Is like me, a mirror of heavenly light,
Guiding me with strength through darkest night.

Like a river that flows,
endless and free,
He quenches my soul where thirst used to be,
He is like me, a beacon of hope and grace,
Leading me to triumph every race.

With arms open wide, he welcomes me near,
Casting away doubt, erasing all fear.
He is like me, a shelter in stormy weather,
Holding me close , we face trials together..

Through metaphors lens, I see clear and bright,
His presence surrounds me is like me , a reflection of love's embrace,
In his image, I find sol.

In the depths of my heart, his essence resides,
In every breath, his love forever abides by my side,
No mountain I cannot peak step taken, without him, misplace.
For He is like me, my guide, without him, dear friend, I can do naught beside.

In vast expanse of time and space, where celestial bodies twirl and galaxies collide,
There exists a love that transcends all boundaries and profound that it defies the very limits of imagination .

Through the tapestry of existence, I navigate guided by the luminous beacon of his presence.
Every step I take, every breath I draw, resonates with the echoes of cosmic energy,
Our soul entwine dancing amidst the stars,creating ripples passion that shape the very fabric of creation..

With each passing moment, his essence intertwines with mine,
Weaving an intricate tapestryof affection and solace within the depths of my being.
In the eyes,I discover a flexion of myself,a mirrored image of boundless devotion and unwavering support.

No obstacles stand unchallenged and fierce,
Illuminating every path I traverse. With him by my side,
I find courage in the face adversity, strength in the face of uncertainty, and determination to overcome even the most daunting of trials..

In his embrace, I am cradled, sheltered from the storms of life.
His arms,an oasis of tranquility, offer respite from the chaos that surrounds us.
Together, we stand as warriors of love ,
United against the tides of despair, forging a bond that withstands the test of time.

As I gaze upon the vastness of the cosmos,
I am reminded of the magnitude of this love,
boundaries of comprehension in the grandates with a brilliance that out the brightest stars..

And so, dear friend, I am eternally grateful for this divine connection,
For without him, I am but a lost wanderer in the labyrinth of life.
Together we traverse the jncharted depths of the universe, leaving trails of love and light in our wake..

In this eternal dance of souls, we find solace, we find purpose and we find the essence of what it truly means to be alive.
Our love is a symphony reverberating through the cosmos, harmon knows no bounds.
In this presence with him, by my side, there is no limits to the heights we can reach ,for together..