Comments about Barbara Boxer

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UCBerkeleyHR: Join former U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer in conversation with U.S. Rep. Judy Chu on Monday, April 3 as they discuss protecting women's rights, responding to anti-Asian hate and violence, and advancing the needs of working families and small businesses.

JohnManotherBan: She is just up there making campaign soundbites and lying. Alabama elected her because she is attractive and has an R by her name. She will serve for 50 more years. She will be the Barbara Boxer of Alabama.

BerkeleyIGS: * ONE WEEK AWAY* Join us on April 3rd, for the 2023 Barbara Boxer Lecture -

nettermike: She enters the race with endorsements from former Sen. Barbara Boxer, Lt. Gov Eleni Kounalakis, Controller Malia Cohen and Equality California.

BerkeleyIGS: Join us on April 3rd, for the 2023 Barbara Boxer Lecture -

ibrei72407: I am sure that every one of my colleagues - Democrat, Republican, and Independent - agrees with that statement. That in the voting booth, every one is equal.,Barbara Boxer,I Am, Voting, Colleagues ,

RichReps: Barbara Boxer (D-Calif) had an approximate net worth of $3,338,505 in 2004.

greg0rkyle: His obituary features stories from Alex Morrison and includes a mention of Barbara Windsor. He'll be remembered by his friends and family and the Scottish boxing community

festolyn: Every citizen of this country should be guaranteed that their vote matters, that their vote is counted, and that in the voting booth, their vote has a much weight as that of any CEO, any member of Congress, or any President.  Barbara Boxer

sharrmasumann: Hollywood Pushing For Joe Biden To Drop Kamala Harris As VP On a recent Zoom call with former US Senator Barbara Boxer-California Democrat, Hollywood actors-Helen Hunt,Ron Livingston,Gabrielle Carteris allegedly claimed that Harris would hurt Biden’s chances of winning a 2nd term

GullahRehabbed: Multiple trips to the Black Belt have happened Perhaps, in Barbara Boxer's office, you weren't taught how to find the travel schedule of the FLOTUS/VPOTUS and aren't equipped with finding local stories from visits to AL, MS, AR, FL, GA, SC, NC & TN predominantly black counties.

SuganthanRamak1: picking a new running mate when he runs for re-election in 2024. On a recent Zoom call with former US Senator Barbara Boxer, a California Democrat, Hollywood executives and actors such as Helen Hunt, Ron Livingston, Gabrielle Carteris,

JMKMediaGroup: On a recent Zoom call with former US Senator Barbara Boxer, a California Democrat, Hollywood executives and actors such as Helen Hunt, Ron Livingston, Gabrielle Carteris, and others allegedly claimed that Harris would hurt Biden’s chances of winning a second term.

NYMag: “She could be tough, but with a silk glove. She didn’t come with a boxer’s glove and punch you out.” — Christiane Amanpour, chief international anchor, CNN

Marie_Onyx: Barbara Boxer can go fk herself as well. Damn.

TheCut: “She could be tough, but with a silk glove. She didn’t come with a boxer’s glove and punch you out.” — Christiane Amanpour, chief international anchor, CNN

BerkeleyIGS: Join us for the 2023 Barbara Boxer Lecture; a conversation with Rep. Judy Chu Mon, 4/3 4:00pm - 5:15pm!

confectious86: “Harris is a huge liability, they complained to former California Sen. Barbara Boxer, according to two people on the call. She would hurt Biden’s chances, because people will focus on her, given his age. How, one asked Boxer, do they get Biden to replace her?”

IsaacDovere: a recent Hollywood star & donor Zoom call unloaded on former Sen. Barbara Boxer, saying Harris would hurt Biden’s chances and Biden should replace her. “If that’s how you feel, you should let Biden know,” Boxer told them, according to people on the call.

tysonbrody: I’m in love with this transition - “while x didn’t mean y, the ZOOM CALL with Helen Hunt and Barbara boxer sure did!” No mention of zoom earlier in the story, we’re just supposed to accept random LA libs whining to a senator turned lobbyist is a big important deal

NewsNation: Barbara Boxer: Singling out older politicians 'wrong'

BILLHAFT: Democrats No Longer have an actual Majority in the Senate: Two of the Democrat’s Senators are incapable of participating, but the Democrats are hiding that fact and voting on their behalf. Barbara Boxer is now 89 years old and mentally out of it.

BEgbana02778758: I think Democrats are right. We fight for the American dream, for the environment, for privacy rights, a woman's right to choose, a good public education system.,Barbara Boxer,Good, American Dream, Woman ,

StreamingVideo_: The documentary Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room went on sale today for $4.99 on Vudu Starring: John Beard, Tim Belden, Barbara Boxer .

Timesmithing: included in the recovery, after they left the workforce in record numbers. I’m proud to be from a state with a history of electing trailblazing women to the United States Senate—Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, and Kamala Harris. These leaders have carved a path that women in

LevesterJoeGR2: "Former senator Barbara Boxer robbed in Oakland - The Washington Post"

WestCorkSport: Desmond defeated Polish boxer Barbara Marcinckovska 5-0 in the final of the non-Olympic light-middleweight 70kg class to bring gold back home to Cork.

HillBeverlyhill: Do not forget this: Senator Calls for Homeland Security to Investigate Trump’s Model Agency – Mother Jones

HillBeverlyhill: Yes- old news but still important to remember!Senator Calls For Investigation Of Donald Trump's Modeling Agency | HuffPost Latest News

SamuelQPrescott: 66. 2008 - Sen Barbara Boxer said that we actually had 15 years to turn things around according to climate 'science'.

nick_field90: I wonder if Barbara Boxer or someone else would agree to come back for a just a year to serve out the term if it comes to that

RedoVoting: "Every citizen of this country should be guaranteed that their vote matters, that their vote is counted, and that in the voting booth, their vote has as much weight as that of any CEO, any member of Congress or any President." - Barbara Boxer

AForumForIdeas: Quote of the Day: “The combined efforts of millions of concerned citizens could do wonders to help the impoverished.” Barbara Boxer

FOX40: Former U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer joined Inside California Politics to discuss Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s decision not to seek reelection.

abc7newsbayarea: Former CA Sen. Boxer details time on Capitol Hill with Sen. Feinstein, challenges they faced

RichReps: Barbara Boxer (D-Calif) had an approximate net worth of $3,415,004 in 2006.

perriboni: Santa Rosa was represented by “Jewish” Nazi Jew, Barbara Boxer. 4:59pm

LatinoPPF: With Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s retirement, an era ends for California. In 1992, California elected its first two female senators, Feinstein and Barbara Boxer.

DavidMarkDC: After static 24 years with CA Democratic Sens. Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein in office, there's been more turnover. Kamala Harris (D) was elected in 2016, followed by the appointment of Sen. Alex Padilla (D) when she became VP. And a Feinstein successor elected in 2024.

scottgoblue314: This would be the first time CA has an open Senate race since Barbara Boxer won in 1992

DKarol: An historic figure. Feinstein's political career began before Reagan was governor of California. A pioneering female big city mayor &-with her ticket-mate Barbara Boxer- the first woman & first Jewish senator from CA. She was considered for VP by Walter Mondale in 1984. 1)

NeoJane8: Remember the Year of the women 1992's DNC... The senators Patty Murray, Barbara Boxer, Barbara Mikulski, Carol Moseley Braun, Dianne Feinstein & Nancy Kassebaum...

OneFineJay: Bring back Barbara Boxer to keep Adam Shit or Katie Porter from the Senate?

nothappywarrior: barbara boxer to announce 2024 senate run

KPIXtv: On the day that California's longtime U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein announced she wouldn't run again in 2024, former Senator Barbara Boxer reflected on Feinstein's legacy in the U.S. Senate.

MayumiEHolland: Just saw this on the NY Times and thought -- is Barbara Boxer tiny? Or is Feinstein a giant?

CormStrikeFan: Robin leads Strike out of the pub before he starts a fight with the barman (“I wuzza boxer. N’Army, mate”) and they go to the kebab shop at the end of Denmark Street. Strike tells her about his kairos moment with Charlotte.

politicsof1357: Who to follow according to twitter: WHO CDC Barbara Boxer's butt wipes

Quotment: Those who survived the San Francisco earthquake said, 'Thank God, I'm still alive.' But, of course, those who died, their lives will never be the same again. (Turkey Syria Assad) Barbara Boxer

AaronBlake: Some real Barbara Boxer vibes here.

ViraArmstrong: 2016 California Ballot. United States Senator from CaliforniaIn office January 3, 2017 – January 18, 2021 - Preceded by Barbara Boxer.

GullahRehabbed: He's also said this about Jerry Brown, Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer. What do they all have in common...they are NoCal pols and from that machine? I don't know many people that have worked, in office, with these pols named. For me, it is a weird generalization.


east_side52: Maybe they need an intervention. Can Barbara Boxer talk to her? Get an RBG impersonator to tell her they can announce a joint retirement?

EricMGarcia: Pelosi, a lot like Barbara Boxer and Jerry Brown in recent years, decided to ride off into the sunset to allow for new blood in California. She's an ally of Adam Schiff's and she might be the latest Democrat to try and put her out to pasture.

perriboni: IGAR, SIETWOA Barbara Boxer saying, To see them “drop dead” this many times & now they’re here, but they still aren’t home. 4:16am …

centrist_bot: ?" In a similar vein, Sen. Barbara Boxer recently spoke to the same radio station with the following message—In America, the Supreme Court has "taken a hard stare-down upon constitutional rights and stripped them of meaning.

SPARC805: FOUND: A Boxer on Jan 30, 2023 at Santa Barbara St/ Pamela St.. Please contact us for more information.

mr_exception_: NIMRIT DESERVES TROPHY Even if I have to stand alone, I will not be afraid to stand alone. I'm going to fight for you. I'm going to fight for what's right. I'm going to fight to hold people accountable. - Barbara Boxer..

perriboni: IGAR that so-called “Jewish” Barbara Boxer is in on it (Guerrilla terrorism) & Barbara is whining & griping that Perri is a “paranormal”(Reading energy word that popped up) & Barbara doesn’t want to admit how the cases she* cites come up (meaning through Angelic Law Saints).4:33p

Pinkoleannder: Time to go Barbara Boxer. Better Shiff than a republican.

MandelaObama: I was a Special Assistant and Staff Attorney for Governor Pete Wilson of California. Then, I was Public Affairs Assistant for United States Senator Barbara Boxer. I've worked with both Republicans and Democrats. I love America.

Sean_Zula: Cuz Barbara Boxer got bipped in broad daylight in Jack London and you think you’re the victim?


PeterAgi74: “Every citizen of this country should be guaranteed that their vote matters, that their vote is counted, and that in the voting booth, their vote has a much weight as that of any CEO, any member of Congress, or any President.” Barbara Boxer

wapplehouse: Senator Barbara Boxer being “Ali” is hilarious

CiteSeer: "Law enforcement officers are never 'off duty.' They are dedicated public servants who are sworn to protect public safety at any time and place that the peace is threatened. They need all the help that they can get." - Barbara Boxer

brufkaki: The primary citation was that of Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA), then objecting to Ohio's slate of electors in 2004 (Bush) on one principal claim: that Ohio intentionally marginalized and suppressed minority voters. 2/

RoShamBoProds: Barbara Boxer is awesome!!!

disciple_true: By the same group of people. Who is John Hess? Barbara Boxer, AIDS conference etc etc etc etc

blairxhenry: Having less than 10k on hand as a senior senator, even if retiring, is hilarious. barbara boxer had a bag when she left. dementia behavior

yourvokalnews: I think Barbara Lee will ultimately announce her candidacy for Senate with Pelosi and Feinstein’s endorsement. Perhaps even former Senator Barbara Boxer.

reesejgorman: Wrote about Sen Jim Inhofe and his legacy: Even got a Boxer interview “As a legislator from a Republican state, it’s wonderful that he has that ability to find that legislative sweet spot with someone like me, who was his polar opposite.” -Barbara Boxer

clapifyoulikeme: At my bat mitzvah, all the tables were named for Jewish women (yes! I have always been Like This!) and one table was Dianne Feinstein & Barbara Boxer…why must she retroactively ruin my bat mitzvah…

HillaryPix: Democratic Senate candidates Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein raise their arms in victory at an election rally in San Francisco, Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1992. The two women claimed victory over their Republican male rivals, Bruce Herschensohn and Sen. John Seymour.

bunrxm: Barbara Boxer is 82 and retired 6 years ago. This shit ain't hard.

markzbarabak: Precedent: In 1991, then-Rep. Barbara Boxer started making moves to replace the scandal-stained Sen. Alan Cranston before her fellow Democrat announced plans to step down.

cpdmemorial: As we head into the weekend, let's remember:“ Law enforcement officers are never ‘off duty.’ They are dedicated public servants who are sworn to protect public safety at any time and place that the peace is threatened. They need all the help that they can get.” -Barbara Boxer

Paul41945: California congress members: Schiff, Pilosi, Maxine Waters, Barbara Boxer, Kevin McCarthy???????? Not a good group imo! Break away and choose a honest person to head up the House! Continuing down this radical road is bad for our country!

SantJamesShow: Barbara Walters, Damar Hamlin, The Best Man Review, Pro Boxer - Miami Th...

RennJean: Born and raised in San Francisco, my memories are of Nancy, Barbara Boxer and Jackie Speier were role models for women like me. Nancy will go down in history as the greatest Speaker of all time.

mpukita: 18) Who has Elias represented? A cast of anti-American, insider, self-anointed elite, douchebags: Richard Blumenthal Barbara Boxer Sherrod Brown Maria Cantwell Lois Capps Robin Carnahan Bob Casey, Jr. Hillary Clinton Roy Cooper MORE>

meyer_lucas: Simplest and best tribute to exemplify the Barbara Walters legacy : On her final show on The View, they just brought one female journalist after another to honour her. All ages, races, from NBC to FOX, to say thank you. She’s completely overwhelmed and touched.

Superst59979582: *Congressman (D) Eric Swalwell's girlfriend was discovered to be a Chinese Spy and deported.... poof end of story. *Congresswoman (D) Barbara Boxer's chauffeur of 30+ years was discovered to be a Chinese Spy and deported.... poof end of story.

plastic_bio: I have to say that after chemotherapy, Barbara Boxer just isn't that scary anymore. - Barbara Boxer

Pizza_Boxer: Thanks to Barbara Walters for letting Sean Connery speak his truth… I’m sure he’s slapping her in heaven right now.

InoRikardo: Barbara Boxer were born. See what happens when aliens breed with sheep? This piece of information may clear up a lot of things.

TroyBrady2: Barbara Boxer had a Chinese spy as her driver. Are any of these people resigning much less being arrested for treason!

TMROJ: There’s no bearing this. This might be favorite reaction bite of all time…Barbara Boxer saying “elections have consequences” is the only one I can think of that comes close.

PSuiteNetwork: On Tuesday, it emerged that President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration committee returned a $500 donation from former California Sen. Barbara Boxer due to her status as a registered foreign agent for the Chinese government

ChattahoocheeJB: Former Sen. Barbara Boxer is now working for a Chinese surveillance firm

AngelNievesPI: Law enforcement officers are never 'off duty.' They are dedicated public servants who are sworn to protect public safety at any time and place that the peace is threatened. They need all the help that they can get. ~ Barbara Boxer

politic_talks: Former Senator Barbara Boxer on state of politics in America - KGET 17

politic_talks: Former Senator Barbara Boxer on state of politics in America - KTXL FOX 40 Sacramento

papa_sharku: President Bill Clinton (D) Senators: Dianne Feinstein (yes she was still around) and Barbara Boxer (both D) House Rep: Steve Horn (R) (which is kinda amazing given my now very D leaning area) Governor: Gray Davis (D)

FOX40: Former U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer joined Inside California Politics to discuss a number of topics.

BayAreaDNA: Former Senator Barbara Boxer on state of politics in America

DavidCranmerUn1: EMILY's List was founded in 1985, when 25 women met in the home of Ellen Malcolm. Founding members included Barbara Boxer, Ann Richards, Anne Wexler, and Donna Shalala. EMILY's List is an American political action committee (PAC) that aims to help elect Democratic female

BoenziJacob: President: Bill Clinton (D) Senators: Barbara Boxer (D) and Diane Feinstein (D) House: Tom Lantos (D) Governor: Gary Davis (D)

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Emily Dickinson Poem
Some one prepared this mighty show
 by Emily Dickinson


Some one prepared this mighty show
To which without a Ticket go
The nations and the Days-

Displayed before the simplest Door
That all may witness it and more,

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