Marlon Pitter True Poems

Total 39 True Poems by Marlon Pitter

Top 10 most used topics by Marlon Pitter

Good 80 Long 68 Mind 66 Face 46 Stay 44 Thought 43 Live 43 True 39 Sweet 37 Hold 37

Write your comment about Marlon Pitter

Olivia: I love your poems

Joash mogaka : An igo mentor.
Who balances
Feelings and emotions
Through a word.
Phernnink : You are am inspired ...
Poet doesn't talk he let his writing do the talking
Imani Jayden: Your writing is beautiful
Abigail gelant: You have a gift of using words to create strong emosions inside a person. Thank you for sharing that gift. Keep writing amazing poems

Poem of the day

Emily Dickinson Poem
Distrustful of the Gentian
 by Emily Dickinson


Distrustful of the Gentian-
And just to turn away,
The fluttering of her fringes
Child my perfidy-
Weary for my-----
I will singing go-

Read complete poem

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