Comments about Donald Rumsfeld

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JossecIsaac: The New York Times

JD_Gaffle: Donald Rumsfeld

ChrisCinciBiz: Very Donald Rumsfeld-esque.


AncientWisdomHQ: "If you are not criticized, you may not be doing much." - Donald H. Rumsfeld

MLRPromotions: Donald H. Rumsfeld: "If you are not criticized, you may not be doing much."

welfordwrites: If you are not criticised you may not be doing much. Donald Rumsfeld

jhamby: Frank Carlucci was more of a friend of Donald Rumsfeld than a friend of George Bush, but they're all in that same military-industrial complex circle.

ChunkyLover65: Donald Rumsfeld us quoted as saying "I don't care how many people it kills(nutra-sweet) I want it approved for market."

MortarPestleUSA: Donald Rumsfeld and the Strange History of Aspartame:

jhamby: I dunno which story is wackier, the guy who traveled to Mars in a magic elevator with Barack Obama and Donald Rumsfeld in a building not far from where I live, or secret meetings between the CEO of Douglas Aircraft, the Sec. of the Navy and "a guy from MIT" on the UFO invasion.

RichiePaszt: "There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know." ~ SECDEF Donald Rumsfeld, 2-12-2002

IndyUSA: Twenty years on, reflection and regret on 2002 Iraq war vote

IndyUSA: Twenty years on, reflection and regret on 2002 Iraq war vote

kigalidailynews: 20 years on reflection and regret on 2002 Iraq war vote Michigan Sen. Debbie Stabenow was sitting in Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s conference room at the Pentagon, listening to him make the case that Saddam Hussein was hiding weapons of mass

edgell_bri39452: African War Lords. Find David Petrus and Donald Rumsfeld and bring them them home. With all their friends. There will be no interference from the United States Armed Forces, or Federal Agencies. I control all of them. They are under my control.

PastMasterDan: Donald Rumsfeld reported a 2 Trillion pentagon deficit and right after that, they bombed the World Trade Center to cover their crime! “If the knew what we’ve done, they’d hang us” GWB….

MayorMoon: Did you know that Donald Rumsfeld died? Without ever facing consequences for his crimes. He died in 2021! Did I know that and forgot? Or did I miss it because of a pandemic

PastMasterDan: 2 Trillion Dollars, Donald Rumsfeld…illegal wars….

sportingintel: If Donald Rumsfeld were still alive and reporting on the "sale" of Man Utd, he'd detail the known knowns, the known unknowns and the unknown unknowns. His report would read a bit like this:

LovableGoy: On September 10, 2001, then U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld disclosed that his department was unable to account for roughly $2.3 trillion worth of transactions. The next day, the U.S. sustained the terrorist attacks that changed the world. Ironic, is it not?

BruceDawson0xB: The Onion, as always, absolutely nailing it - Donald Rumsfeld ruminating on the Iraq war:

macho_com: Video. Donald Rumsfeld: The Toppling of Saddam Hussein Was Worth the Many Lives of Those Killed During and After the Iraq War: Al Jazeera’s Abderrahim Foukara asks the former US defense secretary whether toppling Saddam Hussein was worth the many lives…

VicSingh13: Will the Hawkes of Washington be tried for War Crimes for creating a human catastrophe in Iraq. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld & Rice should be brought to justice. War of Lies: How to Sell an Invasion | ENDEVR Documentary

cynthiamckinney: "Thanks to the 9/11 attacks Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz installed Admiral Arthur Cebrowski in Donald Rumsfeld’s shadow. He imposed the strategy of endless war: the US armed forces should not win any more wars, but start many of them and keep them going as long as possible."

CPR5883: Mark Millie = Donald Rumsfeld Can this Administration stop trying to start multiple wars. We are going to become Babylon if we keep this up.

JonseyJones1: On September 10, 2001, then U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld disclosed that his department was unable to account for roughly $2.3 trillion worth of transactions.  On September 11, the U.S. sustained the terrorist attacks and this startling revelation was forgotten.

thedaybooks: Also, to misquote Donald Rumsfeld, parent the child you have, not the child you might want or wish to have at a later time. Or the child you think other people think you should have.

thedaybooks: Lol Donald Rumsfeld parenting advice

g_donnelly4: Donald Rumsfeld is in hell and so am I as long as Princeton is left in the Men’s NCAA Tournament. Go Creighton.

ndcorngrower: “Going to war with the army you got. Not the one you wished you had.” Donald Rumsfeld

AyKarTo: 5/7: Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld also mentioned in 2001 that there were Iranian militants working with the same Afghan forces as Americans. However, Iran still condemned the aerial bombardment of Afghanistan and criticized the U.S.' "arrogant and imperialistic" approach.

Marcia7346: Donald Rumsfeld speech September 10, 2001

PierreDuboisMe1: Donald Rumsfeld might have been able to.

pjweb7: What Did Donald Rumsfeld Know About the 9/11 Attacks?

RealPLUTim: I got a standing O in my History of Religions class when I called Donald Rumsfeld a war criminal so I get it.


Asr23267077: Since the early morning today the coalition high command and the Joint Chief of Staff are in an online conference joined by the Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. This meeting immediately follows an earlier meeting last night at the White House.

united__UK: Remember on Sept 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld announced the pentagon was MISSING over $2 TRILLION? By the time Obama left office in 2016, there was over $21 TRILLION MISSING. Lucky 9/11 was next day, so we forgot $$$ Better for them, a MISSLE HIT THE PENTAGONS RECORDS DPT. HANDY?

discursing: scouring Donald Rumsfeld's wikipedia page for senior academic appointments (none), only to learn that his memoir is called Known and Unknown

thereallaine: Donald Rumsfeld announced the pentagon misplaced 2 trillion dollars on 9/10/2001 That was the funding for the 401k’s. Read that again until you get it.

Markcon4444: Donald Rumsfeld announced the pentagon misplaced 2 trillion dollars on 9/10/2001 That was the funding for the 401k’s. Read that again until you get it.

dragon4audio: Donald Rumsfeld's 9/11 story

NesaraGesara0: Donald Rumsfeld announced the pentagon misplaced 2 trillion dollars on 9/10/2001 That was the funding for the 401k’s. Read that again until you get it.

DavidCranmerUn1: with such clients as the Monsanto Company. Between 1977 and 1985, Donald Rumsfeld served as CEO, and then as president, of Searle. In 1985, Rummy engineered the acquisition of Searle by Monsanto Corporation. From January 1997 until being sworn in as the 21st Secretary of

GenBoykiin: It was a great honor to work for such a distinguished public servant. My condolences to the Rumsfeld family.

donhynes: George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Colin Powell, Condolezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, et al, this is on YOU>

shavanbarzani: Iraqi Kurdistan’s House of Cards Is Collapsing

timsayle: I've also added the briefing materials from Minister of National Defence John McCallum's January 2003 trip to meet with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

CanadaHawk: Sometimes I still think about the fact that Donald Rumsfeld thought he could invade Iraq with 3000 ground forces. The military was like "what no"

GregMitch: My tribute to the late, great war reporter (and friend) Joe Galloway: When he grilled Donald Rumsfeld on Iraq at private lunch in 2005.

KingFavre: Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld to George W Bush and Condolezza Rice:

lemaym91: I’m thinking about quote of the former Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld

McFeel24: What Did Donald Rumsfeld Know About the 9/11 Attacks?

scott_tobias: To mark the 20th anniversary of the Iraq War, I dug into Errol Morris' two underrated documentaries about Abu Ghraib and Donald Rumsfeld, and the cohesive story they tell together:

DavidCranmerUn1: Carlyle managed funds. Lou Gerstner, former chairman and CEO of IBM and Nabisco, replaced Frank Carlucci as chairman of Carlyle in January 2003. In 1948, Carlucci attended Princeton University, where he roomed with Donald Rumsfeld. From January 1997 until being sworn in as the

MightyM55070329: Donald Rumsfeld

nadeemakrampk: "Be precise. A lack of precision is dangerous when the margin of error is small." Donald Rumsfeld

acrofever: Donald Rumsfeld (BUO) - "Bush's unwavering officer.", by NiK42

DerryckGriffith: If The ICC Police Tries To Arrest Mr. Putin Anywhere Outside Russia. Prepare to have severe casualties in the process. When you arrest Barack Obama, George W Bush, Bill Clinton, Donald Rumsfeld, and Tony Blair first. Then we will see how they fare under prosecution.

DeanDettloff: Still reflecting on the Iraq War, a conflict that started as I entered high school. I first learned who Donald Rumsfeld was from this song by the Psalters, a wild Christian primitivist crust punk outfit that I saw perform probably half a dozen times:

LRB: ‘On 11 September 2001, six hours after the attacks, I heard that Donald Rumsfeld said that it might be an opportunity to “hit” Iraq.’ Eliot Weinberger, What I Heard About Iraq

isaacscher: "There are no good targets in Afghanistan; let's bomb Iraq." —Donald Rumsfeld to then-counterterrorism chief Richard Clarke

SabresAfterDark: Donald Rumsfeld and Gary Bettman discuss the case for invading Iraq based on totally real existence of WMD:

AngelosTzelepis: “There are no good targets in Afghanistan; let's bomb Iraq,” Donald Rumsfeld remarked to Richard Clarke "Every attempt to provide a rationale for the war is patent sophistry or self-justification."

AnonHeel: Remember the Reagan administration and its special Middle East envoy, Donald Rumsfeld, did little to stop Iraq developing weapons of mass destruction in the 1980s, The funniest part Saddam Hussein gave the copies of the recorded meeting to investigative journalists. Remember…

AnonHeel: Remember the Reagan administration and its special Middle East envoy, Donald Rumsfeld, did little to stop Iraq developing weapons of mass destruction in the 1980s, The funniest part Saddam Hussein gave the copies of the recorded meeting to investigative journalists. Remember…

AnonHeel: Remember the Reagan administration and its special Middle East envoy, Donald Rumsfeld, did little to stop Iraq developing weapons of mass destruction in the 1980s, The funniest part Saddam Hussein gave the copies of the recorded meeting to investigative journalists. Remember…

Mauro_Gilli: One of the paradoxes of the War in Iraq is that one of its chief architects, Donald Rumsfeld, had understood ahead of time that the strategic priority for the US was the rise of China. And yet…

paulhansonclark: i like the part in the movie Vice where donald rumsfeld is being like a rabble rousing all american badass bon vivant and dick cheney is like "what political party is THAT GUY in? because that's the party for me!"

HuXijin_GT: The US invasion of Iraq 20 years ago opened a Pandora’s box & killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. Then US president George W. Bush should be held accountable for war crimes, and then secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld who has passed away should also be cursed.

badrijimale: Thred 1/3 One of Donald Rumsfeld’s useful rule is that “A’s hire A’s and B’s hire C’s”. This means that top talent attracts top talent. The opposite is also true. Mediocre leadership attracts poor talent. Today, nowhere is this more evident than in

attackerman: “In President Bush’s first term, he was appointed Deputy General Counsel of the Defense Department by Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld”

jay_darkness: Arrest Donald Rumsfeld.

drsharkface: "... to reject its broad brackets as intolerably repugnant, rather than share even that small invented rubric of classification with the likes of George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, ...

lyndnjhnsn: "As we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don't know we don't know." - Donald Rumsfeld.

Cpl_Dont_Know: Also, Donald Rumsfeld is dead. So there's that.

AtomandEve_: Don’t look up Donald Rumsfeld and aspartame.

ForeignC: Dumbbell Democrats and their lying Liberal Media ridiculed or ignored Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s repeated warnings about China’s ominous, opaque military buildup. Now, China boasts the world’s largest navy as well as menacing space, cyber and nuclear war capabilities

LibertySuperman: PNAC was calling for regime change in Iraq in 1998. Look at the members and understand this history. In Sy Hersh's Chain of Command it was reported that Donald Rumsfeld was asking the IC to demonstrate how Iraq was responsible within 24 hours of 9/11...

keithberniecrat: It's always been the wrong & immoral war. And no, it's still not the time to rehabilitate the war criminals George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Jack Straw & Tony Blair.

RableKyle: Friendly reminder that Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and George W aren’t in jail and face(ed) no repercussions for the dashing of almost three generations of Americans and untold numbers of Iraqis.

MrTooDamnChris: Donald Rumsfeld didn’t write anything for the Iraq 20th anniversary because he is dead.

WarNuse: Donald Henry Rumsfeld. 18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason

AussieColonizer: Rumsfeld, one of the enablers of Bush, Blaire and Howard's illegal war on Iraq.. Donald Rumsfeld announces 2.3 Trillion missing from the Pentagon on Sept...

arlenparsa: In 2003 Bush’s Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld lied about having certainty concerning the location of Iraq’s supposed Weapons of Mass Destruction By 2006 when he was proven dead wrong, he lied about having lied in the first place— totally denying he said what he said on tape

iluminatibot: We can all thank Donald "2.3 trillion dollars" Rumsfeld for that Aspartame poison.

JustSayFkOff: You don't say! Well, I'm still waiting for arrest warrants for: Baby Bush Dick Cheney Donald Rumsfeld Both Clintons Obama The Big Guy & Errant Son Tony Blair Boris Johnson Pfizer Moderna AstraZeneca J&J Where are the arrest warrants, huh?

DavidCranmerUn1: name Oligogen by Michael L. Riordan, a medical doctor. Riordan recruited Donald Rumsfeld to join the board of directors in 1988, followed by Benno C. Schmidt, Sr., Gordon Moore, and George P. Shultz. In January 2008, George P. Shultz co-authored (with William Perry,

yinth_: People responsible for the Iraq war are everywhere doing media hits these days: Stephen Hadley, John Bolton, Liz Cheney, David Frum, etc. And it got me wondering where the hell Donald Rumsfeld was. Friends, somehow I erased this critical piece of info from my memory: HE'S DEAD

Ras_Al_Fooll: Great, its about time. Now how about george bush, dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. All three of those monsters did much worse than anything Putin has done, so far.

Scholars_Stage: This is not the only thing to learn from the invasion—not by a long shot. I have written at length about some of the problems in strategy

walidfreiha: Fair enough, now while you’re at it how about also charging George W Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld for their war crimes in Iraq too? Just a thought

GordonTredgold: Don't necessarily avoid sharp edges. Occasionally they are necessary to leadership. - Donald Rumsfeld

KALLEDUSS1N: May 7, 2004 - US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld testifies before the Senate and House Armed Services Committees. “These events occurred on my watch…as Secretary of Defense, I am accountable for them and I take full responsibility…there are other photos – many other..

DavidCranmerUn1: number of prominent members of the neoconservative movement, including Richard Perle (who, as a teenager, fingerbanged Wohlstetter's daughter Joan). A key advisor to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in the Bush administration, Fingerblaster Perle was an architect of the

gnallspiken56: NEVER FORGET! September 10, 2001 - Donald Rumsfeld announces that the Pentagon was Missing $2.3 trillion in transactions. But the next day something 'Happened' and it was forgotten about forever. They will do everything to distract you..

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Emily Dickinson Poem
I'M Ceded-i'Ve Stopped Being Theirs
 by Emily Dickinson


I'm ceded-I've stopped being Theirs-
The name They dropped upon my face
With water, in the country church
Is finished using, now,
And They can put it with my Dolls,
My childhood, and the string of spools,

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