Walter Crane Great Poems

  • 1.
    Once there lived a little man,
    Where a little river ran,
    And he had a little farm and little dairy O!
    And he had a little plough,
  • 2.
    A poor thing the Mouse was, and yet,
    When the Lion got caught in a net,
    All his strength was no use
    'Twas the poor little Mouse
  • 3.
    When good King Arthur ruled this land,
    He was a goodly king--
    He stole three pecks of barley-meal,
  • 4.
    Oranges and lemons, says the bells of St. Clemen's;
    You owe me five farthings, says the bells of St. Martin's;
    When will you pay me, says the bells of Old Bailey;
    When I grow rich, says the bells of Shoreditch;
  • 5.

    It was the frog lived in the well,
    Heigh-ho! says Rowley;
  • 6.
    Tom he was a piper's son,
    He learnt to play when he was young;
    But all the tunes that he could play
  • 7.
    So the Mouse had Miss Lion for bride;
    Very great was his joy and his pride:
    But it chanced that she put
    On her husband her foot,
  • 8.
    Prayed the Fish, as the Fisherman took
    Him, a poor little mite, from his hook,
    "Let me go! I'm so small."
    He replied, "Not at all!
Total 8 Great Poems by Walter Crane

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The Thrill came slowly like a Boom for
 by Emily Dickinson


The Thrill came slowly like a Boom for
Centuries delayed
Its fitness growing like the Flood
In sumptuous solitude-
The desolations only missed
While Rapture changed its Dress

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