Living with a broken anxious mind,
It's like living with an abomination in your mind,
With tons of words popping through your mind,
No matter how you stop it,
It gets worst.

It's like a dying person,
That has no hope of saving it,
As years went by you try to explore it,
Finding answers that have no hope,
Although Why did he killed his self.

Anxiety keeps interfering what you are doing,
Doing everything to stop,
Stopping it doesn't exist,
Existent interferes you, telling you,
Why was I born?

We all know its a gift,
A gift worth living,
Living desperately,
As I mean desperately,
desperately stupid.

In the place concentration between anxiety does not exist,
That concentration is arduous,
And makes you think to just give up.
Giving up means no hope of living,
Mind Imprisoned.