The day was bright, full of sun-rays
When, many a peahens were playing;
The boys were busy accompanying them
With their flutes, above all to sing-
For, a distant call of brotherhood from bays.

Sea was groaning, in whimsical thought
To give forth lives to an easy light
As same as many accompanied gleam,
Equally, preaching all over not to fight
For, one day everyone dies and brought

To the end of lives' everlasting brim
Of content, which is full of joy and woe -
For, as if, laughing makes all together
And so a miracles always astonish brow
If both they didn't exist, so life didn't seem.

Now, today is so full of joy and happiness,
Braver to spend both they dwell; so we,
Peahens and boys, both we will steer
Brightest of our life days together to see
For, if we don't do this, can't but earth be weigh.