Biography of Elizabeth Jennings

Elizabeth Jennings may refer:

Elizabeth Jennings (poet) (1926–2001), English poet

Elizabeth Jennings Graham (1827–1901), African-American teacher

Jean Bartik (1924–2011), American ENIAC computer programmer who may also be known as Elizabeth Jean Jennings

Elizabeth Jennings (The Americans) – fictional character from the TV show "The Americans"

"Jennings, Elizabeth" – TV episode, an episode of "The Americans"

See also

All pages with titles beginning with Elizabeth Jennings

All pages with titles containing Elizabeth Jennings

Jennings (disambiguation)

Elizabeth (disambiguation)

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Poem of the day

Bliss Carman and Richard Hovey Poem
In A Silence
 by Bliss Carman and Richard Hovey

Heart to heart!
And the stillness of night and the moonlight, like hushed breathing
Silently, stealthily moving across thy hair!

O womanly face!
Tender and strong and lucent with infinite feeling,
Shrinking with startled joy, like wind-struck water,
And yet so frank, so unashamed of love!

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