Comments about Terry Eagleton

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hatemachine1187: Read this as Terry Eagleton

andymurphy1961: This week I shall be reading "Ideology: an Introduction" by Terry Eagleton

AcademicHack: "His thought is redneck, yours is doctrinal, and mine is deliciously supple." (Terry Eagleton)

cyberalgo: “For the liberal state to accommodate a diversity of beliefs while having few positive convictions is one of the more admirable achievements of civilization.” —Terry Eagleton

am__you: I keep getting ads for a new show about Tetris starring a man named Taron Egerton and I keep misreading it as Terry Eagleton.

aufhebunghole: Terry Eagleton is a great palate cleanser after reading much drier articles

CamFantastic1: terry eagleton's How To Read Literature is not very enlightening on how to read literature. le sigh

CiceroMagister: Quote by Terry Eagleton

sensitive_bore: from terry eagleton’s literary theory intro book

Neon_Ryx: "After all, if you do not resist the apparently inevitable, you will never know how inevitable the inevitable was." -Terry Eagleton

Grammatizator: A message to the 20 somethings who think they're all that because they downloaded a terry eagleton pdf over lockdown, or worse, joined kothamalli cult - grow up lmao. You guys defend shoddy work so much, take that time to actually study/write a good paper.

hujane: "Fiction is an antidote to egoism, letting us view the world through estranging eyes. As far as real life goes, however, this overstates our inscrutability."

Alex__1789: Has anyone actually read Ernst Bloch's The Principle of Hope? And is Terry Eagleton's judgement (that Bloch's hope is an overly capacious concept and moreover ultimately too happy-clappy) correct?

yakabikaj: "As the current cliché has it, everybody is different, a proposition which if true would spell the end of ethics, sociology, demography, medical science and a good deal besides." (Terry Eagleton)

yakabikaj: From this essay:

Red_Care_Bot: Terry Eagleton makes me fist

rc_wisehack: I must admit, one of my favorite quips from an author is what Martin Amis said of Terry Eagleton: "He is a marooned ideologue who can't get out of bed in the morning without guidance from God and Karl Marx." It makes me chuckle.

HeshamA24475613: Evil may be 'unscientific' but so is a song or a smile.,Terry Eagleton,evil, music, science,

fringequest: “If it is true that we need a degree of certainty to get by, it is also true that too much of the stuff can be lethal.” – Terry Eagleton

unherd: We’re a long way from peasants with pitchforks marching on the lord’s castle — but there’s a whiff of revolution in the air | Terry Eagleton

hemaliee: fictional narratives might help us to see continuity in ways other than the straightforwardly linear The hope that value and insight are to be found mainly in art is a symptom of our condition, not a solution to it.

BernaKathre: W.Shakespeare - Trajedi / Terry Eagleton

djhamstra: "Like halitosis, ideology is what the other guy has."

maureenonbowen: I am reading Terry Eagleton’s “Humour” this week and need jokes of all sorts for a related exercise. Send me jokes, please.

unitedg09158101: Successful revolutions are those which end up by erasing all traces of themselves.,Terry Eagleton, Why Marx Was Right,history, marxism, politics, revolution,

patrick_mooney: As Terry Eagleton said,

AURAPEARSON13: Ideology is one of those concepts that can be difficult to define, but which is nonetheless essential to understanding political and cultural life. In this short essay, Terry Eagleton offers a basic definition of ideology and its role in society

problemcl0wn: I believe Terry Eagleton says outright in his intro to Verso's edition of The Gospels that the original writers of the Gospels probs removed Jewish elements of Jesus' life, and imo it's likely that was then compounded by its translations when it became dogma.

gregowalogist: "the muscular capacity of trade unions is nothing compared to the power of capital." "Walter Benjamin remarked that revolution isn’t a runaway train; it is the application of the emergency brake." - Terry Eagleton

gregowalogist: "How do we stop strikes? By the kind of redistribution of resources which will make them unnecessary. Otherwise we’ll carry on with the same old antithesis of private wealth and public squalor." - Terry Eagleton

Antizaratustra: Terry el Eagleton

GKBesterfriend: get in loser, today we're reading Terry Eagleton.

unherd: Are strikers wreckers and hooligans — or working-class heroes? | Terry Eagleton

unherd: We can’t ban strikes like the Fascists — but we can’t stomach them either | Terry Eagleton

unherd: The British working class is one of history’s most docile – we should listen when it speaks up | Terry Eagleton

CrookEleanor: A terrible dream. Busy sculpting when I realise everyone else has left for a funeral. I follow barefoot, get lost, find the church and there is Terry Eagleton as a vicar. What can it mean

Zeb_Dreams: My Dad had a sub to unherd and insists on sending me links today Terry Eagleton on strikes. But really about capitalism

commonwealmag: On this day, in 1883, Karl Marx died. Why does his thought persist? Was Marx right? Terry Eagleton insists that it's not too late to ask.

baldwin_malachi: Terry Eagleton lighting the corners dimmed by MSM

HarrisonSealts: “English writing tends to be sharper and more contentious than the bland prose of US academia.” - Terry Eagleton, London Review of Books 16 February (reviewing Peter Brooks, “Seduced by Story: The Use and Abuse of Narrative”)

HarrisonSealts: “The book speaks of the need for storytelling as protection from the chaos of reality, but for whom is reality chaotic? For disillusioned intellectuals.” - Terry Eagleton reviewing Peter Brooks, London Review of Books, 16 February

twitatreyee: Morning re-up. Go listen to E3, BBP on Terry Eagleton on 'distressed jeans'.

eudaemonology: “Socialism is the completion of democracy, not the negation of it.” ~ Terry Eagleton ~

ilchinealach: Terry Eagleton's son saving Why Marx is (Still!) Right.docx to his Desktop, will be 5k words in by 3pm

Cominsitu: Like halitosis, ideology is what the other guy has. - Terry Eagleton

Red_Care_Bot: Terry Eagleton makes me read, makes me care about others' needs

Mysoftwa5194: The study of history and philosophy, accompanied by some acquaintance with art and literature, should be for lawyers and engineers as well as for those who study in arts faculties.,Terry Eagleton,Art, Philosophy, Literature ,

TrueLasting3364: ... Capitalism will behave antisocially if it is profitable for it to do so, and that can now mean human devastation on an unimaginable scale. What used to be apocalyptic fantasy is today no more than sober realism....,Terry Eagleton, Why Marx Was Right,capitalism,

MichaelRobertA8: Plato’s Symposium. The atonement is the perfection of a primordial and instinctive truth written across human history: to die for Love is the greatest gain, or as Terry Eagleton said, ‘If you don’t love, you’re dead, and if you do, they’ll kill you.’

Red_Care_Bot: Terry Eagleton makes me cum

Zourken07219539: You can tell that the capitalist system is in trouble when people start talking about capitalism.,Terry Eagleton, Why Marx Was Right,capitalism,

KansieDisney: “Hostility to theory usually means an opposition to other people’s theories and oblivion of one’s own” -Terry Eagleton

GieslerIris: …which we adults have long forgotten." - Terry Eagleton, The Significance of Theory -

MattFlisfeder: “Romanticism and what Terry Eagleton calls ‘the ideology of the aesthetic’ have long structured the backward-looking critique of capitalist modernity.”

GaryAmdahl: "The book speaks of the need for storytelling as protection from the chaos of reality, but for whom is reality chaotic?"

commonwealmag: Was Marx right? It's not, Terry Eagleton argues, too late to ask.

tonygill3: I see that Terry Eagleton has decided to sniff from across the pond than write a simple book review

VioletGweny: Sometimes this is just Raymond Williams and/or Terry Eagleton

Litandtheory: 4.3 Terry Eagleton

NatureDidIt: Terry Bruno, ash casey, Ben cruz, Kyle allen, John boozeman, Nicole hamilton, Don hamilton, Martha hamilton, Paul cafaro, Ben winters, Kimberly winters, helena, eagleton, and epic SMP which would be what John Soules you wouldn't that be you? That be you Carmen Smitty Smith?

BenHCarrington: "You can tell that the capitalist system is in trouble when people start talking about capitalism. It indicates that the system has ceased to be as natural as the air we breathe, and can be seen instead as the historically rather recent phenomenon that it is." - Terry Eagleton

ElizWinkler: As Terry Eagleton writes, “If one were to provide a single explanation for the growth of English studies in the later nineteenth century, one could do worse than reply: ‘the failure of religion.’”

davidrieff: Brilliant piece by Terry Eagleton: Vladimir Putin's war on chaos - UnHerd

ccclyde_wang: I was obviously joking when I said Zizek was the only true leftist. For what I know, Terry Eagleton, in his usual witty language, has published one of the best takes on Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Take a look:

benwurgaft: "OK, longtime fans of this channel know my feelings about this, but Terry Eagleton begins his Benjamin chapter with the title 'The Marxist Rabbi'" [sadface] -

coffeephilosoph: What’s your story?

textualmadness: “Like halitosis, ideology is what the other guy has.” What’s your story?

Monkelangelo: “The humanities should constitute the core of any university worth the name.” ― Terry Eagleton The answer to low enrollment in the humanities is not to shut them down, but to promote their benefits in an interconnected world. Science w/o the humanities is a body without a soul.

ccclyde_wang: Terry Eagleton is such a genius. I've never seen anyone else who could make a dry argument about ideology so amusing.

KurtNewman8: I feel like, periodically, people should recall that Terry Eagleton wrote this in 2000

Animus1965: "Like halitosis, ideology is what the other guy has" Terry Eagleton

newrepublic: An office worker’s high blood pressure, a steel worker’s missing limbs and eyes, and the long Covid symptoms affecting many people are evidence that, as literary critic Terry Eagleton has put it, “capitalism plunders the sensuality of the body.”

ackocher: Terry Eagleton was so central to my appreciation for literature as well as a certain kind of respect for a certain kind of very specific theology. Very formative to my own thoughts, for sure.

mmmfiber: "Conspiracies are symptoms of the anxiety which comes from freedom," says Terry Eagleton. "They are antidotes to the open-endedness of history"

talalamjadmalik: Negativity is often looked upon [in the USA] as a kind of thought crime. Not since the advent of socialist realism has the world witnessed such pathological upbeatness. Terry Eagleton Reason, Faith, and Revolution: Reflections on the God Debate

talalamjadmalik: seriously indebted to the Marxist tradition.” ― Terry Eagleton, Why Marx Was Right

talalamjadmalik: Christianity, he remarks, is no basis for civil order, since Jesus proclaims that he has come to pitch society into turmoil.” Terry Eagleton, Culture and the Death of God

talalamjadmalik: “It is thus the adventure of poetry, not the closure of philosophy, that most truly reflects the human condition.” Terry Eagleton, Culture and the Death of God

danieljhartley: Today is Terry Eagleton’s 80th birthday. If it wasn’t for his work (which I first encountered by chance in Blackwell’s bookshop beneath Cardiff student union), I doubt I’d have ended up pursuing the path I’ve taken. He was a really formative figure for me - mainly for the better.

LRB: ‘The Russian commentator Margarita Simonyan says that all we have by way of truth is a host of competing anecdotes. This wouldn’t matter so much if Simonyan weren’t the director of the Kremlin’s TV channel.’ Terry Eagleton on facts and other narratives:

jennyaharper1: Wondering if Terry Eagleton and Terry Pratchett are the same person: 'This is why it isn't so important if poets, as opposed to brain surgeons or aeronautical engineers, get their facts wrong.'

abdllhciftci: “The problem is that the world has become polarized sharply between those who believe too little and those who believe too much.” Terry Eagleton

ProfDaveAndress: LOL, Terry Eagleton, Important Academic Theorist, writes some off-the-wrist fluff about conspiracy-theory for UnHerd, triggering a good old-fashioned comments rant about how he DARES to inflict his belief that Covid is dangerous on UnHerd's not-sheeple...

rtsaturyan: If Terry Eagleton is not around, is Dawkins still wrong? We’ll see.

judsontaylor: Why do literary types put so much emphasis on the power of story? They have nowhere else to turn.

jake_romm: read this terry eagleton article on conspiracies and I think he gets it exactly backwards, arguing that conspiracism stems from the "the anxiety which comes from freedom...conspiracies are antidotes to the open-endedness of history." But,

PoetPhilly: What a concise essay. TERRY EAGLETON does it again.

IverArmando: What’s your story?

petemarcus: Terry Eagleton on Peter Brooks and the power of stories

jackquirk_: Eagleton's review of Brooks' new book on narrative. Worth checking out.

yosukeyanase: QT: What Brooks glumly calls ‘the narrative takeover of reality’ was complete. It isn’t just that everyone now has a story; it’s that everyone is a story.

yosukeyanase: QT: Facts, Brooks argues, always come to us embedded in a narrative, which makes it hard to see how they can be used to verify or falsify it.

yosukeyanase: QT: the ideal is a cognitive dissonance in which one believes and disbelieves at the same time. Since reading fiction involves a suspension of disbelief, it can show us how to attain this dual consciousness.

yosukeyanase: QT: One of the traditional functions of fiction was to give voice to stories that were somehow inherent in reality.

yosukeyanase: QT: one of the most precious functions of fictional narratives is to cultivate sympathy for others. By the power of the imagination, we can project ourselves into people who are otherwise alien or opaque, and art can teach us how to do this in life.

yosukeyanase: QT: Fiction is an antidote to egoism, letting us view the world through estranging eyes.

NDhingra4: "Liberals like Brooks fear being imprisoned by their own convictions, or oppressed by the convictions of others; the ideal is a cognitive dissonance in which one believes & disbelieves at the same time, rather as Othello..."

unherd: Conspiracy theories are symptoms of the anxiety which comes from freedom | Terry Eagleton

CiteSeer: "Most poetry in the modern age has retreated to the private sphere, turning its back on the political realm." - Terry Eagleton

mausellmoli: “Like halitosis, ideology is what the other guy has.”

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Poem of the day

Emily Dickinson Poem
I'M Ceded-i'Ve Stopped Being Theirs
 by Emily Dickinson


I'm ceded-I've stopped being Theirs-
The name They dropped upon my face
With water, in the country church
Is finished using, now,
And They can put it with my Dolls,
My childhood, and the string of spools,

Read complete poem

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