Abdullah Ahmed Ideal Poems

  • 1.
    God fearing woman..with an overflowing kernel of love.
    The kind of love that needs not spoken of or to; but so toxic that the beam of her eyes on mine I get the message.

    Love so pure that never will a man be inwant or ever in doubt.
Total 1 Ideal Poems by Abdullah Ahmed

Top 10 most used topics by Abdullah Ahmed

Doubt 2 Corner 1 Delight 1 Book 1 Holy 1 Essential 1 Message 1 Ideal 1 Intend 1 Nurse 1

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Nayab Laeeq: Great poet

Poem of the day

Emily Dickinson Poem
Distrustful of the Gentian
 by Emily Dickinson


Distrustful of the Gentian-
And just to turn away,
The fluttering of her fringes
Child my perfidy-
Weary for my-----
I will singing go-

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