A screech and a boom,
The metallic slave defies master's order
Yells, cries, mourns and moans - doom
Distorted faces of the slave and the master
Helplessness brings in tow gloom

Sirens rent the air,
fellow slaves rush to master's cries
Heartbeats stealthily walk out of their homes
Orphans mushroom, condolences to heir
Master incapacitated, bereaved the mistress

The master 'bought' your health slave,
On the inspector's report read, you can serve
A clean bill of health granted,
As long as the premiums stand renewed
No prescription given, no warning issued

The slave blames the master
Should be on bed rest he laments
Mistress and the master blame the inspector
Bereaved blame the working environment
I blame all, not for the slave's tragedy
But for both.