Comments about Adam Carolla

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rajm2016: Williams Shatner | The Adam Carolla Show 06/02/2022

FoxNews: 'COLOSSAL BLOWHARD': Comedian and author Adam Carolla slammed Prince Harry after he bashed America in his speech before the United Nations Monday.

thelapdrop: Adam Carolla Hits Back Over Article Claiming He ‘Falsely’ Suggested It’s The ‘Old Or Sick Or Both’ Dying Of COVID -

cupplaavgjoes: Adam and Dr. Drew are joined this episode by comedian Jo Koy for a discussion on Jo's Carolla Digital podcast 'The Koy Pond.' They then turn to the phones and a caller turns them on to 'Hello Groceries' by Chase, a 70s gem that Adam & Drew have a good

JSargeras: Adam Carolla so much better without these people

batsondbelfry61: The FULL Adam Carolla: On Covid Fear-Mongering, AOC & Cancel Culture

billybeater: With Adam Carolla, plugging my memoir, Harlem to Hollywood! Buy it at Amazon today!

collegeradiobot: We just heard Adam Carolla with an unconventional cloud rap cover of 'Every Rose Has its Thorns'

thelapdrop: Adam Carolla Hits Back Over Article Claiming He ‘Falsely’ Suggested It’s The ‘Old Or Sick Or Both’ Dying Of COVID -

Kiefergirl1: I listened to the Dog House at 9am on Free FM daily and Wendy and Charlemagne The God afternoons on WBLS 2006-2007. In between the both shows was Penn Gillette, Booker, The Radio Chick with Chuck Nice and the great Adam Carolla. I loved DL Roth and what Free FM did. I loved it!

Superhero_CC: Adam Carolla's comedy show will go on sale Tuesday, March 28th with three types of tickets available: General admission seats- $39 each Floor seats- $59 each VIP Floor seats- two reserved floor seats in front of the stage & a professional photo with Adam after the show for $299

UmmNadia: Courtney Stodden on The Adam Carolla Show

tothemike: Yo, Wick 4 looking bad ass. Scott Adkins & Josh Banday | Adam Carolla Show 03/22/2023

VikingDaveshows: One night of laughter with Adam Carolla. The Tower Theatre, Fresno Tickets available at

marconews: Looking for something to do? Our Daily Bread Food Pantry will have a food drive Friday at the Marco Island Winn-Dixie; the comedy ‘The Divine Sister’ opens Thursday at the Center for Performing Arts, Bonita; AND Adam Carolla comes to Off the Hook.

evan_grollman: For my friends in Oklahoma, Adam Carolla is coming to Oklahoma City to perform, which means this will be the most interesting event that has occurred there since your states founding.

cupplaavgjoes: 1. Kyle Dunnigan as Bill Maher (2020) 2. Stories with Adam's friends (2009) 3. Ray's Jacuzzi Water Gun with Jeff Dunham (2015) 4. Rob Corddry (2014) 5. Kyle Dunnigan plays Rotten Tomatoes Game (2020)

JamiePicon1: Adam Carolla and Friends ft. Brendan Schaub, Adam Ray, Brad Williams, and more TBA! at Hollywood Improv (12936565)

SpiritofPines: Everyone wants to be a multi-millionaire - myself certainly included. But what happens once you have that money? My heuristic: are you gonna be a Jimmy Kimmel or an Adam Carolla? Both clever, charismatic guys… Kimmel is far richer. But Carolla actually owns his own life.

APatriot304: When will Congress ask this man to testify? Tony Bobulinski | Adam Carolla Show 10/20/2022

hilarygrant112: This is a bit from The Man Show with Adam Carolla. And that's an actress.

SachinK1606: People look at me and they go Youre white youre smart you must have went to college. You must have grown up with money. -Adam Carolla

jlburdge: Adam Carolla on Free Speech, Cancel Culture, AOC and Covid Hysteria.

AnaAnausa: Dr. Drew is an opportunist who will go in whatever direction the wind blows. Bc he's soft spoken & sounds like he really knows his stuff, ppl buy it. Even Adam Carolla, who Drew owes his rise to fame to, spoke of how disloyal he was. "Charming" opportunists are he worst kind.

lancewallnau: I knew we’re winning once the left started attacking Elon Musk, Bill Maher, Adam Carolla, Russell Brand, Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson as “right wing”. The natural consequence of this is that these folks will further push back on the imbecility of the left. Makes our job easier.

MiaFrancois721: Everything Reminds Me of Something By Adam Carolla

AnaAnausa: Dr. Drew is an opportunist who will go in whatever direction the wind blows. Bc he's soft spoken & sounds like he really knows his stuff, ppl buy it. Even Adam Carolla, who Drew owes his rise to fame to, spoke of how unloyal he was. "Charming" opportunists are he worst kind.

aspirefamily2: Jillian Michaels, Frank Grillo & Remy Grillo | The Adam Carolla Show

DMartinCampbell: Easy to imagine Adam Carolla putting on a bracelet and getting kind of turned on

Fishpot22: "It's never been a better time to be an actual racist because you could just hide amongst everyone who is being accused of being a racist which is everyone in America who is not a person of color." - Adam Carolla

newlifeevergeen: Fireside Chat Ep. 93 - On Not Growing Up with Special Guest Adam Carolla

anthonycurcio: Fake Adam Carolla on Fox

dhourigan: Adam Carolla today said: The View is an important TV Show because it gives us insight into what Stupid People Think.

n_r_g: before he went berserk adam carolla had a bit about how he booked flights as soon as airlines were back open after 9/11. "no better time to fly"

TrueDrewDubs: Jimmy Kimmel without Adam Carolla is like a dog with rabies.

spooky_bad: adam carolla should have gone up there and slapped the shit out of Kimmel

LobelinePR: One of the nation's top real estate agents, Aaron Kirman, joins the Adam Carolla Show to talk about rising mortgage payments and when the right time is to buy a house.

watermanop: “I kinda like The View..I feel we get a little glimpse behind the Curtain on how stupid people think“ Classic truth!! ❤️ Adam Carolla

richb313: Oscars Recap with Bald Bryan + News | Adam Carolla Show | 3/14/2023

msmarine32: "Watching The View is like having an FBI agent embedded in a biker gang; we get to see how stupid people think." Adam Carolla Brilliant.

beamon_ricky: Adam Carolla | Club Random with Bill Maher

FattMatt39: Only time Jimmy Kimmel was funny was when Adam Carolla wrote his jokes for him on the man show

dbessner: I think the host should have been Adam Carolla

ckayerawlings: I think the host should have been Adam Carolla

dbessner: Adam Carolla could do five minutes on an emotional support donkey

moviesaredreams: Kimmel bring out Adam Carolla. Let him cook

iamtherog: When I was an intern in LA in ‘04 I worked the door at a charity event my coworker was hosting and this guy showed up and tried to get in for free and said he was Adam Carolla’s brother and he showed me his ID and his last name was “Carolla” and I told him he should pay 2x then.

ClancysCorner: The Man Show cast (3 of 4) with Adam Carolla, Jimmy Kimmel, and Joe Rogan have all had wildly successful and different trajectories.

jessehawken: Funny to think about Jimmy Kimmel hosting the Oscars and Adam Carolla having to watch the show over at Dennis Prager’s basement

AquillaLeon: Aella admitting to being molested as a child is like one of those classic Loveline episodes with Adam Carolla. You can see it coming a mile away. Hope she eventually realizes her life is a dumpster fire and connects tragic cause and effect together but not holding out hope

davey2dopexxx: I was always anti-free school lunches because I always liked Adam Carolla's "can't feed 'em, don't breed 'em" stance. But I just saw someone argue that they should get a free meal since they're legally obligated to be there, and I may have to rethink my stance.

Baltimorite: Adam Carolla Is Worried We’re Raising Kids Like Pets | The Show | Dad Sa...

Parmatr2320: If you want to have a good life, you should focus on your family, on your business, on your dog, on your fun, and you'll have a good life.,Adam Carolla,Life, Family, Good ,

UmmNadia: Brad Williams, Dan Dunn & Paul Sanguinetti | Adam Carolla Show | 3/8/2023

richb313: Brad Williams, Dan Dunn & Paul Sanguinetti | Adam Carolla Show | 3/8/2023

sf_mills: Adam Carolla was also a business partner of Dahl. Patio Wine Company bottled Mangria. (Wasn’t Adam’s niece at the Capitol btw?)

mobileandy2: Adam Carolla is on Hannity right now. He is so stoned! He should be putting some drops in his eyes before he gets on TV.

rBillSimmonsPod: Carolla on Fox News again tonight Adam’s spent more time on Hannity alone than on the BS Pod lately Late 2000s/early 2010s BS Reports with Simmons and Carolla ain’t walking through that door

comedynews: Feature: ADAM CAROLLA LIVE Brings His Standup To Jimmy … – Broadway World

RadioBizNow: Feature: ADAM CAROLLA LIVE Brings His Standup To Jimmy ... - Broadway World

richb313: Greg Fitzsimmons | Adam Carolla Show | 3/7/2023

UmmNadia: Greg Fitzsimmons | Adam Carolla Show | 3/7/2023

AndrewGatto: Ron Desantis sounds like if you give Adam Carolla 80 mg of Ritalin.

darkstar32222: The poll sample was LESS than 200 black people. With all due respect. YOU were the one who went on a RANT about Santa being white, and blackface wasn't a problem. As for your chimp Adam Carolla. Apparently he also forgot about Trump riding the Birtherism train. Did he forget..

FormerDILF: why does Adam Carolla look like he kramered all the way into his own skeleton

FormerDILF: This is as much of Adam Carolla's ass as the Comedy Central censors would allow

richb313: Chris Hansen, Casper van Dien & Kyle Dunnigan | Adam Carolla Show | 3/6...

AncalagonAvenue: Too many people who are great and wise have now recommended daily cold showers to improve ones mood and health. I gotta get with the program. It might even save me some bill money in the long run… but still taking them luke warm per Adam Carolla’s advice.

JooLuiz77229316: "Biden is essentially a 'drunken airline pilot' and we're his passengers" Adam Carolla

sunfest321: Watch "Scott Adams' Comments About Race and Subsequent Cancelation, with Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew" on YouTube

comedynews: Adam Carolla Performing Live At Jimmy Kimmel’s Comedy Club – KLAS – 8 News Now

FormerDILF: I'm doing a The Man Show retrospective and Jimmy Kimmel hugs Adam Carolla in the first episode after taking a bite out of the first MAN-O-VATION: beef jerky beer six pack rings.

Roberto05246129: Adam Carolla: The Most Unqualified People Are Running Our Government "Would you hire them [Biden, Kamala, Buttigieg, etc.] to coach your small-town high school football team? And if the answer is no ... then maybe they shouldn't be running the government."

GoneVoice: Biden is essentially a 'drunken airline pilot' and we're his passengers: Adam Carolla

Orthodoxru78: Biden is a drunk pilot, and Americans are passengers. Fox News suggested that "something is wrong" with the world, since Biden could become president of the United States. According to Tucker Carlson, he is "incompetent" and "crazy," and podcast host Adam Carolla accused the head

9ja_breed: Biden is essentially a ‘drunken airline pilot’ and we’re his passengers: Adam Carolla

livetubealerts: Video: Biden is essentially a ‘drunken airline pilot’ and we’re his passengers: Adam Carolla

NewsInVids: Fox News: Biden is essentially a ‘drunken airline pilot’ and we’re his passengers: Adam Carolla

starrick1: (606) Biden is essentially a 'drunken airline pilot' and we're his passengers: Adam Carolla - YouTube

Ronaldd86530213: Adam Carolla on Tucker Carlson: "Biden is essentially a 'drunken airline pilot' and we're his passengers" At which P. Buttigieg would remark: "Drunken passengers that should be on a no-fly list, got onboard and are currently trying to open the emergency exit doors midflight!"

thetish62: “Joe Biden is essentially a drunken airline pilot and we’re all in the passengers seats.” ~~ Adam Carolla

RhodyMomma: Biden is essentially a 'drunken airline pilot' and we're his passengers: Adam Carolla

DoctorsOverseas: Comedian Adam Carolla was right when he called BooB Biden a drunken Airplane Pilot and we are all passengers on this doomed aircraft.

edgewalker81: They would’ve been better off letting Adam Carolla run it

Truth2Freedom: Biden is essentially a ‘drunken airline pilot’ and we’re his passengers: Adam Carolla

DonBauman61: Tucker Carlson and Adam Carolla discuss the intelligence of those in power: “The US Senate … the White House, it’s disproportionately stupid and crazy, like we’re selecting bad people on purpose.”

eslemanabbay: "Biden is a drunk pilot & Americans are passengers" --bestselling author & Comedian Adam Carolla, Fox News's Tucker Carlson: "something is wrong" with the world as Biden could become President of the United States.."

JooLuiz77229316: "Biden is essentially a 'drunken airline pilot' and we're his passengers" Adam Carolla

JLCauvin: What if Adam Carolla went to Weird Al's hair stylist and Johnny Depp's dumpster for his wardrobe

BarbaraMaple5: Megan talks about racism that we all should pay attention too. Great episode. Check out this podcast! Lab Leak Reality, Woody Harrelson's Pharma Joke, and Media Malpractice, with Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew | Ep. 501 on The Megyn Kelly Show …

IamRoKnows: Of course these guys are fine with Adam Carolla, since he leans right.

Indigenous12312: Megyn Kelly and Adam Carolla Rail on ‘Harry & Meghan’ as a Study of ‘Insane Narcissists’ (Video)

ClarissasDad215: Adam Carolla just NAILED IT!! If you wouldn't hire FJB or ANYONE in his administration to coach your high school football team, WHY IN TF, would you hire them to run your country? I'll wait for a logical, intelligent explanation ..... okay .. no, I won't, because there is none!

HyperAware84: Adam Carolla: The Most Unqualified People Are Running Our Government "Would you hire them [Biden, Kamala, Buttigieg, etc.] to coach your small-town high school football team? And if the answer is no ... then maybe they shouldn't be running the government."

selvarin: Megan Kelly with Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew:

Z4Bruce: "Joe Biden is like a drunken airline pilot, and we are all the passengers!" - Adam Carolla

Sh06983062Sh: Adam Carolla: The Most Unqualified People Are Running Our Government

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Poem of the day

Emily Dickinson Poem
I'M Ceded-i'Ve Stopped Being Theirs
 by Emily Dickinson


I'm ceded-I've stopped being Theirs-
The name They dropped upon my face
With water, in the country church
Is finished using, now,
And They can put it with my Dolls,
My childhood, and the string of spools,

Read complete poem

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