Alan L. Strang Small Poems

  • 1.
    Masata was an Indian boy, he lived on the banks of the Ohio River in
    Kentucky. During the Revolutionary War in 1771, the Americans were
    taking over the land very fast, and when Masata was ten years old his
    parents moved to the wild regions of the Dakotas, taking Masata with
  • 2.
    Our loved ones lay them down to sleep
    And leave us here to grieve and mourn,
    While we, our silent watches keep,
    O'er their low graves whence they are bourne.
  • 3.
    Written for the first thrift stamp drive.

    I want to be a soldier
Total 3 Small Poems by Alan L. Strang

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Poem of the day

Emily Dickinson Poem
The Thrill came slowly like a Boom for
 by Emily Dickinson


The Thrill came slowly like a Boom for
Centuries delayed
Its fitness growing like the Flood
In sumptuous solitude-
The desolations only missed
While Rapture changed its Dress

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