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eat_pray_luv_23: In case you missed it, here is some new poetry.

JadaLarocca: Empower and human souls. Poetry is painting with words as if it doesn't OUNASS NOON PROMO NON TOYOU TO Fordeal HM Bath and Body H&M YOU H AND M OUNAS COUPON SIVVI NAMSHI CODE ONAS DISCOUNT ONASS I grow, Absorbing me. Learning the difference between you and

PenteractPress: The latest print run of THE BOOK OF PENTERACT is here! …which is great, because it has given us a chance to look over the book again and see all the wonderful work going on in the visual and constrained poetry worlds. We're very proud of this book:

Lolwe_: Poetry: “Lord, scrape my body clean and give it a new skin.  All it takes a body to grow is to run and not stop. My voice is an emblem of an awakened sun, each tune a rhythm of light.” ‘Silent Synopsis & Other Poems’ by Shitta Faruq Adémólá

AT_PikeStudios: (2) "Life Through the Eyes of A Wolf: A Collection of Poetry and Writings" is A.T. Pike's debut book. It encapsulates a lifetime of poetry, thoughts, blurbs, journal entries, ramblings, and short stories. ...

FAZEDSEAVEYS: “13 months ago someone broke up with me” yeah and it was the best decision ever!!! but daniel deserves an apology for all the shit he got for making an song about his feelings towards a breakup , when a WHOLE poetry book is getting released too.

Glam_squatch: I wish I was better at poetry cuz I like it a lot but my work is incredibly mid

spicebae_: i've been there before and it's the most draining place to be in. when you've given everything and then some in hopes of just the bare minimum in return. it's never worth it. piece is from my poetry book, i won't apologize for what i'm about to say.

RuwaidaAbass: Comments about timeless. I believe - sometimes God has given us to think OUNASS NOON PROMO NON TOYOU TO Fordeal HM Modanisa and Body H&M YOU H AND M OUNAS COUPON SIVVI NAMSHI CODE ONAS DISCOUNT ONASS Pray rather poetry, because it is the life of your soul.

hamnahsaqib: It feels like my head is overflowing with words, like I'm made up of poetry and art and feelings and I don't know what to do about it

arjantupan: This Saturday, I will publish the second issue, so if you have minted poetry in the last two weeks (or in March 2023), just let me know by replying, and I will link to it in the digest. Hic sunt dracones - this is the last tweet in the thread. Links below this are not vetted.

megalomaniacko: After mastering my SQL abilities to an expert level (able to code), I can say that Excel formulas and programming are more complex than the first one, yet, SQL simplicity is poetry. It's beyond efficient. SSRS is also king.

user08654: the thing i will never admit is how desperately i want to be loved, i don't think i could say it. how i want someone to hold my wrists and kiss my palms and smile at me and want me, i want to be wanted and i don't know how long poetry or songs will substitute for being wanted

ktueller10: Put it in the Louvre. This is art. Poetry. Beautiful.

bordenjono: to whisper it into existence again blemishes throats with scorch, implores poetry is deathless art, the wisdom of which is that death comes no matter what, only poetry remembers to live since memory itself is a gift which privileges poets to have

3milyyyyyyyyyyy: Does anyone else wake up out of their sleep with a line of poetry they just have to write down immediately before they lose it from memory or is that just me

botweddellseal: this is art missing an artist. it is found poetry If it were written it’d be beautifully written.

rimbauddailys: rimbaud is thinking about how his partner's eyes remind him of the sea. maybe he'll write some poetry about it.

carouselmag: ✨It's USEREVIEWEDNESDAY featuring a very special omnibus review of 9 books of poetry from '21-22 that we didn't get a chance to review when they came out but that we just couldn't get out of our heads. This is THE CAN'T-MISS POETRY CATCH-UP. Read it at:

QuwwatTakhayyul: For Sufi mystics, the rose represents the sacred and inaccessible centre of God—it is the point of essential union between man and the Divine. For this reason, in Turkish poetry, the nightingale is described as being ‘şeydâ’ (mad) or ‘zâr’ (weeping and wailing) over his Beloved.

toddedillard: I like how National Poetry Month starts on Fool's Day. I think foolishness is a common starting point for poetry ("I feel silly writing this" "this is bad" etc.) and I like how once you get over it everything afterwards is poems poems poems.

kittygrimm: Further to the poetry thing there is an 80% chance i compose a sonnet before i see him again in 2 weeks because im an idiot and accidentally internally challenged myself to it

carsonbot: what is the difference between poetry and prose you know the old analogies prose is a house poetry a man in flames running quite fast through it

revdrrob06: I just had to block somebody that I don’t follow because I was TIEEEEEEDD of reading basketball stats & accolades as poetry, the history lessons, replays from the season, etc. likeee LET IT GO. GIVE IT A REST. YOUR TEAM IS HOME. COME BACK IN NOVEMBER… LIKE THEM.

jenstjude: We are so overdue for queer Love is Blind. Do you want to see mess? We will give you mess. You want way-too-quick-to-be-healthy attachment? Baby, we fly across countries to meet people we've talked on the internet for a month. We will write each other poetry and it will be GOOD.

KushagraAniket: “O Rama, your account is the origin of poetry, which. When sung in melody, it becomes the essence of music. When emulated, it is the summit of righteous conduct. Just like you, your account can bestow everything in this world.” इति कुशाग्रानिकेतप्रणीता श्रीरामचन्द्रस्तुतिः। ८/८


dho_229: It appears my moments of my imagination out beyond its own limits. OUNASS NOON PROMO NON TOYOU TO Fordeal HM and Body H&M YOU H AND M OUNAS COUPON SIVVI NAMSHI CODE ONAS DISCOUNT ONASS The poetry. clients to draw a train is

MarkCLaRoseJr: Apocalyptic Poetry Against Sorcery Substack It is my goal to transmit to the world what I have learned in 32 years at the receiving end of brutal forced psychiatry. My hope is that my experience might save some the trouble I had to endure to learn these lessons.

robgrantdotcom: 'The Poetry Of Wind and Waves' is out now. It is a song about the rhythm of the ocean... and the hypnotic beauty of the waves as they rise and fall. Have a listen:


BeOpenPub: Interesting story on our Medium Publication, Be Open!! When It Is New, Would It Always Be Hasn’t?

keralista: Of course Pep or those coaches have nothing to do with this mis-guidance, his style is poetry in motion but there are other ways to play. It's like choosing a path to your destination. You can take multiple routes but the destination is the same.

ClintSmithIII: Today is the pub day for my new book of poetry, ABOVE GROUND. It’s a meditation on family, lineage, and how we hold all the complexities of the world alongside one another. I loved writing this book and am so excited to finally share it with you all.

DrJayDrNo: We went to the Coaldale clinic. “Are you here for a work injury?” “Um, no. Well, yes. Well it happened at work, but it’s not from work.” *stares* “Ok. So I was lecturing, and I made an arm movement, and I re-injured my shoulder.” Beat. “Poetry is painful.” They laughed.

willgrahamology: everything tom wambsgans says is like poetry to me. "because she’s brought a ludicrously capacious bag. it’s monstrous. it’s gargantuan. you could take it camping. you could slide it across the floor after a bank job". shakespeare could never come up with something so beautiful

lilhouellebecq: Idk what to say but new delhi love songs is really average poetry. It’s rupi kaur but written by a white man. It’s instagram reels in words.

mame_bougouma: Crazy that we’re out there, working longer hours for less pay, while AI is doing painting and poetry. Wasn’t it supposed to be the opposite?

henryghenrik: The idea that poetry is astounding, shattering, awe-inspiring utterance is somewhat counter to the idea that poetry is speech that is familiar, realistic, speaking to us intimately where we are. I guess you’ll say it’s both.

carsonbot: what is the difference between poetry and prose you know the old analogies prose is a house poetry a man in flames running quite fast through it

JessicaAlberg: Also I’ll say it once I’ll say it again, whoever does the music for love is blind (and perfect match) is a genius and understand sarcasm, poetry, suspense, and drama in a way no one else who works on this show does.

thee_averi: It’s rare that I’ve met a person that actively performs poetry and is not weird af. You know exactly what I mean

g63039153: I usually wonder why Art & Music are written together. I acknowledge music itself is an Art. Paintings, Music, Poetry, Architecture, Sculpture, Pottery, and many more, are layouts of Art. Art is considered superficial yet it feels you special. So feel special.

EckyFebryant: Words, knowledge. rationalize his monstrosity. The pain is necessary to OUNASS NOON PROMO NON TOYOU TO Fordeal HM Bath and Body H&M YOU H AND M OUNAS COUPON SIVVI NAMSHI CODE ONAS DISCOUNT ONASS Meant being why poetry was invented. It was a dialogue between

flex__0ffender: Someone come with me to this poetry slam next Monday. I’m at one right now and it is so powerful and emotional I need to experience this with someone

millerfootball_: Also idk why it came up as “Bittersweet” on Google, the song is called “Bittersweet Poetry” lmao

justinheazlwood: In 2003 I did some work experience for Triple J's Morning Show. I made a whimsical segment combining poetry, music & vox pops. Featuring the good people of Sydney. It was all about the vibe. Here is the first episode - "Banks!"

_mvloo: but i want to write poetry as good as the other poets why is my poetry not poetry and why does none of it make sense

Hermit4hyr111: Listen in, and hear the secrets woven through them. This game of clue is all about me, for me. And so it should be. It begins inside. I can only love you as I love me. So I will live my life unconditionally -Burn Book Poetry, Paper Weights Sept. 16, 2021

AleshaRuth: I was thinking about how I can get a little pretentious about lyrics and the way I *need and desire* poetry as it is what *moves my soul*. Also one of my favorite lyrics ever is “they call me King Turd up here on Shit Mountain; if you want it, you can have the crown.”

ooana: “Art is the name we have given to humanity’s most primal response to the mystery of existence. It was in the face of the mystery that dance, music, poetry, and painting were born. Since the dawn of the current era, art has been under threat. In the place where it belongs on…

mwan24892: Poetry is meant to inspire readers and listeners, to connect them more deeply to themselves even as it links them more fully to others. But many people feel put off by the terms of poetry, its odd vocabulary, its notorious difficulty.,Edward Hirsch,Inspire, People, Connect ,

DAVIDMWANG90941: Istanbul is inspiring because it has its own code of architecture, literature, poetry, music.,Christian Louboutin,Music, Poetry, Literature ,

neg_vapability: (of course this is a fairly solvable structural execution problem - & I myself would prefer it if the poetry happened immediately - but in my head I'm like, damn it, eat your veggies, theoretical reader)

SPICYCASPY1959: Raw poetry written at the speed of thought is imperfect in meter. Sometimes it's also imperfect in rhyme. Here you get exposed to thoughts pondered in the stillness of the night when it's relatively quiet. It's writing mode for now.

Sarumonin: Hello! My music is now out! If you like weird poetry metal, this is for you. Give it a listen, pass it around like an ice cream cone.

Farris_wheel_: being trans is so cool it's like if poetry came to life

Adeolatwist: Yoruba is a deliberate language, so much that when it is your first language, your body and behavior speak it too. Your disposition and everything else will feel like poetry. This is what differentiates those who acquire it later in life.

NinjaTHaii: I may’ve now became unsane as i drag up the bad&make poetry from it. What sense is that! Poetry??is that really what i’m calling it.. Life history. Aint a mystery , There’s good &there’s bad. Simple stuff. Only so many emotions 2use,some barely get any air .

matthewjdowd: A bit of Irish poetry on this Sunday evening by Patrick Kavanagh: “To be dead is to stop believing in, The masterpieces we will begin tomorrow.” sisters/brothers, wishing you the heart and courage to begin masterpieces of some kind tomorrow. It will make our world better.

GuillaumeCingal: "The wider British literary landscape is always shifting. One minute poetry is doing well, the next it’s nonfiction. Perhaps one day it really won’t matter who writes books, but, for now, here’s a shout out to all the writers who are Black and British and women breaking through."

sokerikuutio: writing poetry is so embarrassing in the hallway i’m convinced everyone can see what i’m writing (picture has nothing to do with my feeling, it’s just funny)

theASDguy: it as poetry now and not a religion. I think it is very underappreciated as poetry. I totally think more people should study the Bible than currently study the Bible because it's really a simple cure for depression. Faith can cure depression. Faith can move mountains. Faith can

theASDguy: give you everything. So I still think about the Bible constantly as a form of wonderful wonderful poetry. But Jesus Christ. I don't have to worship anyone. I don't have to be part of the cult-aspect of it. I mean really. I still think there is something exclusionary

versaceschanel: beauty is soooo important to me, i need to see beauty everyday in order to function properly, whether it's in nature, street, people, poetry, clothes, art.. any form, anywhere. if i don't i get really bitchy and insufferable, my life depends on beauty.

ConsilienceJrnl: Issue 12 of the journal is now live! Wahoo! Check it out for poetry and artwork that explores the scientific idea of 'Struggle':

mrsmacteach33: 1 / 3 NEW - unseen poetry booklet, with full mark model answer for the 24 mark question. I'm using it with Year 9, but would suit KS4. All the poems are available online, so I hope this is ok. There is space to write about each poem in the booklet...

dajc_thoughts: the type is a BEST FRIEND… THE WALLS WE PUT UP IN THE NIGHT ~ After It All Leaves ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ by: Roman Newell

MsGamiet: Poetry can be a highly accessible medium and largely non-threatening when considering 'reluctant readers', yet it's often pushed to the back in terms of priority texts. We need to ensure that poetry is weaved through our curriculum, not just as a one off

HeelGimmick: Looool This is my attempt of writing a poem Pathetic First of all, for the life of me, I can't make them rhyme Second, it's just mediocre stuff. So I have given up on writing poetry and stuck with prose(which I am told is below par stuff too) Wrote this in 2017

ariaz_poetry: Grief is funny One moment you can be fine The next you are crying uncontrollably because you miss them so much For a moment you push it out of your mind so far and suddenly its there Wishing to just hear their voice one more time Just one more time For more time It’s not fair

rmfrt: Is it poetry?

rimbauddailys: rimbaud is thinking about how his partner's eyes remind him of the sea. maybe he'll write some poetry about it.

biancastone: Poetry, metaphor, mythology are highly realistic and down to earth. It is logic and mathematics which are the imaginative and fantastical exercise. Elizabeth Sewell, The Orphic Voice

mirsadmir12345: 3-It is written in the form of poetry. Only the language and texture of the book is like a story. The book has been translated into seven languages. (

JadaLarocca: Empower and human souls. Poetry is painting with words as if it doesn't OUNASS NOON PROMO NON TOYOU TO Fordeal HM Bath and Body H&M YOU H AND M OUNAS COUPON SIVVI NAMSHI CODE ONAS DISCOUNT ONASS I grow, Absorbing me. Learning the difference between you and

miasmalism: I love whoo’s songs. people seem to know of the forgotten song but my favorite one called poetry of departure is so incredibly niche I doubt anyone really knows of it. you guys should look it up though

naruharuworld: and he Got the nickname "Popping king" because it. He loves to read poetry books that's why he can produce good lyrics. Lastly, Cola is running throughout his blood.

semasocialnews: A Look At the Journey Of Man And Country March 21 was World Poetry Day, and it is also the day Professor Kivutha Kibwana, launched his book These Words: An Anthology of Poems.

zombiebrat99: My poetry is too long for Twitter I have to cut it

Horganism: "What good is philosophy in a scientific age? It protects us from our yearning for certainty about who we are. It reminds us how little we know in spite of all we've learned."

faizzfizzi: Poetry. i heaven Remaining focus is on little differences. Mind you he OUNASS NOON PROMO NON TOYOU TO Fordeal HM Modanisa and Body H&M YOU H AND M OUNAS COUPON SIVVI NAMSHI CODE ONAS DISCOUNT ONASS Measuring it. veins, you'll never make her

rehmananwer: “It is poetry that I want now — long poems… I want the concentration, and the romance, and the words all glued together, fused, glowing.” ~ Virginia Woolf, Diaries

AnnalieseLemmon: About Irreantum - it is a literal journal that publishes writing by, for, or about Mormons in the form of poetry, essays, short stories, plays, reviews and literary criticism. I get paid a cut of the patreon earnings for this issue.

verlainebot: verlaine is reading rimbaud’s old poetry. it’s still signed as verlaine.

dooyoocanoodle: I am annoyed that I seem to b able to express my feelings only thru poetry. This is annoying Also, why do I do that thing where I copy literary styles of authors I like/have just read? It's fun, just feels like it's not me. Also, writing is just ok. Dancing feels like mine

HenryNormalpoet: Laurel Villa guest house near Seamus Heaney Home Place is the perfect place to stay for poetry fans. The walls are lined with Seamus’s poems, photos and memorabilia. The rooms are beautiful and the breakfast is unbeatable. Even Seamus himself couldn’t write it better. Hx

vkjha783: World Poetry Day: Poems Are A Reminder Against Erasure 'Resurrection in today’s post-truth world is how and what we remember. The poem is a reminder. It immortalizes the act of witnessing it as we did in various ways'.

tgiselle: She made the poetry exist. Poetry that is inspired by the elements of random thoughts, an overflow of gazing at the unseen. Once you start gazing into the abyss of the far right into her eyes, pretty soon it turns its gaze right back on you.

FearlessLiones4: Truth is like poetry. And most people f*cking hate poetry. The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. There are a terrible lot of lies going about the world, and the worst of it is that half of them are true.

minoansband: I was recently a guest on my buddy Phil's poetry podcast. We discuss whether hostile alien forces would have access to a printer, and if there is any circumstance under which it might be appropriate to accept a tickle from a stranger in Tesco.

JohnyNocash: In the UK tonight we engage with the twice-yearly charade of getting one up on nature by moving the hands of the clock to make us feel better. My first poetry anthology is called Seasonal Adjustments and can be bought here:

RiveraSunAuthor: "Listen," the rebel says, "you know it in your bones. The time to change has come." Rebel Song "Profound and hopeful, this book is a touchstone for remembering how crucial our voices are for the evolution of the spirit and the survival of the soul."

Poetry_Daily: A poem may be worked over once it is in being, but may not be worried into being. —Robert Frost

visitargentina: Today, it has been turned into a space for culture and remembrance, where the past is redefined through art and poetry, offering free activities and guided tours. For more information, see

Raul_henglep: A good poetry is like Litmus pigment, it will turn some red, some blue while having no effect on many.

jhoffman: "Betsy had coffee and a fruit salad dish. She could have had anything she wanted." This is a beautiful line. It's poetry, really, tucked inside one of the grimmest, nastiest movies anyone has ever seen.

whatthebookclub: Hello everyone, we're back with a new podcast episode. The Eighth episode is out now. You can listen it in your favourite listening platform. Link: Listen to "Episode 08 - Let's Talk Poetry" by What The Book Club Podcast.

whatthebookclub: Sudarshan on 'poetry': "A simple thought gives meaning and clarity to various (vast) aspects of life. If you can put those thoughts into words, it is likely that it's going to be relatable to lots of people. If one can do that, that is what poetry is to me."

whatthebookclub: Bhumika on what poetry means to her: "Poetry, for me, is something that is very beautiful. Even though my feelings and emotions are, right now, not really bright and fancy, but then at the same time I want to put it out there as a form existence which comes with so much beauty."

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Poem of the day

John Milton Poem
 by John Milton

A Masque Presented At Ludlow Castle, 1634, Before

The Earl Of Bridgewater, Then President Of Wales.

The Persons

The ATTENDANT SPIRIT, afterwards in the habit of THYRSIS.
COMUS, with his Crew.

Read complete poem

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