Roshni Kumari Never Poems

  • 1.
    When I first saw you,
    I felt like I had known you forever.
    That moment still flash-by my eyes,
    Reminding me of your smile ever and ever.
  • 2.
    Two pairs of notebook, four pairs of dress,
    Matching top with footwear was a worry, BUT there was no stress.

    Waking up for 8 Am class was hard, running to SJT was a pain,
Total 2 Never Poems by Roshni Kumari

Top 10 most used topics by Roshni Kumari

Stay 2 Love 2 Never 2 I Love You 2 Smile 2 Running 1 Wonderful 1 Morning 1 Worry 1 Hard 1

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Poem of the day

William Butler Yeats Poem
The Witch
 by William Butler Yeats

Toil and grow rich,
What's that but to lie
With a foul witch
And after, drained dry,
To be brought
To the chamber where
Lies one long sought
With despair?

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