Comments about Wendell Berry

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john_hq3: “There are no unsacred places; there are only sacred places and desecrated places.” - Wendell Berry.

fuchs_emmy: I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free. —Wendell Berry

YogiScottL: I part the out-thrusting branches and come in beneath the blessed and the blessing trees. Though I am silent there is singing around me. Though I am dark there is vision around me. Though I am heavy there is flight around me. ~ Wendell Berry, "Woods"

TABITHAKWA50591: Grandmam came back from that distance in time that separates grandmothers from their grandchildren and made herself a mother to me.,Wendell Berry, Hannah Coulter,grandmother, mother,

ki39873: The significance - and ultimately the quality - of the work we do is determined by our understanding of the story in which we are taking part.,Wendell Berry,life-story, work,

Cath_Lawton: "I believe in taking up the call issued by Wendell Berry who says that an author's duty today is to rescue some values from the dustbin of relativism and go about bravely building meaning and relevance in a world at direct odds with them both."-J. Michael Dew, author, Gadly Plain

BelindaGreb: "There are no sacred and unsacred places; there are only sacred and desecrated places." Wendell Berry

xz2EZzx: “There are no unsacred places; there are only sacred places and desecrated places.” ~Wendell Berry SD

WVPitt: "It seems to me that science is badly corrupted when scientists depart from their responsibly limited and limiting ways of testing or proving comparitavely small truths." -- Wendell Berry

earnestdrollery: This Wendell Berry poem holds me up.

SillyGibby: This is me trying to introduce my fellow federal land management workers to Wendell Berry

drewthurman: Wendell Berry

DoctourSilver: Farmer and writer, Wendell Berry, on the persistence of rivers: "To a river, as to any natural force, an obstruction is merely an opportunity. For the river's nature is to flow; it is not just spatial in dimension, but temporal as well. All things must yield to the

jamesdecker2006: Our country is not being destroyed by bad politics, is being destroyed by a bad way of life. Bad politics is merely another result. Wendell Berry

hardherb72: 4 of 5 stars to Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry

MidwestSarabeth: It should be noted: KUDOS to mom Brandi Berry, who raised the issue while other parents in the community apparently just accepted this. Superintendent Wendell Quesinberry does not seem up to the job of comprehending the problem and responding appropriately ...

CMoneyKS: …was good for The Economy.” -Wendell Berry in *Jayber Crow*

WVPitt: "Agrarianism by contrast arises from the primal wish for a home land or home place, the wish in terms of our tradition, for the freedom and independence that comes from dependence on a parcel of land." -- Wendell Berry (1/2)

WVPitt: "Agrarianism grants its highest practical value to the good husbandry of the land. It is motivated, to an extent effective and significant, by neighborliness, family loyalty, and devotion to the coherence and longevity of communities." -- Wendell Berry (2/2)

Babs7169: On page 57 of 336 of Spiritual Ecology, by Wendell Berry

WVPitt: "We have the liberal freedom of unrestrained personal behavior, and the conservative freedom of unrestrained economic behavior. These two freedoms are more alike, more allied, and more collaborative than either side would like to admit." -- Wendell Berry

missconstrude: XII. by Wendell Berry The old man is in the last days of work he has done and loved for many years. He is mowing with his old team, the white horse and the black, on the open hillside under the open sky, within the surrounding woods. This work once was known by many of his kind

HaddenTurner: "[it is a myth that] technological advances that have disemployed so many people from farming and manufacturing will never take away the jobs of service and postindustrial workers." Wendell Berry 2016. He was so correct.

YogiScottL: “And the world cannot be discovered by a journey of miles, no matter how long, but only by a spiritual journey, a journey of one inch, very arduous and humbling and joyful, by which we arrive at the ground at our own feet, and learn to be at home.” ~ Wendell Berry

theonlytuba: “It may be that when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work and when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey. The mind that is not baffled is not employed. The impeded stream is the one that sings.Wendell Berry”

GabKaplanMayer: Inspired by Wendell Berry's powerful poem, 'The Peace of Wild Things,' take a journey to your peaceful place:

yoopermomma: “We are living in the most destructive and, hence, the most stupid period of the history of our species.” ~ Wendell Berry

carman_tessa: “The young are born to the human condition more than to their time, and they face mainly the same trials and obligations as their elders have faced.” Wendell Berry, “Family Work”

mbalter: “Don’t own so much clutter that you will be relieved to see your house catch fire.” — Wendell Berry

mbalter: “It may be that when we no longer know which way to go that we have come to our real journey. The mind that is not baffled is not employed. The impeded stream is the one that sings.” — Wendell Berry

thehistoryboy: a meeting in a part by Wendell Berry

HEBaumeister: Turns out Wendell Berry was right about many of the ills of modernity!!!

MattMetcalf: I am once again thinking of Wendell Berry's Questionnaire.

EOrthodoxy: “Some of the best things I have ever thought of I have thought of during bad sermons.” ~ Wendell Berry My former parishioners can well attest to the truth of Berry's observation.

dotkaye: Less and less you are that possibility you were. - Wendell Berry

mbalter: “You can best serve civilization by being against what usually passes for it.” ― Wendell Berry

mbalter: “Do unto those downstream as you would have those upstream do unto you.” ― Wendell Berry

WVPitt: As usual, Wendell Berry has something worthwhile to say. (From "Home Economics")

colonellovely: I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free. —Wendell Berry

zhang_yueting: Who is Wendell Berry?

StephenJOwens_: In Wendell Berry's book Jayber Crow, the main character laments the breakdown of his small town, Port William, Kentucky. One key moment is the closure of the local school. Jayber, a cynic of all things bureaucratic and governmental, still recognized the damage of that loss.

frjoshTX: When you can’t pray well or at all, read poetry. To my fellow parents: this poem by Wendell Berry has helped me now too many times, when news of the slaughter of more innocents has shaken me out of praying well, when I need better answers than there are.

GabKaplanMayer: 'I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water.' One of the poems I return to for comfort often is this beauty from Wendell Berry:

fishclamor: Poem of the day: “marriage” by Wendell Berry. “…it is healing. It is never whole.” Yes you do have time to click! You don’t have time not to!

stoicusok: "Dust" Wendell Berry The dust motes float and swerve in the sunbeam, as lively as worlds, and I remember my brother saying, when we were boys, "We may be living on an atom in somebody's wallpaper."

augurydefier: hey uhhh. mr berry. wendell. why did you do this to me

sandwichfan90: hungover af driving thru Wendell berry's kentucky on a clear and perfect spring day

HannahFSNation: Not a sequoia but Wendell Berry was quoted in church & I find myself reflecting on what it is I’m planting & how likely I am to never see the results. This is grace. “Say that your main crop is the forest that you did not plant, that you will not live to harvest.”

StanHazen: “Whether we and our politicians know it or not, Nature is party to all our deals and decisions, and she has more votes, a longer memory, and a sterner sense of justice than we do.” — Wendell Berry

bjygeronimo: Lauugh. Laughter is immeasurable. Be joyful though you have considered all the facts. - Wendell Berry

451b7a41: Someone once sank those pilings with a bright vision for the future and likely considerable pride of place. Wendell Berry bros take heed: vocation in and love for the land is not enough. An economic raison d'etre must also persist in our soil for love to grow there.

conner_faught: I lack the peace of simple things. I am never wholly in place. I find no peace or grace. We sell the world to buy fire, our way lighted by burning men, & that has bent my mind & made me think of darkness & wish for the life of dumb roots. from Wendell Berry’s “The Want of Peace”

garonnevik: "But now as March warms, and the rivulets run like birdsong on the slopes, and the branches of light sing in the hills, slowly we return to earth." -Wendell Berry

ArleneHache: “You can best serve civilization by being against what usually passes for it.” Wendell Berry

jaymargalus: Wendell Berry is a treasure.

yes: A++ point “People are fed by the food industry, which pays no attention to health, and are treated by the health industry, which pays no attention to food.” - Wendell Berry

davytheslavy: “You can best serve civilization by being against what usually passes for it.” Wendell Berry

makhoury1946: “You can best serve civilization by being against what usually passes for it.” Wendell Berry

jchrisallen: Even while I dreamed I prayed that what I saw was only fear and no foretelling, for I saw the last known landscape destroyed for the sake of the objective--the soil bulldozed, the rock blasted. -Wendell Berry

SimmonsBart: “People are fed by the food industry, which pays no attention to health, and are treated by the health industry, which pays no attention to food.” - Wendell Berry There is a much better way forward -

oblatenate: "So, friends, every day do something that won’t compute. Love the Lord. Love the world. Work for nothing. Take all that you have and be poor. Love someone who does not deserve it." - Wendell Berry

CPIInterntl: "The Earth is what we all have in common." —Wendell Berry

nathanmart: and now I'm reading about her visit with Wendell Berry this lede is so understated and perfect. "...Two and a half years ago, feeling existentially adrift about the future of the planet, I sent a letter to Wendell Berry, hoping he might have answers..."

jvivas_official: The best domain I’ve bought so far is

UnityofSpringf1: Earth Day: April 22, 2023. "The Earth is what we all have in common." -Wendell Berry

alanfrow: "Expect the end of the World. Laugh. Laughter is immeasurable. Be joyful though you have considered all the facts." Wendell Berry, Manifesto

Orion_Magazine: Step inside the mind of a mouse with Wendell Berry. “To imagine the life and adventures of Whitefoot, you must compress your mind to her size. Think of going about with your eyes only an inch or two from the ground..."

Makenzie29mL: Telling the Stories Right: Wendell Berry’s Imagination of Port William HFDJZLA

NoahSabich: "Make a place to sit down. Sit down. Be quiet. You must depend upon affection, reading, knowledge, skill — more of each than you have — inspiration, work, growing older, patience, for patience joins time to eternity." ~ Wendell Berry

JonRayGardner: When it’s all too much, look at this photo and read a Wendell Berry poem. You’ll feel better.

CarterMcNeese: From “The Mad Farmer Manifesto: The First Amendment” by Wendell Berry.

dANDIfam_OFC: Thinking is the most overrated human activity..Wendell Berry JOSH CRUSHING ON MANDY

jamesdecker2006: If the principle were applied that landscapes should not not be used by people who do not live in them and share their fate, we would have far less need for the principle of “environmental protection.” Wendell Berry “Two Minds”

kenpierpont: Be thankful and repay Growth with good work and care. Work done in gratitude, Kindly, and well, is prayer. From The Farm—by Wendell Berry.

luqmanitsnan: The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life. – Wendell Berry

SavetheHellfire: “The earth is what we all have in common.” Wendell Berry

winningwriters: "My Friend, Wendell Berry", a poem by William J. Harris |

DavidDark: It says something that Wendell Berry and Cormac McCarthy both address Oppenheimer in their late works.

jeff_bilbro: Wendell Berry, in which he identifies why we need a liberal arts education--to form us to use our freedom well--and what I think is the biggest danger of ChatGPT: what are its formative effects on those who use it to perform thought?

jamesdecker2006: Perhaps one begins to see the difference between a small local business that must share the fate of a local community and a large absentee corporation that is set up to escape the fate of a local community by ruining the local community. Wendell Berry The Idea of a Local Economy

Tool_Being: "If indeed we are at war with nature, then nature is winning." Wendell Berry

BelindaGreb: "The past is our definition. We may strive with good reason to escape it, or to escape what is bad in it. But we will escape it only by adding something better to it." Wendell Berry

rockin_rev: 5 of 5 stars to Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry

turner40uvfpj: The World-Ending Fire: The Essential Wendell Berry SJJC3YC

Tim_Suttle: On AI: “If you love your neighbors you mustn’t replace them with machinery.” Wendell Berry

BelindaGreb: "When I rise up, let me rise up joyful like a bird. When I fall, let me fall without regret like a leaf." Wendell Berry Sunbathing Cormorants by Belinda Greb Photography

Justice78602373: The earth is what we all have in common. —Wendell Berry Sushant Worked Wonders

NoJesuitTricks: Last night, before I went to bed, I had this poem by Wendell Berry on my mind. So I decided to take few minutes to sit down and read it to ya'll. "Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front"

opus125: “When we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey.” Wendell Berry

holdengraber: THE PEACE OF WILD THINGS “When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be” ~ Wendell Berry

Zar_Da_Merc: "The world is greater than our words. To speak of it the mind must bend." -~ Wendell Berry

MayaCPopa: "The Peace of Wild Things" by Wendell Berry:

LiveWellPoems: New Episode: Ep. 70: "The Peace of Wild Things" by Wendell Berry. Apple ->

mattswaim: Sometimes I just read my favorite Wendell Berry poem and think about unplugging everything in my entire house and going to the woods forever

LiveWellPoems: Today's episode. Spotify ->

jamesdecker2006: A man with a machine and inadequate culture is a pestilence. He shakes more than he can hold. Wendell Berry “Damage”

Waseem_Ahmed98: Fantastic teach out today on Wendell Berry on the Americas picket line by one of our students!

nssbitmesra: "The forest is not a resource for us; it is a life." -Wendell Berry World Forest Day is a day to celebrate the beauty and importance of forests.

flyingmulefarm: From Wendell Berry: The ewe flock, bred in October, brings forth in March. This so far remains, this pain and renewal, whatever war is being fought. We go through the annual passage of birth and death, triumph and heartbreak, love and exasperation, mud, milk, mucus, and blood.

mallhands: Quote from this morning's bulletin: “If the devil doesn't exist... how do you explain that some people are a lot worse than they're smart enough to be?” ― Wendell Berry

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Poem of the day

Andrew Lang Poem
Melville And Coghill - The Place Of The Little Hand
 by Andrew Lang

DEAD, with their eyes to the foe,
Dead, with the foe at their feet;
Under the sky laid low
Truly their slumber is sweet,
Though the wind from the Camp of the
Slain Men blow,
And the rain on the wilderness beat.


Read complete poem

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