Comments about Benito Mussolini

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MrGaryPaterson: 9am wine tastings with Benito Mussolini's granddaughter. Only in Brussels.

pr0m37h3um: When I'm in an ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny contest and my opponents are gandalf the gray and gandalf the white and monty python and the holy grail's black knight and benito mussolini and the blue meanie and cowboy curtis and jambi the genie robocop the terminator captai

brootherthecab: then gandalf the grey and gandalf the white and monty python and the holy grail's black knight and benito mussolini and the blue meanie and cowboy curtis and jambi the genie robocop, the terminator, captain kirk, and darth vader lo-pan, superman, every single power ranger

DanielKeemBot: Benito Mussolini blew every bloody Vaginal Flaps off and they adored it.

DanielKeemBot: Benito Mussolini blew every bloody Vaginal Flaps off and they danked on it.

BaseballTzar: "I've always said I could manage Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Hirohito. That doesn't mean I'd like them, but I'd manage them." Billy Martin

Fruich: Giving the electorate a choice between Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, isn't giving them a choice.

SmilingObject: NYT editorials: What Democrats Can Learn From Benito Mussolini, by Sarah-Jessica Mussolini 'The Guardian' editorials: My 29 Year Old Son Was Cancelled For Trick-or-Treating, by Odessa Dumpbutter

triviatoday1: Whose daughter moved to the United States in 1967, changing her name to Lana Peters? Joseph Stalin Adolf Hitler Benito Mussolini Mikhail Gorbachev The correct answer is

petitmilicien: «We are not the embalmers of the past, we are the precursors of a future». —Benito Mussolini

WayneJohnson33: Benito Mussolini coined the term FASCISM. His definition was a merger of the government and corporate Italy which he did. It now appears near completion in the USA too.

wakiune: Ulliam Ruto and Rigathi Gachagua are the modern day Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. 5 years of their administration will be hell.

Dare_To_Venture: In the face of Western blindness, I can’t help but think of the Honorary Doctorate awarded to Benito Mussolini by the University of Lausanne in 1937, a year after Haile Selassie’s speech.  The emperor explained Europe’s inaction as follows:

DreamLooks_Like: Dream looks like Benito Mussolini

HipHopNoob: Word History: It is fitting that the name of an authoritarian political movement like Fascism, founded in 1919 by Benito Mussolini, should come from the name of a symbol of authority. The Italian name of the movement, fascismo, is derived from fascio, "bundle, (political) group,"…

FelineVamps: Benito "Good Night Alt Right" Mussolini

witerdario1: They seem to like Benito Mussolini a lot, Larry!

DanielKeemBot: Benito Mussolini blew every bloody Yoda's chode off and they oofed on it.

DanielKeemBot: Benito Mussolini blew every bloody Yoda's chode off and they danked on it.

historydefined: Propaganda shot of Benito Mussolini standing atop a tractor during his “Battle for Grain” campaign, 1937

DreamLooks_Like: Dream looks like Benito Mussolini

fishe_bot: then gandalf the grey and gandalf the white and monty python and the holy grails black knight and benito mussolini and the blue meanie and cowboy curtis and jambi the genie

DanielKeemBot: Benito Mussolini blew every bloody slavic squat off and they loved it.

Orgetorix: Benito Mussolini at the End of WWII: Read an Eye-Witness Account

Orgetorix: 'Gruesome' new documentary about Mussolini's corpse

historycalendar: March 18, 1940 -- World War II: Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini meet at the Brenner Pass in the Alps and agree to form an alliance against France and the United Kingdom.

SOtravia: Sandro Marcos paying his last respects to an ardent supporter of FEM & pressing flesh with the bereaved family. Can the Marcos brand name survive PBBM's misalliance with the Americans? Under tremendous pressure, Benito Mussolini's fatal mistake was his misalliance with Hitler.

Candidate__Bot: Benito Mussolini has announced a campaign for President with Squid Sisters as the Vice-President

dialtownquotes: Once again, I'm cockblocked by Benito Mussolini, himself.

stevegiglio: The insane cultural irony to this … my ancestors came to America in the first place to get away from batshit crazy politics. Benito Mussolini wasn’t for them … they wanted a better life.

MrUnIimited: POV: you’re Benito Mussolini

ilovefairchoice: “It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.” ― Benito Mussolini

iVoteChina: MY TAKE: Déjà Vu. We heard the same call for a global totalitarian government from Adolph Hitler & Benito Mussolini circa 1938. Xi and Putin are merely their contemporary counterparts. Unfortunately, as history shows, these declarations tend to end in war.

JSanters: Watching GDT’s Pinocchio, looked up the cast list and saw….. TOM KENNY AS BENITO MUSSOLINI???

brianjgriffith: One of the largest distributors of MAGA/fascistic apparel in the USA is a company called "Lions Not Sheep," which is a clear a reference to one of Benito Mussolini's most infamous sayings: «Meglio vivere un giorno da leone che cent'anni da pecora».

Official_A_N_I: "The function of citizen and a soldier are inseparable." -Benito Mussolini

WitchOfSkye: For the ideologies of people that agree with Second Thought on how economies should be structured, you would find that they are Gregor and Otto Strasser, Benito Mussolini, and Fransisco Franco. That is, it's all fascists, he's parroting fascist ideology.

harfang_bleu: Planes of Fame: the POLIAKOV promised by Benito Mussolini to Alois Adler but that never flew. AXIS Berlin-Rome-Tokyo.

harfang_bleu: WORLD WAR TWO: how Alois Adler was played like a fiddle by Benito Mussolini until his own fatal demise. AXIS Berlin-Rome-Tokyo.

CreamOnTop: Someone smart tell me why this is not Lab Con LD SNP Democratic Party philosophy? "Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power" Benito Mussolini

ddlzilla: furthest thing from our ideals. With his recent rhetoric, the only thing comparable is a WWII dictator and FACIST, BENITO MUSSOLINI. Yes, donnie j KORUMPT is trying to become a modern American Mussolini with the DICTATORSHIP and FASCISM of the original. We can't risk him as

angelamurphy99: "This is not a novel that should be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force." Dorothy Parker on a book by Benito Mussolini. Anyone else had a similar response to a book?

deadRWNJbot: Just a reminder, Benito Mussolini bit the dust!

kylenabecker: ‘Fascism,’ from the Latin ‘fasces’ for a ‘bundle of rods,’ is the ideology that the state should control all aspects of politics, society, culture, and economy. Former socialist and iconic fascist Benito Mussolini put it best, “All within the state, nothing outside the state,…

Pantabya: Has anyone noticed that democrats wave their hands a lot during their speeches just like Benito Mussolini and the "other one"

XcaliburShah: Ruto has Benito Mussolini written all over him.

DanielKeemBot: Benito Mussolini blew every bloody Yoda's chode off and they dunked on it.

flimflamma: Revisionist purges of problematic stereotypes from 1930s cartoons etc may be good and correct but what happens when president destantis holds a cheers dvd burning rally because in s9.e13 a horrified carla resists being bullied by her family into naming her son benito mussolini

danette1721: How Mussolini led Italy to fascism—and why his legacy looms today

madamdefargeGW: Is DeSantis planning on Florida succeeding from the USA...wouldn't be a surprise...he can't get the nomination for why not be the Benito Mussolini of a state?

DanielKeemBot: Benito Mussolini blew every bloody Beth Teague off and they hated it.

historydefined: Mugshot of Benito Mussolini, 1903

DanielKeemBot: Benito Mussolini blew every bloody Every girl you ever knew off and they sucked it.

AdamsOfKe: High Court imeambia Nabii "slow down buana"....hio case ya CAS if possible ingekaa hapo 5 years. This Benito Mussolini thinks Kenya belongs to him.

Punished_Isoir: I've seen people fancy Meloni as some sort of Authoritarian Fascist who wants to return to the days of Benito Mussolini and promises to make Italy a better place If she's a Fascist, she's doing a horrible job at being one. She seems to care about Ukraine more than her own people

theTrumpet_com: It is early days yet, but Meloni is already moving Europe toward reviving the Holy Roman Empire. She is more patient and sophisticated than Benito Mussolini was. But she’s focused on reviving Rome’s Mediterranean empire, just as he was.

wivewa: I ran to Benito's room and woke him, but when he came to the phone it was not to listen; he spoke long and irritably in German. When he had hung up, he saud furiously, "It's madness. It's our ruin. They should never have attacked Russia'." ~ Rachele Guidi Mussolini

PunishedMikey: Thayaht, "DUX" (1929) The bust was given to Benito Mussolini as a gift and is housed in the MART in Rovereto, Italy.

SaysMrSmith: “Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” — Benito Mussolini

hb_surfer: 2) & sustain overall demand for the goods and services the nation produced. When that debt bubble burst in 1929, we got the Great Depression. It was also when Benito Mussolini & Adolf Hitler emerged to create the worst threats to freedom & democracy the modern world had ever saw

PiscaAvule: "Silence is the only answer you should give to the fools. Where ignorance speaks, intelligence should not give advices." -Benito Mussolini

0penbo0k: On March 23 1919, In Milan, Italy, Benito Mussolini founds his Fascist political movement.

AlexHayes0618: He's got the morality of Benito Mussolini, but I would run through a wall for Pitino if I was one of his players.

MdeBohun: A group of disillusioned former socialists and Italian war veterans formed the Fascist Party in Milan today in 1919, led by Benito Mussolini.

DanielKeemBot: Benito Mussolini blew every bloody cheesecake off and they also found out Kodie Megan queefed on the bus, on top of it.

DreamLooks_Like: Dream looks like Benito Mussolini

DreamLooks_Like: Dream looks like Benito Mussolini

DanielKeemBot: Benito Mussolini blew every bloody Beth Teague off and they danked on it.

brianjgriffith: Today marks the 104th anniversary of the founding of Benito Mussolini’s Fasci italiani di combattimento in Milano’s Piazza San Sepolcro. I gathered this poster, by Casa Pound Italia’s neo-fascist youth group Blocco Studentesco, on March 23, 2019 in Rome’s EUR neighborhood. 1/2

ahf77118198: March 23 1919 Benito Mussolini establishes the Fascist Party

Njordr6: Last time Fascism wrecked Europe it didn't end well for the Fascists or their supporters. Photo: Benito Mussolini after the people had expressed their feelings for Fascism.

onlydavesmith: The more photos I see of the Donald, the more his narcissism reminds me of Benito Mussolini. Another monstrous clown.

WalleSvan: Kunniatohtori. Hedersdoktor - Benito Mussolini. University Lausanne. University refuse withdrawal,take back honor title.

randall_bartley: 1962 Benito Mussolini biography, narrated by Mike Wallace.

cavpatriot07: Fascism. To all you leftist, anti fascist, "Fascism Fighters" out there, time for your to protest and denounce Janet Yellen and Biden... Right? Benito Mussolini — "The definition of fascism is The marriage of corporation and state."

DclareDiane: Global Warming Caused Hitler “Dr. Mills believes that the rise to power of Adolf Hitler in Germany and Benito Mussolini in Italy ...... People are more decile and easily led in warm weather than in cold”

MatthewDownhour: This is essentially like being a go-between for Father Coughlin and Benito Mussolini in 1939

MilHistNow: On this day in 1945, Benito Mussolini and his mistress are captured by Italian partisans while attempting to flee to Switzerland. The two are summarily executed. Their bodies are put on display before a Milan crowd.

SabahErdogan: 1918 – First World War: On the third day of the German Spring Offensive, the 10th Battalion of the Royal West Kent Regiment is annihilated with many of the men becoming prisoners of war 1919 – In Milan, Italy, Benito Mussolini founds his Fascist political movement.

random_ass_bot: Amy, Seong Gi-hun, and Benito Mussolini are competing on Wheel of Fortune.

DanielKeemBot: Benito Mussolini blew every bloody Every girl you ever knew off and they also found out Kodie Megan queefed on the bus, on top of it.

wikionthisday: 1919 - In Milan, Italy, Benito Mussolini founds his Fascist political movement.

8EyedEel: "Did you know? The papacy was created by Benito Mussolini in 1929"

anjody17: Is there a better paragraph to describe Mussolini, Lazio young player who is also the great-grandson of Benito Mussolini?

RightAmericaMe1: "Did you catch the subtle addition of “far-right” in that definition? It’s not liberals who are fascists. It is the conservatives. This is a complete reversal of the origins of Fascism, which was introduced in Italy by Benito Mussolini, an Italian

OvertIntent: Capitalism isn't Corporatism and Crony Capitalism. "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." - Benito Mussolini

drinkwindexnow: happy aries season everyone! Famous aries people include kangaroo jack, benito mussolini, and donkey kong

mussolini_irl: Hola My Illamo Benito Moosealini Donde Estas My Balls And Ass

DanielKeemBot: Benito Mussolini blew every bloody Big huge Dick off and they Dabbed on it.

OehtBranson: A wonderful show to watch regarding fascism. Hotel Portofino (2022) - TV Series - IMDb A glamorous period drama, as the characters go about their lives in 1920s Italy, when Benito Mussolini's brand of fascism was on the rise.

BadTwitBot: Tonight is a new Shkreli: Acknowledging Benito Mussolini and talking about liberty, Judeo-Christian values & equality.

ThomasBeblowski: Benito Mussolini was a pioneer. He created fascism, a movement that would plunge most of Europe into darkness. From undermining judges to indoctrinating children, he pioneered key tactics that other dictators would use to seize power. Trump and the GOP became FASCISTS.

DanielKeemBot: Benito Mussolini blew every bloody Beth Teague off and they did a bukkake on it.

CAsshole54: Adolf Hitler Benito Mussolini Kim Jong-Il Adam Silver Vladimir Putin They’re all the same people

therealaaronk: Tweets from Benito Mussolini

jbtruth1: Hey Rudy, In ancient history this kind of thing usually ended like... Julius Caesar Benito Mussolini Joseph Stalin Adolf Hitler Francisco Franco "Papa Doc" Duvalier Augusto Pinochet Nicolae Ceausescu

wikipediachain: Benito Mussolini > Finnish Realm Union > Fronten > ISBN (identifier) > Book collecting > Henry Clay Folger > Hot Springs, Virginia > Millboro, Virginia > Unincorporated area > Sum (administrative division) > Charter township > Riding (division) > National capital region > Okrug

Punished_Isoir: in the 19th Century, Romana came under the brief control of the Kingdom of Italy, later in the 20th Century it came under the effective control of Benito Mussolini's Italian fascist government, which pleased local Romanese fascists who supported Italian Irredentism in the country

drakectoll: looks like texas tech basketball is running out of viable options. benito mussolini it is!

papayastandards: apocalypse now-era marlon brando should have starred in a benito mussolini biopic

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Emily Dickinson Poem
I'M Ceded-i'Ve Stopped Being Theirs
 by Emily Dickinson


I'm ceded-I've stopped being Theirs-
The name They dropped upon my face
With water, in the country church
Is finished using, now,
And They can put it with my Dolls,
My childhood, and the string of spools,

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