark that nobody boasts of ignorance of literature, but it is socially acceptable to boast ignorance of science and proudly claim incompetence in mathematics.,Richard Dawkins,Mathematics, Ignorance ,

JanYeon2317: I used to be piously anti-religious once that would have made Richard Dawkins look like Darwin's docile little puppy. I still don't like religions in general, but I'm not as outspoken as before.

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Poem of the day

Charles Baudelaire Poem
Spleen III
 by Charles Baudelaire

Je suis comme le roi d'un pays pluvieux,
Riche, mais impuissant, jeune et pourtant très-vieux,
Qui, de ses précepteurs méprisant les courbettes,
S'ennuie avec ses chiens comme avec d'autres bêtes.
Rien ne peut l'égayer, ni gibier, ni faucon,
Ni son peuple mourant en face du balcon.
Du bouffon favori la grotesque ballade
Ne distrait plus le front de ce cruel malade;

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