Biography of Michael Aete

Michael Olute Aete is a 35 year old Kenyan. He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education (Linguistics and Literature in English) with IT. Currently he teaches English and Literature in Mwer Boys' High School. He heads the languages department in the said school.

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Michael olute: I'm happy to find out that we share the full names with someone in a neighboring country. God bless all Michael olutes.

Poem of the day

Eugene Field Poem
A Fickle Woman
 by Eugene Field

Her nature is the sea's, that smiles to-night
A radiant maiden in the moon's soft light;
The unsuspecting seaman sets his sails,
Forgetful of the fury of her gales;
To-morrow, mad with storms, the ocean roars,
And o'er his hapless wreck the flood she pours!


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