Paul Bewsher Deep Poems

  • 1.
    When heavy on my tired mind
    The world, and worldly things, do weigh,
    And some sweet solace I would find,
    Into the sky I love to stray,
  • 2.
    The rich, red blood
    Doth stain the fair, green grass, and daisies white
    In generous flood ...
    This sun-drowsed day for me is darkest night.
  • 3.
    I love the little daisies on the lawn
    Which contemplate with wide and placid eyes
    The blue and white enamel of the skies -
    The larks which sing their mattin-song at dawn,
  • 4.
    'Tis strange to leave this world of woods and hills,
    This world of little farms, and shady mills, -
    Of fields, and water-meadows fair,
    Upon some sad and shadowy day
  • 5.
    Around me broods the dim, mysterious Night,
    Star-lit and still.
    No whisper comes across the Plain,
    Asleep beneath the breezes light,
  • 6.
    The day is cold; the wind is strong;
    And through the sky great cloud-banks throng,
    While swathes of snow lie on the ground
    O'er which I walk without a sound,
Total 6 Deep Poems by Paul Bewsher

Top 10 most used topics by Paul Bewsher

Earth 10 Sweet 9 White 8 Long 7 High 7 Great 6 Deep 6 Blue 6 Gaze 5 Slow 5

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Robert Service Poem
 by Robert Service

Heaven's mighty sweet, I guess;
Ain't no rush to git there:
Been a sinner, more or less;
Maybe wouldn't fit there.
Wicked still, bound to confess;
Might jest pine a bit there.

Heaven's swell, the preachers say:

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