Comments about Eric Alterman

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PeterBeinart: If Israel actually made "its decisions by the will of its people"--meaning the people it controls, a majority of whom are Palestinian--Marwan Barghouti would have a better chance of getting elected prime minister than Bibi

ChemiShalev: Biden has finally figured out that Netanyahu=Trump, and Trump=Netanyahu

PatThomas1964: Remembering that time that Miles Davis brought flowers to Laura Nyro at one of her concerts and also stopped by a recording session to possibly play but after listening, declared, “this is perfect, it doesn’t need me!”

origivati: Netanyahu’s son, Yair, promoted the ultranationalist violent protest yesterday in Tel Aviv by sharing a video of protesters holding a flag of Kach (Israeli terrorist group) and shouting: Leftists are whores. The son’s social media, the father’s policy.

Eric_Alterman: CUNY is the top engine of economic mobility in the US

Eric_Alterman: Perhaps a little context (512 pages of it) may help:

Eric_Alterman: Perhaps some historical context might be useful Perhaps a little context (512 pages of it) may help:

Eric_Alterman: If you're considering hitting "reply all," and you have any decision to make at all, then the answer is defintely no. This goes triple (at least) for academics

greenhousenyt: It's a very bad look for New York Times management that its CEO has received a 73% pay increase over the past two years while the Times is offering a wage increase far below inflation to the 1,000+ journalists who make the Times the great news organization that it is

ishaantharoor: He sat on top of the Afghan civilian, shot him in the head and then left his body in a latrine.

taraemcg: "Owned by the largest newspaper publisher in the nation, Gannett, the only original content from Salinas comes in the form of paid obituaries, making death virtually the only sign of life at an institution once considered a must-read by many Salinans.”

Eric_Alterman: Abe Foxman knows a lot of things that aren’t true

rabbijilljacobs: Tikvah has been funding Israel's shift to the right for years, including via Kohelet, which created the judicial overhaul bill. They are not a reasonable or moderate voice.

rabbijilljacobs: Reminiscing fondly about the time (a couple of weeks ago) when AIPAC leadership visited Israel & Israelis came out to protest them.

NTarnopolsky: I hate to burst everybody's bubble, but Netanyahu is merely postponing this showdown by a month & has *signed a document* granting Itamar Ben Gvir, a convicted terror criminal, a private militia.

matthew_petti: Israeli customs officers are on strike over Netanyahu’s court overhaul…so now Palestinians can’t enter or leave their territories. If this was a work of fiction I’d say the metaphor is too ham-handed.

BenzionSanders: Attempted lynching in Jerusalem last night of a Palestinian taxi driver by pro-judicial reform protesters.

JakeMGrumbach: some days don't you just feel like shouting this from a rooftop (ungated:

joshtpm: too many dark ironies

Eric_Alterman: I have issues, but .... OK

GavinNewsom: You received $1,306,130 in donations from the NRA. You voted against the most recent bipartisan gun package in June. If you’re so “ready to assist” -- start by doing your job and passing commonsense gun laws that will help prevent tragedies like the one today.

JordanUhl: This you?

mattduss: This can't be overstated. The absence of a unified Palestinian leadership that can both press its case for liberation and make credible final status commitments is a huge handicap. Which is why Israeli policy is to prevent that unity, and sadly Fatah and Hamas are cooperating.

joshtpm: The American Billionaires Behind the Far-right Attempt to Destroy Liberal Israel - Israel News -

NTarnopolsky: While Netanyahu wrote a short, defiant speech "pausing" legislation & everyone else exhaled, the government rushed his flagship bill to stuff the Judicial Appointments Cmte through Knesset procedures & it could be voted on & passed into law AT ANY MOMENT.

Eric_Alterman: This tweet mistakes America for a democracy; or a political system without the NRA. polls don't matter on this issue, power does

Eric_Alterman: Some "outlaws"

ddale8: Trump, attacking Bragg, keeps saying murder or violent crime in Manhattan is at a record high. This is not even close to true. NYPD data is public. Look at the bottom section, 2022 versus 1990.

joshualeifer: A striking sign of a total disconnect from reality or cynicism that, against the backdrop of ongoing events, the Princeton Hillel decided to host a genuine Israeli fascist to talk, who got a lecturer gig through the right-wing think tank infrastructure that operates on campus.

rabbijilljacobs: 1. I think the will of the Israeli people is pretty clear. 2. Vague memories of a PM who spoke in Congress against US policy & not at the invitation of the President. 3. The whole point of international law is to say that human rights in any one country are all of our concern.

JeremyBenAmi: So proud of the Israelis fighting for democracy against the anti-democratic, ethnonationalist agenda of the Bibi/Levin/Rothman/Ben Gvir/Smotrich axis. Monday will be one of most consequential days in Israel's history. Israel can still fulfill the hopes and dreams of its founders.

Edsall: Sad, sad news. Texas Observer, legendary crusading liberal magazine, is closing and laying off its staff

WarOnDumb: Being a columnist in Alabama isn’t that different than writing for the Onion, only everything is real.

TimesofIsrael: Netanyahu lawyer says he won’t represent him unless overhaul halted

PeterBeinart: If Jewish Israelis truly invited Palestinians to join their democratic struggle—and made it a struggle for freedom for everyone, not just for Jews--that movement wouldn't just defeat Bibi. It would defeat apartheid and change the world

AshaRangappa_: Imagine if a presidential candidate went to NYC and held a rally celebrating 9/11 and having a choir sing an anthem to it. With a big crowd cheering it on.

donmoyn: Lolz - two weeks after the NYT was quoting a National Review writer as an educational expert who could comment on DeSantis policies, we learn he is working as a DeSantis speechwriter

Eric_Alterman: "1) We Are Not One is a rich, useful synthesis of decades of debate on U.S.-Israel relations and American policy toward Israel, and on how it came to be that the debate is sometimes less a discussion on foreign policy and more an argument as to whether there can be any debate

Eric_Alterman: on Israel in the first place.

Eric_Alterman: Thank you Saul, for your Amazon review ERA

mattduss: I wonder what color shirts they’ll wear

peterframpton: I have posted this before but .. 26 years ago, a gunman entered Dunblane Primary School in Scotland, killing 16 kids and a teacher. The UK govt responded by enacting tight gun control legislation. In the 9400+ days since, there have been a total of O school shootings in the UK.

YehudahMirsky: We are nowhere out of the woods yet. Ben Gvir gives Netanyahu temporary support in exchange for a new security force outside the chain of command and reporting directly to him

JoyceWhiteVance: Congressman for the district that includes the Nashville, Tennessee Covenant School where 6 people were shot to death today, including 3 young children.

Mondoweiss: The last three Democratic presidents took a “cautionary tale” from Jimmy Carter and decided not to push the issue of Palestinian justice because it might cost them a second term, says Eric Alterman.

drronstrand: 1,000+ Artworks by Vincent Van Gogh Digitized & Put Online by Dutch Museums: Enter Van Gogh Worldwide

rafsanchez: Scenes from Israel tonight look less like a protest and more like a popular revolution.

EstherSolomon: Police & border guards now in full force to disperse the remaining demonstrators on the Tel Aviv highway. Tomorrow Netanyahu will use this to 'prove' protesters are anarchists/CIA funded/terrorists. The police minister is far-right racist Itamar Ben-Gvir

Eric_Alterman: Phew!

Eric_Alterman: Paul Simon songs I think are better than "Bridge Over Troubled Water": 1) The Boxer 2) Duncan 3) Sounds of Silence 4) I am a Rock 5) American Tune 6) Me and Julio 7) Graceland 8) Slip, Sliding Away

Eric_Alterman: Not "better" but great and largely unknown, "Red Rubber Ball."

espinsegall: The GOP version of the story of Fred Korematsu.

MichaelWarbur17: At the 1998 Grammy’s PAVAROTTI was set to perform ‘Nessun dorma” but his Doctors said no, he was in no fit state. The Producers then went to ARETHA FRANKLIN’s dressing room & after listening to a tape of a rehearsal just once, she went on stage & did THIS. The Queen Of Soul…

thebcvanguard: On March 19th, CUNY students marched across the Brooklyn Bridge in favor of the New Deal for CUNY. Gabriela Flores reports on it here:

Eric_Alterman: The FDR example early in this piece--a weird attempt to both sides what is a Republican tradition of pre-election treason--is completely incoherent and has nothing to do with the topic. Weisman is among the worst political journalists I've ever seen.

ben_alterman: Eric Gordon is the worst part 76893467

emptywheel: James Bamford, hyping his Russian apology tour in -- guess where, the Nation!! falsely claims no one reported on this in real time.

Eric_Alterman: I just finished reading "Philip Roth and the Jews" by Alan Cooper. It was so good I looked him up to send a fan letter. There are quite a few Alan Coopers (and Cooper Alans). Even one who teaches Jewish Studies. But this one died, alas. So write the authors whose books you like.

Eric_Alterman: could happen to a nicer guy...

Eric_Alterman: Thoughts and prayers:

Eric_Alterman: George Jones "She Thinks I Still Care" 1970

Eric_Alterman: Doris in "Deconstructing Harry" You have no values. Your whole life: it's nihilism, it's cynicism, it's sarcasm and orgasm." Harry Block : "You know, in France, I could run on that slogan and win."

Eric_Alterman: The stupid crap that CUNY has to deal with, in addition to (collapsing ceilings, no air conditioning etc)

owillis: What it looks like when the refs have been thoroughly worked

Ha_Matar: This is the most important, and least discussed, aspect of the Israeli government’s coup d’etat. Everything else can be undone by a future government - unless this move succeeds, and the far right guarantees eternal domination by ousting Palestinians

ScottHech: I want to state this as clearly as possible. Every study, piece of data, everywhere, points to the extraordinary success of bail reform. Recidivism decreased. Hundreds of millions saved. No tie to crime. Unnecessary jail avoided. A manufactured crisis & NY Gov. Hochul is a liar.

mccormick_ted: This piece pretends that Smith, Hume and Burke aren't routinely taught by "liberal" professors, making me suspect that very few conservatives know much at all about universities, and leading me to assume there is little of value in their op-eds

MichaelWarbur17: "Looks like we're closed for the rest of the afternoon." THE BIG SLEEP (1946) A young, inexperienced 22yr old Dorothy Malone does a great job up against the hugely experienced star power of Bogart in this crackling, cracking scene.

DougJBalloon: Whether it's conservatives sending anthrax to Alvin Bragg, or liberals leaving mean replies to Maggie Haberman's tweets, it seems that both sides will stop at nothing to advance their partisan agenda.

tedgioia: THIS is what happens when newspapers cut back on copyediting.

Eric_Alterman: Yes, well apologies are nice but the important thing is to figure out why you were wrong: why was it so necessary to find a Republican who seemed sane and how to avoid making the same mistake in the future

TheOnion: Join us in an endless scroll of rationality and truth. Follow The Onion on TikTok.

historyinmemes: The most effective ad in history

JamesL1927: ‘Don’t ever take sides with anyone against the Family again. Ever.’ THE GODFATHER was released 51 years ago today.

_ryanruby_: Marx: Capitalists are, in effect, draining away the value of their workers’ labor to enrich themselves—just as supernatural vampires drain their victims’ life force to grow stronger. Capitalists: Why so metaphorical?

TalKopan: Folks.

EstherSolomon: As over a thousand demonstrators gather on the outskirts of Bnei Brak to march through the ultra-Orthodox city to protest its community leaders' support for the Netanyahu gov't, thousands gather in Petach Tikva to protest far-right Religious Zionism event

Eric_Alterman: I think it's time to drop the term "Latinx" since only 3% of the people it applies to approve of it. Telling them what to call themselves when they object to the idea is not a good look for intellectuals or leftists or both.

Eric_Alterman: Sad news for those of us who were hoping for journalism from this outfit: " A number of current and former N.Y. Post employees are joining The Messenger, JIMMY FINKELSTEIN’s digital news site launching in May"

Eric_Alterman: T minus 9 for the (literal) greatest sho on earth!

Eric_Alterman: one of the most insane things ever

Eric_Alterman: Roll it away

NTarnopolsky: ⭐️Israeli gold star families protesting against Netanyahu

Eric_Alterman: Quite a trick: "1 year after her death, how Madeleine Albright embraced her Jewish heritage...."

kampeas: Acknowledging 'reputational risk,' ADL chief defends partnership with undemocratic United Arab Emirates - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Scout_Finch: That's the point of the American legal system. Nobody is supposed to be above the law.

lib_crusher: Senator Hunt and her colleagues in Nebraska are genuinely heroic. Making an all-out stand against the endless waves of hate bills in a very conservative state. Grinding the legislature to a halt for going through with this latest hate bill. It should be the norm nationwide.

Mondoweiss: The last three Democratic presidents took a “cautionary tale” from Jimmy Carter and decided not to push the issue of Palestinian justice because it might cost them a second term, says Eric Alterman.

AnshelPfeffer: Attorney-General Baharav Miara in a letter to Netanyahu rules that his involvement in the constitutional legislation is “illegal and tainted by conflict of interest”. Bibi said the law passed on Wednesday “unties my hands”. AG disputing that. This is the constitutional crisis

NormOrnstein: Gee, how did Matt Taibbi and Bari Weiss miss this?

Eric_Alterman: because, you know, free speech....

DougJBalloon: Whether it's liberal teachers showing Michelangelo's David to high-schoolers, or right-wing billionaires showing Hunter Biden's dick picks to Twitter users, both sides have an exposure problem.

Eric_Alterman: "I care more about..." means here comes some "whataboutism" which means "I can't answer that question so I will change the subject." See under "Israel/Palestine."


Eric_Alterman: I wanted to like this piece, but it's terrible. Who is the "they?" "They do not usually engage in intellectual activity. They misrepresent our work. They play up minor typos or small miscues to take down major theses. They call us names..." ...define,

gradie98: Fox News Has Always Been Propaganda

MahaMehanna: Eric Alterman on the power of the Israeli lobby to script U.S. policy: Clinton and Obama saw the White House at risk if they lifted a finger for Palestine.

joshtpm: Republican Rep. Jim Jordan Issues Sweeping Information Requests To Universities Researching Disinformation

KevinMKruse: Now, this is how you craft a tweet.

Eric_Alterman: Journalists should not accept the ADL's statistics without examining its definition of "antisemitic," which includes criticism of Israel of which it does not approve. It's lazy and unnecessarily alarmist.

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Poem of the day

Emily Dickinson Poem
I'M Ceded-i'Ve Stopped Being Theirs
 by Emily Dickinson


I'm ceded-I've stopped being Theirs-
The name They dropped upon my face
With water, in the country church
Is finished using, now,
And They can put it with my Dolls,
My childhood, and the string of spools,

Read complete poem

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