Michael Aete Lost Poems

  • 1.
    Brothers, carry out the autopsy gently
    That corpse was a rich man's residence
    The carcass was never an ordinary body
    To be hacked and dug upon
  • 2.
    I am a condemned
    untamed wacky aberrant lunatic
    I went berserk
    I took leave of reasoning
Total 2 Lost Poems by Michael Aete

Top 10 most used topics by Michael Aete

Soul 3 Broken 2 World 2 Mental 2 Vision 2 Lost 2 Feel 2 Precious 2 Dark 2 Place 2

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Michael olute: I'm happy to find out that we share the full names with someone in a neighboring country. God bless all Michael olutes.

Poem of the day

John Milton Poem
Il Penseroso
 by John Milton

Hence vain deluding joyes,
The brood of folly without father bred,
How little you bested,
Or fill the fixèd mind with all your toyes;
Dwell in som idle brain,
And fancies fond with gaudy shapes possess,
As thick and numberless
As the gay motes that people the Sun Beams,

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