Comments about Shimon Peres

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Daark_web: ☢️Nobel peace prizes are strictly reserved for the enemies of humanity. Yousafzai Malala, Obama (drone king), ICAN, OPCW, EU, Jimmy Carter, Aung San Su Kyi (Ronhingya genocide), Shimon Peres for killing Palestinians Greta Thunberg, Zalensky, Joe Biden are waiting for the award

musician_as: ; ), <3 "The most important thing in life is to dare" Shimon Peres

cyberalgo: “When I am speaking about American presidents, I have to speak about my very special relations with President Clinton. He contributed more to peace than anybody else in the American sense.” —Shimon Peres

nimkef: Milchan, who is good friends with current Israeli President Shimon Peres, said that he then helped Israel obtain key nuclear equipment and information while Peres built the Dimona nuclear reactor as Director-General of the Ministry of Defense

gnuseibeh: Days after Netanyahu defeated Shimon Peres in the 1996 elections, Peres told me of his dream to bring democracy and peace to the Middle East. We now find out that Netanyahu’s dream was to remove democracy and peace from Israel and the Middle East

simonwiesenthal: Watch Now on Netflix: "Never Stop Dreaming - The Life and Legacy of Shimon Peres"

IFinestQuotes: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. -- Shimon Peres

sharetw_: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. -- Shimon Peres

InspiredUs: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. Shimon Peres

justthinkit: "he met with Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres, officials of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, and the CIA to arrange meetings with high-ranking Iranian officials" Yeah, but can he wield a balalaika?

Ashley20442716: "Ukraine is not our war but Freedom is our fight" Shimon Peres: "The United States is the only power in history...," THANK GOD; THANK YOU AMERICA; THANK YOU DEAR MIKE; AN OLD FRIEND OF

realjimten: Meanwhile Maurice was also busy founding the Earth Council Institute in 1992 and recruiting world luminaries such as Mikhail Gorbachev, Shimon Peres, Al Gore and David Rockefeller. In 2000 Earth Charter was formed as a further push by Strong to create a world governing body.

nspector4: I’m old enough to remember when big American [and Canadian] money flowed into Israel from the Left through the Labour Party [and Shimon Peres in particular]

rgtrendsetter: I fell in love with the girl that later on became my wife. At that time, we were so naive. I wanted to charm her, so I read her Capital by Marx. I thought somehow she would be convinced by the strength of his criticism about capital. -Shimon Peres ROOMantic26ETHER RALPHGAIL

loyal10z: President Shimon Peres: The Kindle Singles Interview (Kindle Single) 0NH4GQR

Inspired2Share: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. -- Shimon Peres

QuotePicNet: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. -- Shimon Peres

Quotesme_: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. -- Shimon Peres

BreitburgSimone: Ancient Hebrew Prayer 'Avinu Malkeinu' | Shimon Peres Funeral Israeli pr...

CUFI: “Find a cause that's larger than yourself and then give your life to it.” ― Shimon Peres

OpinionatorIII: The death of a statesman like Shimon Peres, who spent more than 60 years in public service, would mark a towering milestone in any nation.

theflowernurse: Shimon Peres gave 60 % of Jerusalem to the vatican at the 1993 Oslo Accords

CUFI: "Optimists and pessimists die the exact same death, but they live very different lives!" - Shimon Peres

121reggae: Shimon Peres, Polish-born Israeli statesman, Died at 93 Shimon Peres was born on August 2, 1923, and

cyberalgo: “I believe that peace with the Palestinians is most urgent - urgent than ever before. It is necessary. It is crucial. It is possible. A delay may worsen its chances. Israel and the Palestinians are, in my judgment, ripe today to restart the peace process.” —Shimon Peres

Quotesme_: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. -- Shimon Peres

WeBelieveIsrael: Shimon Peres was elected as Prime Minister in 84, overseeing the stabilisation of the economy. Peres would go on to be the Knesset’s longest serving member, remaining in the legislature for 48 years, and to serve as President. This post has been part of our Israel 75 series

JosianeSylvia: "The Peres Center for peace and innovation" was inspired by the vision of late President Shimon Peres".

Pwilliams1508: The choice the pioneers faced was stark: succeed or starve.” ― Shimon Peres

DavidCranmerUn1: the Middle East. The pipeline was to extend from Iraq to Jordan and was negotiated by Edwin Meese, Shimon Peres, Bruce Rappaport, Robert C. McFarlane, and others. Bank of New York-Inter Maritime laundered money from Benex which had ties to Semion Mogilevich. In addition to

Katurebe99: “tell them that both optimists and pessimists die in the end, but the optimist leads a hopeful and happy existence while the pessimist spends his days cynical and downtrodden. It is too high a price to pay. Besides, optimism is a prerequisite of progress..." Shimon Peres

JoshTranchita: Naftali Bennett still has a good reputation and didn’t assassinate shimon Peres he should be prime minister of Israel

JoshTranchita: I cannot be harmed Israel’s armies are protecting me and shin bet knows that Netanyahu collected a payment right after shimon Peres death

Katurebe99: “without emboldening people to envisage the unlikely, we increase risk rather than diminish it.” ― Shimon Peres, No Room for Small Dreams: Courage, Imagination and the Making of Modern Israel

essentialbolu: Shimon Peres: what a man!

remiopakunle: Shimon Peres and Moshe Dayan were my childhood heroes

Azeem_Sabzvari: Benazir's own admission in her opinion piece for New York times where she admitted meeting Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres at University of Berkeley

Katurebe99: “There are two things that cannot be achieved in life unless you close your eyes a little bit. And that's love and peace. If you want perfection you won't obtain either of them.” ― Shimon Peres

cyberalgo: “Peace with the Palestinians will open ports of peace all around the Mediterranean. The duty of leaders is to pursue freedom ceaselessly, even in the face of hostility, in the face of doubt and disappointment. Just imagine what could be.” —Shimon Peres

CUFI: "When I was a child, Israel was a legend more than a reality. She emerged from a dream, and today she has surpassed that dream." - Shimon Peres

plastic_bio: Israel: Saddam Hussein brought about his own demise. This was a man who caused a great deal of harm to his people and who was a major threat to Israel,[7] said Deputy Prime Minister Shimon Peres. - Execution of Saddam Hussein

InspiredUs: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. Shimon Peres

IFinestQuotes: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. -- Shimon Peres

sharetw_: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. -- Shimon Peres

Katurebe99: “If a problem has no solution, it may not be a problem, but a fact - not to be solved, but to be coped with over time.” ― Shimon Peres

babkabaddie: y’all flex meeting american politicians but i shared a watermelon with shimon peres z”l and made cookies for one of the guys who extracted eichmann, so….

MrAustinn: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. Shimon Peres

Katurebe99: “When a friend makes a mistake, the friend remains a friend, and the mistake remains a mistake".” ― Shimon Peres

JoshTranchita: You can meet my team in the middle and you will get kicked out of your position at the table were discussing the death of shimon peres which was made into a big deal because they think it was an assassination and we take that very seriously

JoshTranchita: First order of business we have a confession from pastor John for accessory to murder and the facts that his daughter worked at the CIA in 2016 and that Obama came to his church and we believe he killed shimon peres

JoshTranchita: I didn't ask for money I asked for you to defend shimon peres life and Obama made a joke and John Nordstrom jr went from Israel to Washington with in the first 48 hours of shimon peres stroke he went to the Smithsonian and we have proof that he killed shimon peres

Ruttozoon: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. Shimon Peres

Quotesme_: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. -- Shimon Peres

luvisss_: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. Shimon Peres

shibumigido: Shimon Peres' application for Palestinian citizenship:

TheShadowComp: ‘The Israeli-Iranian project, code-named ''Flower,'' was one of six oil-for-arms contracts signed in April 1977 in Teheran by Shah Mohammed Riza Pahlevi and Shimon Peres, then the Israeli Defense Minister. Two Nations Had Trade Missions’

Inspired2Share: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. -- Shimon Peres

Lal_Toufan: 1985 Shimon Peres and Rajiv Gandhi meet here in New York. Here is the real battleground

stevenacook: I believe this was Shimon Peres

gnuseibeh: The Israeli people should be embraced & rewarded by the region & the rest of the world once this is over & the extremists leave office. It’s a matter of time. As Shimon Peres told me after his defeat by Netanyahu: “if peace doesn’t bring democracy, democracy will bring peace”

911Time4truth: 9/11 - Shimon Peres - America Went To War Always To Enable Other Countries

StyleSarapan: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. -- Shimon Peres

Zurko44057468: The geographical adjective of Mr. Arafat (the Egyptian Arafat) can be contrasted with that of an illustrious Belarusian, named Shimon Péres (Pérez in Toledo). By the way, today I would feel disgust for what Israel does

Zurko44057468: define terrorism , please . For you, the Hagama would be comparable to La Resistencia, but for others, a terrorist group. But you will admire it... Well, perspective defines terrorism in conflicts. Shimon Peres could have been a terrorist, or not. cynicism just enough

ariehkovler: This trend has Edward VIII trending, which honestly feels like cheating. But if we're going to allow it: 0. Me 1. Tony Blair/Gordon Brown/David Cameron/Shimon Peres 2. Elizabeth II 3. Edward VIII 4. Adolf Hitler

IFinestQuotes: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. -- Shimon Peres

sharetw_: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. -- Shimon Peres

MrAustinn: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. Shimon Peres

InspiredUs: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. Shimon Peres

Quotesme_: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. -- Shimon Peres

luvisss_: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. Shimon Peres

CUFI: "Israel is moving from the realm of poetry to the realm of prose." - Shimon Peres

ZOROARIA11: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko (L), Israeli Knesset (parliament) speaker Dahlia Itzik (C) and Israeli President Shimon Peres listen to the national anthem in parliament, in Jerusalem, 14 November 2007.

edpearce080759: President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe was born February 21, 1924. When Shimon Peres stepped down as Israel’s president in July 2014, Mugabe assumed the mantle of the world’s oldest head of state. He resigned the Presidency in 2017.


Quotesme_: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. -- Shimon Peres

jogideon: During the visit to the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation I was privileged to sit at Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Shimon Peres’ desk, surrounded by his Nobel Prize & inspired by his vision of using science & tech innovation to address conflict & violence.

DavidCranmerUn1: Bechtel Corporation build an Iraqi pipeline. The pipeline was to extend from Iraq to Jordan and was negotiated by Meese, Shimon Peres, Bruce Rappaport, and Robert C. McFarlane. On May 21, 1984, Reagan announced his intention to appoint the Attorney General to study the effect

atljewishfilm: As we head into the final week of the festival, don't miss your one and only chance to enjoy NEVER STOP DREAMING: THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF SHIMON PERES on the big screen. Visit

ReligionandSpi2: Motta Gur, IDF chief of staff, 19 photos from his archive, photos Shimon Peres

muntaseeer: For me, there was only one choice. I knew of no way to become someone else, and so I chose to be myself, and in doing so, to serve a cause greater than myself. - Shimon Pères, former President and Prime Minister of Israel

Inspired2Share: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. -- Shimon Peres

richards1052: Ugh, Shimon Peres and the Wiesenthal Ctr. What a vile combination.

StyleSarapan: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. -- Shimon Peres

JWalters314: In May 1996 the Giza Group (one of Israel’s leading private investment banking firms) facilitated a meeting of Krongard and Shattuck with Israel’s business leaders and politicians, including then-Prime Minister Shimon Peres, to “broaden business ties with Israel’s

JWalters314: It is reasonable to assume that the Israeli government, by the time Shimon Peres met Krongard and Shattuck in May 1996, was perfectly aware of the fact that Krongard was an important CIA case officer and that he had been involved for years, through front companies like Ed Hale’s

JWalters314: On October 18, 1961, President John F. Kennedy granted Greenspun a pardon. Upon Greenspun's death in 1989, former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres called Greenspun "a hero of our country and a fighter for freedom".

SenSchumer: Saddened by Shimon Peres' passing. A founding father of Israel, a visionary & a light for peace. May we be inspired by his life & legacy.

JWalters314: In May 1996 Krongard and Mayo A. Shattuck went to Israel on a three-day trip during which they met with then prime minister Shimon Peres. As theBaltimore Sun reported shortly before their trip to Israel:

haaretzcom: A “fox.” A “ridiculous” and “pathetic” person. One who is neither credible, serious nor trustworthy. This is how then-Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and Uri Savir, then director general of his ministry, described Yasser Arafat, documents reveal

NardiBlack: The most important thing in life is to dare. The most complicated thing in life is to be afraid. The smartest thing in the world is to try to be a moral person. Optimists and pessimists die the exact same death, but they live very different lives! Shimon Peres

LeifThybell: In order to perhaps better understand Israel of today, please read the following interview between Haaretz journalist Daniel Ben Simon and Shimon Peres the day following Peres' defeat by Netanyahu in the 1996 election for Prime Minister

CUFI: "In Israel, a land lacking in natural resources, we learned to appreciate our greatest national advantage: our minds. Through creativity and innovation, we transformed barren deserts into flourishing fields and pioneered new frontiers in science and technology." - Shimon Peres

InspiredUs: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. Shimon Peres

sharetw_: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. -- Shimon Peres

IFinestQuotes: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. -- Shimon Peres

Quotesme_: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. -- Shimon Peres

MrAustinn: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. Shimon Peres

davidmarcus: "Count the number of dreams you have and compare them with the number of achievements you've had. If you have more dreams than achievements, then you are still young." - Shimon Peres

luvisss_: You can kill a thousand; you can bring an end to life; you cannot kill an idea. Shimon Peres

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Emily Dickinson Poem
Some one prepared this mighty show
 by Emily Dickinson


Some one prepared this mighty show
To which without a Ticket go
The nations and the Days-

Displayed before the simplest Door
That all may witness it and more,

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