David Rorie M.d. Great Poems

  • 1.
    Oor Jock's gude mither's second man
    At banes was unco skilly;
    It cam' by heirskep frae an aunt,
    Leeb Tod o' Nether Tillie.
  • 2.
    As I gang roon' the kintra-side
    Amang the young an' auld,
    I marvel at the things I see
    An' a' the lees I'm tauld.
  • 3.
    [This ballad is of great interest, and, as far as we know, has not hitherto appeared in print. It is certainly not in Child's Collection. It was taken down from the singing of an aged man of 105 years, in Glen Kennaquhair. Internal evidence would tend to show that the incidents recorded in the ballad occurred in the seventeenth century, and that Sir Walter Scott had heard at least one verse of it. The aged singer-now, alas! no more-sang it to the air of "Barbara Allen."]

    It was an' aboot the Lammas time,
    In sixteen forty-three, sirs,
  • 4.
    The burn was big wi' spate,
    An' there cam' tum'lin' doon
    Tapsalteerie the half o' a gate,
    Wi' an auld fish-hake an' a great muckle skate,
  • 5.
    He's a muckle man, Sandy, he's mair nor sax fit
    A size that's no' handy for wark i' the pit,
    But frae a' bad mis-chanters he'd aye keepit free
    Excep'in' that nicht he'd a fire in his e'e.
  • 6.
    Faith, there's a hantle queer complaints
    To cheenge puir sinners into saints,
    An' mony divers ways o' deein'
Total 6 Great Poems by David Rorie M.d.

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William Butler Yeats Poem
The Witch
 by William Butler Yeats

Toil and grow rich,
What's that but to lie
With a foul witch
And after, drained dry,
To be brought
To the chamber where
Lies one long sought
With despair?

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