Comments about Wendell Willkie

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TeacherPerspec: "Education is the mother of leadership." - Wendell Willkie

koopatroops15: Live wendell willkie reaction

cyberalgo: “History shows that our way of life is the stronger way. From it has come more wealth, more industry, more happiness, more human enlightenment than from any other way.” —Wendell Willkie

RepRenaissance: 1940: Franklin Delano Roosevelt vs. Wendell Willkie FDR ran a perfect campaign that displaced concern over a 3rd term and appealed to both realists and isolationists. He replaced John Nance Garner with Henry Wallace, who at the time seemed bipartisan.

RalphEmmers: His wife “cheated” on him with the great US presidential candidate Wendell Willkie — it was the right thing to do for China and I’m sure Chiang agreed

histdiscourse: Wendell Willkie is B tier btw

GordonTredgold: Education is the mother of leadership. - Wendell Willkie

_L4nd0n: Greatest Wendell Willkie picture ever.

Rosbake1: Tension between isolationists and internationalists in GOP in2023 conjures up the struggle between them in the 1940s between Tom Dewey and Wendell Willkie on one side and Bob Taft on the other. Chicago Trib owner McCormick read Dewey out of the GOP in ‘44.

curtiskoch1: I love living in America because we have great dreams, and because we have the opportunity to make those dreams come true. Wendell L. Willkie

artxlovellc: WENDELL WILLKIE // Wendell Willkie was an American lawyer, corporate executive, civil rights activist, and 1940 Republican nominee for President of the United States. He settled in Akron after World War I and is famous for his "One World" concept of inte…

brenda11831: "FDR won a 3rd term defeating Republican nominee Wendell Willkie 1940 United States presidential election." I honestly wonder about a lot of this China political system bashing " the fourth term of his presidency ended with his death on April 12, 1945."

AlexODiazNV: Republicans need to be the party of Wendell Willkie again.

SportsHistProf: Thinking about the purpose behind fascist book bans taking place in America, reminds me of what Wendell Willkie said in 1941 about the relationship between reading and democracy:

GordonTredgold: Education is the mother of leadership. - Wendell Willkie

histdiscourse: Wendell Willkie was the rightful winner

GordonTredgold: Education is the mother of leadership. - Wendell Willkie

aquaimperium8: Wendell Willkie was good but only in the sense that he lost and then threw his support behind FDR's foreign policy agenda and even some civil rights and New Deal stuff. He was useful because he was literally a Democrat in charge of the GOP.

RayBoomhower: Wendell Willkie accepts the GOP presidential nomination in his hometown of Elwood, Indiana, OTD in 1940

sergei_loboda: Roosevelt won a third term by defeating Republican nominee Wendell Willkie in the 1940 United States presidential election. He remains the only president to serve for more than two terms. Trump will be 2nd president in history to serve 3 terms.

PrimeTimeTheory: Education is the mother of leadership. ~Wendell Willkie

MyDigitalLadder: For today’s MDL Motivation, we have a quote from lawyer and politician Wendell Willkie. At MDL, we help form future leaders by teaching them high-demand career skills.

ortizleadership: "Those who rejoice in denying justice to one they hate, pave the way to a denial of justice for someone they love." -Wendell Willkie

PaulSchimpf: I'm likely the only Republican commemorating Wendell Willkie's bday, but we shouldn't forget one of the unrecognized heroes of WWII. He angered GOP bosses because he put his country above his political career, supporting lend/lease and the draft, key elements in our victory.

RayBoomhower: “a good, sturdy, able, plain Hoosier . . . a man as American as the courthouse yard in the square of an Indiana county seat.” The Dark Horse: Wendell Willkie, born on this day in 1892

IEET: Wendell Willkie's book, "One World," broke sales records when it was published in 1943, and holds up remarkably well today. Many contemporary problems - climate, trade, security, human rights - require stronger transnational governance.

WayneCamo: "Freedom of the press is the staff of life, for any vital democracy."- Wendell Willkie.

sjbohnenkamp: Education is the mother of leadership. - Wendell Willkie

nick_field90: Coverage of Ron DeSantis' 2024 candidacy should consider that he's running with the full support of the Murdoch Media Empire. Making him the first primary candidate backed by a media baron since...Wendell Willkie and Henry Luce in 1940?

Pragya803: Education is the mother of leadership. —Wendell Willkie Pari ARISING WINNER PRIYANKA

LindaAb51880128: Wendell Willkie: National Prominence | Full Documentary | Biography

GordonTredgold: Education is the mother of leadership. - Wendell Willkie

MechaNonPlacet: “Is Liz Truss the last but one Wendell Willkie? Join our Onward webinar to find out!”

histdiscourse: Wendell Willkie was the rightful winner

Sanikri: 6/ “The progress of the world depends almost entirely upon education.” – George Eastman “Education is the mother of leadership.” – Wendell Willkie “Education is teaching our children to desire the right things.” – Plato

powerrrrre: "Education is the mother of leadership."- Wendell Willkie YASHASVI BHAVA ARCHANA

_nimrit_: NIMRIT DESERVES TROPHY It is from weakness that people reach for dictators and concentrated government power. Only the strong can be free. And only the productive can be strong. - Wendell Willkie..

CaliConman: I'm down for a Wendell Willkie like figure to randomly appear at the convention and get the nomination.

notesoniowa: During World War II, Cowles Jr. served as the assistant director of the Office of War Information. A longtime promoter and confidant of politician Wendell Willkie, Cowles also gained fame for purchasing the Cardiff Giant for display in his basement in the post-war era.

ScottAndPark: At the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Roosevelt swept aside all challengers and received the nomination. In November 1940, he won the presidential election against Republican Wendell Willkie.

GordonTredgold: Education is the mother of leadership. - Wendell Willkie

sgkabackup: NIMRIT DESERVES TROPHY A good catchword can obscure analysis for fifty years. - Wendell Willkie..

PHDDCWP: "The world cannot be a closed world. It must be an open world--a world in which America will share with other nations the responsibilities and great prospects of peace"--GOP Wendell Willkie, supporting FDR's bid in the Senate to send aid to Great Britain in 1941.

enjoyer_liberty: I must confess that I, Wendell Willkie, do have classified documents in my New York home…

SpecGram: A good catchword can obscure analysis for fifty years. —Wendell L. Willkie

moselanel: The press is good only when it is independent, when it can speak truthfully and fearlessly. It is bad when it is party-controlled or when it is controlled by a group of interests." - Wendell Willkie

ScottMGreer: In 1940, the GOP decided it had found the great alternative to FDR. It turned out that man was worse than FDR and helped the creation of the Globalist American Empire. This week's IQ supplement discusses Wendell Willkie and his insidious legacy.

jorgeyaure: "Education is the mother of leadership"- Wendell Willkie

GordonTredgold: Education is the mother of leadership. - Wendell Willkie

Sachmeinhu: "Education is the mother of leadership."- Wendell Willkie BB16 HEARTBEAT ARCHANA

SwatiSanyal5: “Education is the mother of leadership.” —Wendell Willkie, lawyer GOAT PLAYER SHIV THAKARE



eyaKleoJ: It only took Wendell Willkie 6 ballots to win the 1940 Republican nomination for President, and he had been a lifelong Democrat until a year-and-a-half before that!

GordonTredgold: Education is the mother of leadership. - Wendell Willkie

jonmladd: Wendell Willkie for Speaker!

TransportColl: RARE 1940 Wendell Willkie For President License Plate Topper 1940 GOP Politics

neverwasmag: Republicans govern in Spain. Wendell Willkie is president of the USA. Airships remain the uncontested masters of the sky. Imagine a world in which World War II never happened:

seungylee14: I want to know the full story of this portrait of 1940 Republican candidate Wendell Willkie. who took this photo? when and where was it taken? and how in the world does Willkie look so dripping wet?

PseudoSerial: Wendell Willkie (Will Key) visual pun pin. Swag

GordonTredgold: Education is the mother of leadership. - Wendell Willkie

ElDuderen0: They built him several museums, one of which is still operating at 319 West 107th Street. To seal the secret, word went out that if Republicans brought up the letters, Democrats would bring up Wendell Willkie's adulterous affairs.

Tara23366587: "Education is the mother of leadership."- Wendell Willkie BB SENSATION PRIYANKA

CWenceslao: "The test of good manners is to be able to put up pleasantly with bad ones." - Wendell Willkie REGxZSA ONASAP WITH KD

histdiscourse: Wendell Willkie is substantially overrated

sadzelxich: Moscow, September 23, 1942. L.-R.: Molotov, Joseph Barnes (Office of War Information), Stalin (without embellishment, in a natural size), Wendell Willkie (1940 Republican nominee for the President of the United States), Gardner Cowles (OWI).

GordonTredgold: Education is the mother of leadership. - Wendell Willkie

wazua: In no direction that we turn do we find ease or comfort. If we are honest and if we have the will to win we find only danger, hard work and iron resolution. Wendell Willkie

RealisttDreamer: REVOLUTIONS IN TECHNOLOGY, TRANSPORTATION, AND communications of the last century continue today. They have brought and continue to bring us closer to the One World Wendell Willkie envisaged. No longer is anyone anywhere an island unto himself. We are all part of a whole,

wazua: A good catchword can obscure analysis for fifty years. Wendell Willkie

CWenceslao: "The test of good manners is to be able to put up pleasantly with bad ones." - Wendell Willkie HELLO KDECEMBER ONASAP

JackValJack: In 1940, both major party candidates lost the home state of their running mates. FDR lost Iowa, home state of Henry Wallace, and Wendell Willkie lost Oregon, home state of Charles McNary

wazua: In no direction that we turn do we find ease or comfort. If we are honest and if we have the will to win we find only danger, hard work and iron resolution. Wendell Willkie

willkieproject: Elwood Raised, Rushville Campaigned. ⭐️ Although born and raised in Elwood, Indiana, Wendell Willkie moved to his wife’s hometown of Rushville, Indiana. Later, Willkie ran part of his 1940 Presidential Campaign out of the historic Durbin Hotel in downtown Rushville.

DexterFergie: This week my students read Wendell Willkie and so today I asked them to draw on the white board what they think his One-Worldism means. Turned out to be a really productive exercise.

AbbieBoilard: “Education is the mother of leadership” -Wendell Willkie

GordonTredgold: Education is the mother of leadership. - Wendell Willkie

WilsonESCInd1: “Education is the mother of leadership.” —Wendell Willkie

ReddLegend: : The Politics of Wendell Willkie...

histdiscourse: If Wendell Willkie won, we'd be so much better off

EricBermanIN: Hoover--Wanted another shot, didn't formally campaign; got as high as sixth at 1940 R convention (reached fourth on 6th ballot, when Wendell Willkie clinched nomination) Ford--Left door open for another run until two weeks into 1980 R primaries began; ultimately didn't run 3/3

GordonTredgold: Education is the mother of leadership. - Wendell Willkie

catothelesser: 1940: Republicans nominate unknown businessman Wendell Willkie, until then a lifelong moderate-to-liberal Democrat who'd supported FDR in 1932 & '36, hoping to win Dems upset by FDR seeking 3rd term. FDR wins another landslide; Willkie runs far behind GOP congressional candidates

propagandopolis: Issued as part of Republican Wendell Willkie's presidential campaign, the pin shows the grinning character of 'Ima Simp' (meaning 'simpleton'), implying that supporters of Roosevelt and the New Deal are somewhat dim.

GordonTredgold: Education is the mother of leadership. - Wendell Willkie

OnThisDayAH: 5 November 1940: Wendell Willkie is elected President of the United States. Under Willkie, the US will rejoin the League of Nations alongside Japan and, together, they will defeat Nazi Germany in World War II (1942-47). In Search of the Epitaph (1987) Bok Geo-il

ViraArmstrong: Gloria Swanson purportedly supported the 1940 and 1944 campaigns for president of Wendell Willkie and the 1964 presidential campaign of Barry Goldwater.  In 1980, she chaired the New York chapter of Seniors for Reagan-Bush.

npl_usa: Education is the mother of leadership. Wendell Willkie

DavidCranmerUn1: incorporated October 31, 1941. Among its founders were Eleanor Roosevelt, Wendell Willkie, Mayor Fiorello La Guardia, Elizabeth Cutter Morrow, Dorothy Thompson, George Field, Herbert Agar, Herbert Bayard Swope, Ralph Bunche, Father George B. Ford, Roscoe Drummond and Rex Stout.

LFTrust: "Education is the mother of leadership."⁠ -Wendell Willkie

histdiscourse: Joe Biden is basically just Wendell Willkie but reincarnated as the winner of an election

Priya70411497: Education is mother of leadership (Wendell willkie) ANUPAMAA KI SHIKSHA

kimcole2004: "Because we are generous with our freedoms, we share our rights with those who disagree with us." -Wendell Willkie

RichardMorrison: U.S. political/literary anecdote: Margaret Mitchell gained enormous popularity in the late 1930s for "Gone with the Wind". Her husband's boss, Wendell Willkie, worried that it would lead to an inferiority complex on his part, so gave him a promotion to make him feel more manly.

KIDS_DISCOVER: "Education is the mother of leadership." - Wendell Willkie

GordonTredgold: Education is the mother of leadership. - Wendell Willkie

PeterPalumbo1: Peter Shinkle: Trump has offered to negotiate peace in Ukraine, but he is no Wendell Willkie

TimothySandefur: Ayn Rand was a refugee from the USSR who hoped to make it in Hollywood. After writing a successful Broadway play, she began work on a novel about an architect—only to put it on hold to work on Wendell Willkie’s presidential campaign.

themagacancer: Trump has offered to negotiate peace in Ukraine, but he is no Wendell Willkie

chitribopinions: Donald Trump's offer to negotiate peace in Ukraine illustrates how far we've fallen from the days of bipartisan collaboration for global democracy, journalist Peter Shinkle writes.

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Poem of the day

Charles Baudelaire Poem
Spleen III
 by Charles Baudelaire

Je suis comme le roi d'un pays pluvieux,
Riche, mais impuissant, jeune et pourtant très-vieux,
Qui, de ses précepteurs méprisant les courbettes,
S'ennuie avec ses chiens comme avec d'autres bêtes.
Rien ne peut l'égayer, ni gibier, ni faucon,
Ni son peuple mourant en face du balcon.
Du bouffon favori la grotesque ballade
Ne distrait plus le front de ce cruel malade;

Read complete poem

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