Comments about Michelangelo

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lartist: Cartoon: A fully dressed Michelangelo's David. Ergo, he's totally decent now, right? Also a continuation of yesterday's Tom of Finland homage. Enjoy! Share!

HultmarkMark: I doubt most MAGAs ever heard of Michelangelo’s David until they were told to hate it.

KamuSihCUEK: “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.

GlenRodriguez1: “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.

BrianEl14526499: “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.

AmandaSmithSays: Nic Cage in Con Air is like if Michelangelo decided his medium was velvet paintings.

OrvietoorBust: Meet the Art Historian Offering a Free Course on Michelangelo’s David to the Tallahassee Community

GameSpot: The Last Ronin is a grim TMNT story, one that takes place in a future where Michelangelo is the last remaining turtle brother.

DougJBalloon: Whether it's Democrats trying to protect children from shootings, or Republicans trying to protect children from Michelangelo's David, both sides are looking out for our nation's young people.

Otto_English: This is no longer as mad as it was when the Simpsons did an episode with this very storyline. And I can guarantee you that this sort of nonsense will be coming to the UK soon.

cnni: The mayor of Florence has invited the former principal of a Florida school embroiled in controversy over a sixth-grade lesson on Michelangelo's "David," to visit Italy after she was forced out of her job last week.

AP: The Florence museum housing Michelangelo’s Renaissance masterpiece the David invited parents and students from a Florida charter school to visit following complaints about a lesson featuring the statue forced the principal to resign.

Kai07432942: Visitors to Michelangelo’s David ridicule Florida school’s objection to the statue

HanyaNewbiSaja: “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Arresya8: “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Occtavia146: “I’m still learning.” – Michelangelo

MaximoJoyce2: “I’m still learning.” – Michelangelo

pemburucoin10: “I’m still learning.” – Michelangelo

GraciouslyJen: A sunset photo from Piazza Michelangelo (not the name but I don’t remember it) in Florence and three random scenes from Pitti Palace.

SjwVV6OoG3KrBya: 1500 Pieta by Michelangelo 1505 Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci 1582 October 4 -> 15 Gregorian calendar 1653 Bentheim castle by Jacob van Ruisdael 1689 Montesquieu born 1768 Mars and Venus surprised by Vulcan, by Louis Jean Francois Lagrenee, 255 years ago 1776 United states ...

himself_nick: Russia today. Father sentenced 2 yrs after his daughter printed a picture against the war at school. America beware of Autocrats that wanna make art in style of Michelangelo's David criminalize.

artansonyeondan: rip michelangelo you would have loved calvin klein jungkook

ruthbenghiat: "Parents are the ones who are going to drive the education system here in Florida. The governor said that, and we’re with the governor." This principal, a DeSantis lackey, fired a teacher for showing Michelangelo's David. Parents' rights=cover for far-right anti-intellectualism

AlixWiltonRegan: My goodness. So not a drag queen, book or Michelangelo art piece? How interesting…..

MarvinBailey6: “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.

LeChouNews: Florence Museum Arms Michelangelo’s David With Hunting Rifle To ‘Make It Appeal More To Americans’

bone00afide: So lemme get this straight… the knuckle dragging cretins who hang fake nut sacks from their pick up trucks for all the kids to laugh at in elementary school car line are offended by their kids seeing Michelangelo’s David. Is that about right?

tedlieu: Michelangelo’s classic David did not kill children. Disney’s Ruby Bridges did not kill children. Books about Rosa Parks did not kill children. You know what has repeatedly killed children and adults? The AR-15.

Younus__Basheer: As a Florida principal was forced to resign after students were shown Michelangelo's statue of David, Kelly Grovier takes a look at the history of censorship in the art world.

DavidblogerICBW: Children are exposed to more things today at a earlier age than I ever was. There is so much information out there that is not being controlled by the schools or the homes. It is all part of the Info. Systems Technology that has taken over all of our lives

DavidblogerICBW: We no longer have just TV and Radio like I had when I was a child. We have all the information that we can handle at the touch of our fingers. We can stream just about anything today.

DavidblogerICBW: Being a parent and monitoring what our children is watching is a hundred times harder than when I was a child.

paul1190: A principal is fired, invited to Italy after students are shown Michelangelo's 'David'

donmoyn: *Michelangelo Parents “didn’t like the woke indoctrination that was going on," said the Chair of the Hillsdale affiliated school board. The fired principal was the third in the school since 2020.

donmoyn: Interview of the chair of the board of the publicly funded charter school is pretty wild. They do a liberal classical education, which means warning about or cropping classical works of art, but no pronouns, and parents, not teachers, are the authorities.

MP9M2KvpfYekJqD: How stupid can Americans be? Answer:

realTuckFrumper: Italy curator slams 'ignorance' in US Michelangelo row

bubblegenius: With all this foofaraw from the twunts in FL cancelling Michelangelo's David, thought I'd put our David soap on sale. Get your art even when washing those parts FL pretends don't exist. $1 off, till I remember to switch it back. (my brain is unreliable)

lashonw113: “I’m still learning.” – Michelangelo

sheilaisfisty: A principal, in Tallahassee Florida,is fired after students are shown Michelangelo's 'David' while teaching the Renaissance period. then had to apologize for it! This is nuts stop apologizing for truth, history, art, ignorant ppl must not be allowed any sway

NPR: Michelangelo's 'David' was shown to sixth-grade students at Tallahassee Classical School in Florida, it resulted in a principal's resignation. Italians are praising the educator and inviting them to Florence to be recognized for teaching such art.

MarkJacob16: Republicans want to protect children from Michelangelo's art and American history, but they refuse to protect them from disturbed people with guns.

Da_Jollymon: Italian mayor invites ousted US principal to Florence following Michelangelo 'David' statue controversy

gazette_vita: One of the iconic works of the Renaissance period, when art and the enlightenment were at their peak, the statue of David provoked tragicomic developments in an American school.

radionz: The Florence museum that houses Michelangelo's statue of David has invited teachers and students from a Florida school to visit, after an uproar over an art lesson.

Inspired2Share: "I am still learning." Michelangelo

SofiaBoyd20: “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CNN: The mayor of Florence has invited the former principal of a Florida school embroiled in controversy over a sixth-grade lesson on Michelangelo's "David," to visit Italy after she was forced out of her job last week.

vkmagus: While the principal who resigned has been invited by the museum (along with the parents who complained against her) to view Michelangelo's statue, this parent has made the most logical next step

Marketing101__: You say you don’t have safe spaces for kids to be offended by, say a Halloween costume, but aren’t you just protecting kids, giving them a safe space, from Michelangelo’s David?

fox6now: The move came after an image of Michelangelo's masterpiece was shown to a sixth-grade class, prompting the school's board to pressure its principal to resign.

paul1190: DeSantis 'parental rights' push leads to pulled civil rights film, ousted principal

AP: The Florence museum housing Michelangelo's Renaissance masterpiece the David has invited parents and students from a Florida charter school to visit after complaints about a lesson featuring the statue forced the principal to resign.

IanBenn71310612: If an educator is penalised for art because some puritanical silliness then maybe we need to take a good hard look at who we are.

NBCNews: The Italian museum housing Michelangelo’s David has invited parents and students from a Florida school to visit after complaints about a 6th grade lesson featuring the statue forced the principal to resign.

ABC7NY: Italians invite FL parents to see 'David' after statue nudity complaints force principal to resign

MelissainJax: “The Florence museum housing Michelangelo’s Renaissance masterpiece the David on Sunday invited parents and students from a Florida charter school to visit after complaints about a lesson featuring the statue forced the principal to resign.”

Humanists_UK: Simpsons did it.

SeibeiFujimoto: “I’m still learning.” – Michelangelo

bolivia887: “I’m still learning.” – Michelangelo

OGCommodore: Lol Florida parents mad their 6th graders were shown Michelangelo's David One of the most famous objects in the history of art.

esanzi: So, the story about a principal being fired because of a lesson on Michelangelo's The David" isn't even true per the same source who spread the story. Well done, everyone.

Liberals4Liber1: The Hillsdale Heist Hillsdale has rebranded: Classical Education. That’s a joke. Michelangelo is a classical artist of the Renaissance: the greatest living artist of his lifetime. BANNED AT FL HILLSDALE CHARTER Italy is shocked! Americans are ignorant of the Bible they say!

297_ArubaLover: "The Florence museum housing Michelangelo’s Renaissance masterpiece the David on Sunday invited parents and students from a Florida charter school to visit after complaints about a lesson featuring the statue forced the principal to resign. Nardella said." - LA Times

DWUhlfelderLaw: It took over 500 years and a DeSantis re-election for Michelangelo’s David to be banned for the first time.

DeeGeeMan59: Omg! Hey Florida don’t stop at banning books and Michelangelo, ban Mozart! His classical music is warped.

thedextazlab: Italian mayor invites ousted US principal to Florence following Michelangelo 'David' statue controversy

AP: The Florence museum housing Michelangelo's Renaissance masterpiece the David has invited parents and students from a Florida charter school to visit after complaints about a lesson featuring the statue forced the principal to resign.

ABC: Florence museum invites parents, students from Florida school to view Michelangelo’s “David” after uproar about statue shown in class.

TAmTrib: Principal Removed For Showing Students Michelangelo’s David During Renaissance Lesson

AP: The Florence museum housing Michelangelo's Renaissance masterpiece the David on Sunday invited parents and students from a Florida charter school to visit after complaints about a lesson featuring the statue forced the principal to resign.

CBCNews: The Galleria dell'Accademia in Florence invited parents and students from a Florida charter school to visit. The school's principal was forced to resign after parents complained about a lesson featuring the marble statue of David.

chicagotribune: The Florence museum housing Michelangelo’s masterpiece the David invited parents and students from a Florida charter school to visit after complaints about a lesson featuring the statue forced the principal to resign.

ABSCBNNews: 'Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel' exhibit is coming to Manila

alaister31: Florida continues to give Academic institutions outside the U.S. a lot to roll their eyes about.

BillKristol: The authoritarians come and go Censoring Michelangelo.

lindyli: A principal was FIRED after students were shown Michelangelo’s David A reporter was FIRED for calling DeSantis’s press release propaganda A teacher was FIRED for exposing his book ban A prosecutor was FIRED for protecting abortion Welcome to Florida’s fascist bloodbath

RaymondMollica: They teach the Hillsdale Curriculum but are worried about indoctrination. Yet here Mr. Bishop shows his own indoctrination when he mentions 1619 and CRT, two egregious right-wing propagandistic lies.

penguinponders: Wait. What? A principal was fired over 6th graders seeing a photo of Michelangelo’s David sculpture

VABVOX: You MUST read this interview. The whole thing. Bookmark it. This is what the GOP "education" bill does--for, or rather to, the entire country. Florida principal fired: Interview with the school board chair who ousted a principal after Michelangelo’s

Opera832C: Madonna of Bruges by Michelangelo

FoxNews: Florida principal forced to resign after showing students Michelangelo's 'David' statue

camscics: 'The Simpsons' predicted Florida parent outrage over Michelangelo's David

worldnews_guru: Principal resigns after Florida students shown Michelangelo statue

BudGothmog44: In a story torn from 'The Simpsons,' a Florida principal is forced out over Michelangelo's 'David'

BBCWorld: Principal fired after Florida students shown Michelangelo statue

RickSteves: Clothed only in confidence, his toes gripping the pedestal, Michelangelo’s David seems ready and determined to step out of the Dark Ages and into a hopeful future... [thread]

MsBriDuncan: A principal lost their job, because of an art lesson, LITERALLY about a bible story! Side note David is one of the greatest pieces or art I have ever seen.

jackmjenkins: Of note: Per WaPo, this school reportedly uses a curriculum from Hillsdale College. —>

BBCWorld: Principal fired after Florida students shown Michelangelo statue

tlecaque: Ok I finally read this and it is so much worse than I imagined, but also everyone should read it.

Chasten: Things on my timeline that have been described as "woke" today: school lunches, Michelangelo, and tampons. Politics should make life easier, not harder. You can't expect students to "focus on the basics" when their basic needs aren't being met.

OMGno2trump: FYI: David is a masterpiece of Renaissance art, created in marble in ~1503 by the Italian artist Michelangelo. David is a 5.17-metre marble statue of the Biblical figure David. A historically significant piece of art for over 500 years. All ignorant republicans see is nudity.

Bennytillerman: Florida parents upset by Michelangelo’s ‘David’ force out principal - The Washington Post

SababaUSA: And the interview illustrates that it’s about accommodating right-wing parents’, not all, viewpoints The board chairman scoffs at lefty-caricature “safe spaces” and then acts confused when asked how this case is any different from enforcing “safe spaces”

globalnews: “The rights of parents, that trumps the rights of kids. Teachers are the experts? Teachers have all the knowledge? Are you kidding me?" said the chair of the school board.

DougJBalloon: The DeSantis Code Rotund Ron's hardly carved out of marble, but his wide-ranging accomplishments—fighting vaccine mandates, taking on Disney, and banning Michelangelo from schools—have made him the right's Renaissance man. by Maureen Dowd

LilBonaX: finally someone calls out michelangelo for being woke

BillKristol: Ron DeSantis: Tougher on Michelangelo than on Putin.

jbouie: this interview is incredible which is to say, it is absolutely insane

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Poem of the day

Charles Baudelaire Poem
Spleen III
 by Charles Baudelaire

Je suis comme le roi d'un pays pluvieux,
Riche, mais impuissant, jeune et pourtant très-vieux,
Qui, de ses précepteurs méprisant les courbettes,
S'ennuie avec ses chiens comme avec d'autres bêtes.
Rien ne peut l'égayer, ni gibier, ni faucon,
Ni son peuple mourant en face du balcon.
Du bouffon favori la grotesque ballade
Ne distrait plus le front de ce cruel malade;

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