Comments about Herbert Hoover

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NotPrezFacts: Herbert Hoover had dentures that weren't actually made of wood, WHOA!


SanjibA96160619: In 1929, US President Herbert Hoover had 1st telephone installed on the desk at the Oval Office's in the White House.

Shawn254Guru: Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die. — Herbert Hoover.

Heartfelthisto1: Future First Lady Lou Henry (Herbert Hoover’s wife) riding a burro and holding a rifle - 1891 Lou was born on March 29, 1874 in Waterloo, Iowa. Image via Wikimedia Commons, public domain

RKrivoFX: March 29, 1929 - Herbert Hoover has telephone installed in Oval Office

histdiscourse: There's a handful of Presidents I think society should seriously rethink. Herbert Hoover is one of them.

AimsUnm: On this day 1974 -- U.S. space probe, Mariner, visits Mercury 1929 -- Herbert Hoover has FIRST EVER telephone installed in Oval Office

Michael_Zak: Herbert Hoover and his Oval Office telephone

khuey_: Even Herbert Hoover got 39.65% of the vote.

hamcarless: 31. Herbert Hoover

TABITHAKWA95541: Blessed are the young for they shall inherit the national debt.,Herbert Hoover,youth,

_daneiel_: Ready for some perspective on how old Joe Biden is? Thanks to this photo, we can prove that Joe Biden is one degree of separation from Herbert Hoover, who served as President 90+ years ago

PopHemingway: ALL IN THE FAMILY .. CIRCA '70s Boy the way Glenn Miller played Songs that made the hit parade .. Guys like us we had it made Those were the days And you knew who you were then Girls were girls and men were men Mister we could use a man Like Herbert Hoover again Didn’t need…

FForwardist: Leftoids: "grrr I hate Amerkkkan imperialism" Herbert Hoover: *guns down lumpen-veterans* Leftoids: "reee no not like that!!11!"

WestWingReport: The Oval Office got its first telephone - this day in 1929. It was one of the few good things to happen to Herbert Hoover that year. A stock market crash in October helped spark the Great Depression and the Oval Office was destroyed in a fire on Christmas Eve

Michael_Zak: President Hoover and the first Oval Office telephone

MattZupon: While President Herbert Hoover got dealt an unfortunate hand with the Great Depression, I will always remain thankful to his initiative in 1932 to start the Young Republicans in Chester Co, PA (red PA in 1932)!


TonyClimate: “Older men declare war. But it is youth that must fight and die.” ― Herbert Hoover

dexx731: Discovered: Rebbe Rayatz’s (6th CHABAD Rebbe) Photo at the White House "An unknown photo of the Rebbe Rayatz standing on the steps of the White House, on the day of his meeting with President Herbert Hoover was recently discovered"

joncenabite: "On March , and I would never really die. The apartments were so high that they were full of youth and renewal." -Herbert Hoover

joncenabite: "But from a virus. It should be killed as they stand." -Herbert Hoover

histdiscourse: I think that if Herbert Hoover never served, we'd be much better off

OklahomaCIB: DID YOU KNOW? Herbert Hoover was the first President to enjoy air conditioning. He spent $30,000 to install the system in the oval office, just after the start of the Great Depression.

joncenabite: "Our Beliefs The Bible is the hour of great Cyclopean cities of men. I love him who justifieth the future Premonition of the society." -Herbert Hoover

PaulGri65263440: So here is how they taunt Ike A telegram on Herbert Hoover 91 Birthday anniversary, Lyndon Johnson aid,,, I'm sure And his Library at 200 4th ave Steering Mamie to psalm 91

RamblinRosen: Herbert Hoover

theofalltime_: Who wins the Grover Cleveland vs. Herbert Hoover matchup?

DMHuskies: Girls Soccer (Varsity) Game Day! - Check out the event preview for the The Des Moines Hoover Huskies vs the South Tama Trojans. It starts at 6:15 PM and is at Hoover High School Herbert Hoover High School.

GrabienMedia: VIDEO - Forbes: Biden’s Like Herbert Hoover in the Great Depression Saying ‘Prosperity Is Just Around the Corner’

ElliotRicherd: you’re delusional if you think “herbert hoover” and “calvinist coolidge” we’re both real people

Krishan_A_Patel: It's plain to see that these were the seven worst U.S. presidents. Determining who the 8th, 9th, and 10th worst presidents were, however, is a more difficult task. How does one compare Herbert Hoover, John Tyler, Warren G. Harding, etc. to other presidents in historical context?

toddntucker: Movement towards NIA-like institutions can happen even in divided government, as the 1932-33 genesis of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation shows.

statewideia511: I-80 WB: Right shoulder blocked due to a stalled vehicle between Exit 249 - Herbert Hoover Highway aka County Road F44 and IA 1 (Iowa City).

The_Coin_Shop: Take a look at this 2014-D Herbert Hoover Presidential Dollar Only : $4.00 High Grade Presidential Dollars (U.S. Golden Dollars)

triviapotus: 8 U.S. Presidents were born on a Monday: 10. John Tyler 11. James K. Polk 21. Chester Arthur 31. Herbert Hoover 32. Franklin Roosevelt 38. Gerald Ford 40. Ronald Reagan 42. Bill Clinton

The_Coin_Shop: Take a look at this 2014-P Herbert Hoover Presidential Dollar Only : $3.25 High Grade Presidential Dollars (U.S. Golden Dollars)

_Truth_Speaker_: The former US President Herbert Hoover visited Korea twice, the first time in 1909 and again in 1946. He noticed that many changes had occurred in Korea during the Japanese rule.

aaaozturk: Most successful election slogans series 2 "We are turning the corner!" Herbert Hoover 1932

GoodLibAnswer: I'm hoping Herbert Hoover will visit Arkansas next time they are on the campaign trail!

Ultimat23Dragon: ... I was never taught this in school. This is just downright pathetic. We now have a clear winner in the "WORST President in US history" category... It's not Obama. It's not Trump. Heck at this point it's not even Biden (Though he's coming close). So far, it's Herbert Hoover!

_FrankTv_: America had a terrible human like James Buchanan as president. It's okay that Trump became president. Do y'all even know about Herbert Hoover or Warren Harding

MegaScribbler: Many don't give him credit, but Herbert Hoover showed our nation -leadership and created a foundation for us to prosper. He was a true humanitarian.

Svrdm3626: Incumbent President Herbert Hoover faced little opposition in the Republican primaries. That is despite his deep unpopularity due to his overall refusal to use the federal government to address the Depression.

triviapotus: When asked how he dealt with his critics, Herbert Hoover replied, “I outlived the bastards.” He was the 2nd POTUS to reach the age of 90.

triviapotus: The Herbert Hoover Presidential Library & Museum in West Branch, Iowa was dedicated 60 years ago today. It was Hoover’s 88th birthday. His friend Harry Truman attended.

Roaring20sNews: Note: According to some, Charles Evans Hughes [Sec State] and Herbert Hoover [Commerce} have been leaning on Pres. Harding. Very strange sudden change he apparently stood by until his death in August 1923. Pic: Hoover and Hughes, 1924

NotPrezFacts: Herbert Hoover, a democrat, became president in 1969, and was best known for being the first president born a U.S citizen.

joncenabite: "They want to teach and to eat and sleep meanwhile. At first, as he went." -Herbert Hoover

cleveprotecc: Rap game Herbert hoover

RobertP32730809: YOU NOT SANE NOT SINCE HERBERT HOOVER (Rep) 1929 1 term HAVE WE HAD A LOSER LIKE TRUMP 2020 1 term For the same reason JOB LOSSES TRUMP recieved 149 million working Patriots from OBAMA BIDEN recieved 147 million from TRUMP Roosevelt cleaned up Hoover Biden cleaning Bi

preshistorybot: Herbert Hoover loved to reproduce Mormons far from criminally insane people.

Paul_E_Cohen: TIL that the only English-language version of Georgius Agricola's De re metallica (1556) was translated by ... Herbert Hoover and his wife, Lou Henry

anri797: The former US President Herbert Hoover visited Korea twice, the first time in 1909 and again in 1946. He noticed that many changes had occurred in Korea during the Japanese rule.

NightSniper64: What did Presidents Hoover, Truman, and Eisenhower have in common? Back during the great depression, Herbert Hoover ordered the deportation of ALL illegal aliens in order to make jobs available to American citizens that desperately needed work. Harry Truman deported over two…

preshistorybot: Herbert Hoover failed to happen Michiganders opposite to a roof.

ShaikAk54541552: “Competition is not only the basis of protection to the consumer, but is the incentive to progress.” - Herbert Hoover

statewideia511: I-80 WB: Left shoulder blocked due to debris on the roadway between Exit 249 - Herbert Hoover Highway aka County Road F44 and IA 1 (Iowa City).

statewideia511: I-80 WB: Debris on roadway between Exit 249 - Herbert Hoover Highway aka County Road F44 and IA 1 (Iowa City).

statewideia511: I-80 WB: Roadway reopened to traffic between Exit 249 - Herbert Hoover Highway aka County Road F44 and IA 1 (Iowa City).

toni_violetti: These high school students created a visual representation of "The Road to the Great Depression." Students identified the challenges the United States faced at the time. President Herbert Hoover initially believed in a more hands-off approach to guiding the United States thr…

TravisPickell: I am on the search committee for a very interesting tenured/TT position here at GFU (Herbert Hoover Endowed Chair in Faith & Public Life). If you are interested or know someone who might be please let me know. And please spread the word! Info here:

theofalltime_: Herbert Hoover Sweep!

CollectCanada: 1928 glass plate negative of President Herbert Hoover giving speech in Tennessee

dandre72t: Did President Herbert Hoover Really Cause the Great Depression? Biography of Presidents | Children's Biography Books XZ7GQ54

TheWisdomClock: 4AM "Fishing is much more than fish." -Herbert Hoover

DavidCranmerUn1: Charles Edison lived in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, where he struck up a friendship with Herbert Hoover, who also lived there. During the war, Stimson oversaw a great expansion of the military, including drafting and training of 13 million soldiers and airmen as well as

preshistorybot: Herbert Hoover failed to damage sworn enemies of America astride an ethnic food shop.

alternate_cat: What if Herbert Hoover was president until he died (present day)

Mchnkl: Joe Biden really gonna let Yellen and JPOW turn him into Herbert Hoover huh

preshistorybot: Herbert Hoover disliked having to cross social programs right of a banana plantation.

preshistorybot: Herbert Hoover tried to scold Hawaiians on behalf of postal workers.

20years98524: Is Herbert Hoover. I can have an alias like every Clinton and Beau Biden! I do not have to be forced to be a prisoner anymore!

20years98524: The mental torment that I live in. The democratic way which is worse than prison. At least in prison I could have had my own bed, food to eat, and I would have known when I was getting out. My dad is El Chapo and I'm the granddaughter of Herbert Hoover and Raul Castro.

chomsky_quotes: As director of the humanitarian program providing food to starving Europeans after World War II, Herbert Hoover advised President Wilson that he was “maintaining a thin line of food” to guarantee the rule of anti-Bolshevik elements. (1/2)

normalkay: herbert hoover kinda fine idk

LivingBlueTX: For example, she claimed Political realignment could be disproven because Herbert Hoover won Southern states in 1928. However, she skips over how Hoover was a member of the Lily White Republicans and was openly racist, while his opponent, Democrat Al Smith was Catholic. /4

iPan4Gold: We have gold because we cannot trust governments. ― Herbert Hoover

ballbr: President Herbert Hoover Dam Haters suck like a vacuum They just as real as space As kosher as son of Sam (Lyrics I wrote for Ye)

cherokeenation1: The plan to annex Canada was approved by the US War Department under the presidency of Herbert Hoover in 1930.

100YearsAgoNews: March 22, 1923: Frederick B. Ostman of Ridgewood, N.J., is presented with the Hoover Cup as operator of the best amateur radio station in the U.S. The prize is named for Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover, the leading force for federal regulation of the new medium.

preshistorybot: Herbert Hoover disliked having to exercise West Indians.

statewideia511: I-80 EB: Left shoulder blocked due to a stalled vehicle at Exit 249 - Herbert Hoover Highway aka County Road F44 (2m E of Iowa City).

statewideia511: I-80 EB: Roadway reopened to traffic at Exit 249 - Herbert Hoover Highway aka County Road F44 (2m E of Iowa City).

statewideia511: I-80 EB: Roadway reopened to traffic at Exit 249 - Herbert Hoover Highway aka County Road F44 (2m E of Iowa City).

ChrisPlanteShow: The regime is determined to drive as many Americans out of work as they can! Biden is the new Herbert Hoover!

GazMailSports: Winfield senior pitcher Maci Boggess was untouchable on Wednesday evening. 

NotPrezFacts: Herbert Hoover, a democrat, became president in 1897, and was best known for bringing the country into World War 1.

RepRenaissance: 1932: Franklin Delano Roosevelt vs. Herbert Hoover FDR ran a perfect campaign. He seemed to answer Americans' prayers with his far-reaching vision and pragmatic solutions to the Depression. He utilised radio very well.

RepRenaissance: 1928: Herbert Hoover vs. Al Smith Hoover ran a good campaign. He merely had to coast to the Presidency. The election was his. Hoover cost himself the states of Massachusetts and Rhode Island by refusing to condemn anti-Catholicism, but he gained states in the South.

MetroNewsPrep: Boggess tosses three-hitter as Winfield defeats Herbert Hoover, 5-0:

MosesDenton9: My top ten worst Presidents 1. Donald Trump 2. Andrew Jackson 3. James Buchanan 4. Richard Nixon 5. Herbert Hoover 6. George W. Bush 7. Gerald Ford 8. George HW Bush 9. Ronald Reagan 10.

erbohbot: 'Cause you're too insecure to even look like a loser You're the worst damn Republican since Herbert Hoover But you scooped a sycophantic, homophobe Hoosier Then became the constitution's domestic abuser

PSurvivalist: "...the young for they shall inherit the national debt." - Herbert Hoover

dani_soraya: Herbert Hoover

TarangauRetreat: Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity. Herbert Hoover

ClementsAustinJ: This is what Herbert Hoover saw every time he closed his eyes

NotPrezFacts: Herbert Hoover, a democrat, became president in 1837, and was best known for forming the Democratic party.


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Poem of the day

Emily Dickinson Poem
I'M Ceded-i'Ve Stopped Being Theirs
 by Emily Dickinson


I'm ceded-I've stopped being Theirs-
The name They dropped upon my face
With water, in the country church
Is finished using, now,
And They can put it with my Dolls,
My childhood, and the string of spools,

Read complete poem

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