Nikolay Alekseyevich Nekrasov Love Poems

  • 1.
    Letter of love so strangely thrilling
    With all your countless wonder yet,
    Though Time our heart's hot fires have mastered,
    Bringing a pang of pained regret!
  • 2.
    Farewell! Forget the days of trial,
    Of grudge, ill humor, misery--
    Tempests of heart and floods of weeping,
    And the revengeful jealousy.
  • 3.
    How blessed's the good-natured poet,
    With little bile and much emotion:
    All lovers of the gentle arts
    Send him sincerest greetings;
Total 3 Love Poems by Nikolay Alekseyevich Nekrasov

Top 10 most used topics by Nikolay Alekseyevich Nekrasov

Heart 9 Soul 5 Never 4 Death 4 Time 4 I Love You 3 Child 3 Good 3 God 3 Love 3

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Robert Service Poem
 by Robert Service

Heaven's mighty sweet, I guess;
Ain't no rush to git there:
Been a sinner, more or less;
Maybe wouldn't fit there.
Wicked still, bound to confess;
Might jest pine a bit there.

Heaven's swell, the preachers say:

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