Who is Temple Grandin

Mary Temple Grandin (born August 29, 1947) is an American scientist, academic and animal behaviorist. She is a prominent proponent for the humane treatment of livestock for slaughter and the author of more than 60 scientific papers on animal behavior. Grandin is a consultant to the livestock industry, where she offers advice on animal behavior, and is also an autism spokesperson.

Grandin is one of the first autistic people to document the insights she gained from her personal experience of autism. She is currently a faculty member with Animal Sciences in the College of Agricultural Sciences at Colorado State University.

In 2010, Time 100, an annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world, named her in the "Heroes" category. She was the subject of the Emmy- an...
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Comments about Temple Grandin

Boygirlsunny: temple grandin is the movie brw
Pjcowart: temple grandin the millionaire factory farmer has asperger's not autism. the cottage industry that props up the idea that she has autism does so only to sell products to a wider audience. her personality cult does a real disservice to those with severe asd.
Kellybdevoe: folks on the spectrum willing to identify, i have a question for you! i am curious your thought processes, though i am sure everybody is different — i think verbally for example, and work my thoughts out via tweet honestly lol. temple grandin thinks in pictures (not me at all)
Quillsoft: dr. temple grandin put it best in this quote. we are committed to making reading and writing more accessible, because while we are all different, none of us are lesser. learn more about our commitments at
Mtwallet888: animals in translation by temple grandin by logcabinbooks
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AnotherGuyOnTheSpectrum: I 've been reading lots of quotes from Dr. Grandin, and i cannot help getting annoyed over the jaw-dropping selfserving tone of voice, The amount of criticism those 'others' are receiving is just beyond insulting. And i'm on the spectrum, mind you. the complete contempt for people engaging in 'social life activities' i find just downright unbearable.

It's Sheldon Cooper in real life. so, temple, those other 'strange' people should learn much more from 'our' autistic way of life ? so it would be more comfortable for YOU ? You , on the other hand, could clearly not be bothered to take an interest in those strange people !! f ing selfish behavour.

“Unfortunately, most people never observe the natural cycle of birth and death. They do not realize that for one living thing to survive, another living thing must die.”
― Temple Grandin, Thinking in Pictures: My Life with Autism

How can you know this ? have you asked people via questionair ? Most people have families you know, most people have lost people, have witnessed babies being born. comming from you, who has not ever been in a relationship , much less have given birth to a child i find this quote extremely pompous, guru like, ungrounded.

So autistic people are gods gift to mankind, without whom we would still be living in caves ? your'e a retarded robot !!!

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Emily Dickinson Poem
Some one prepared this mighty show
 by Emily Dickinson


Some one prepared this mighty show
To which without a Ticket go
The nations and the Days-

Displayed before the simplest Door
That all may witness it and more,

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