Keraita Stephen Deep Poems

  • 1.
    My day seems somehow hectic,
    I woke up with much hope that everything will be great,
    Seeing the sun rays penetrating through the Earth's sphere;
    I knew everything was cool,
  • 2.
    The lyrics are cool,
    Deep down in my torn heart,
    Slowly by slowly it's getting better and better;
    With the hope of dancing to the tune of love and peace
  • 3.
    Each day I woke up to face the world's beauty but all I can get is breaking news
    Previously I kept on telling myself that beautiful days are ahead,
    But to my surprise everything is getting worse each moment
    Giving me another thought that the beautiful days are gone
  • 4.
    To the long journey you'll go,
    Who will scrattle my back?

    You'll go to the long journey,
  • 5.
    Another year has downed,
    A queen in her happy mood,
    Joy and celebrations,
    I can't hold it;
  • 6.
    A Day spark out it's light
    My eyes wide open glancing at a passing star;
    She wore a long shining dress,
    Like the sun she shined as she tip - toed forward,
  • 7.
    You were modest to me,
    I took your meekness as a weakness,
    I'm sorry it won't iterate again.

Total 7 Deep Poems by Keraita Stephen

Top 10 most used topics by Keraita Stephen

Sweet 8 Hold 8 Deep 7 Strong 6 Voice 6 Great 6 Earth 6 True 5 Moment 5 Face 5

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Poem of the day

Charles Baudelaire Poem
Spleen III
 by Charles Baudelaire

Je suis comme le roi d'un pays pluvieux,
Riche, mais impuissant, jeune et pourtant très-vieux,
Qui, de ses précepteurs méprisant les courbettes,
S'ennuie avec ses chiens comme avec d'autres bêtes.
Rien ne peut l'égayer, ni gibier, ni faucon,
Ni son peuple mourant en face du balcon.
Du bouffon favori la grotesque ballade
Ne distrait plus le front de ce cruel malade;

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