Aldous Leonard Huxley Deep Poems

  • 1.

    There had been phantoms, pale-remembered shapes
    Of this and this occasion, sisterly
  • 2.
    Day after day,
    At spring's return,
    I watch my flowers, how they burn
    Their lives away.
  • 3.
    Once more the windless days are here,
    Quiet of autumn, when the year
    Halts and looks backward and draws breath
    Before it plunges into death.
  • 4.
    The stars are golden instants in the deep
    Flawless expanse of night: the moon is set:
    The river sleeps, entranced, a smooth cool sleep
    Seeming so motionless that I forget
  • 5.
    Darkness had stretched its colour,
    Deep blue across the pane:
    No cloud to make night duller,
    No moon with its tarnish stain;
  • 6.
    I have run where festival was loud
    With drum and brass among the crowd
    Of panic revellers, whose cries
    Affront the quiet of the skies;
  • 7.
    There is a country in my mind,
    Lovelier than a poet blind
    Could dream of, who had never known
    This world of drought and dust and stone
  • 8.
    My green aquarium of phantom fish,
    Goggling in on me through the misty panes;
    My rotting leaves and fields spongy with rains;
    My few clear quiet autumn days--I wish
Total 8 Deep Poems by Aldous Leonard Huxley

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Blue 10 Great 9 Thought 9 Soul 9 Mind 9 Bright 9 White 9 Desire 8 Deep 8 Warm 7

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William Butler Yeats Poem
The Witch
 by William Butler Yeats

Toil and grow rich,
What's that but to lie
With a foul witch
And after, drained dry,
To be brought
To the chamber where
Lies one long sought
With despair?

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