Ben Boyd's Tower is watching-
Watching o-er the sea;
Ben Boyd-s Tower is waiting
For her and me.
We do not know the day,
We do not know the hour,
But we know that we shall meet
By Ben Boyd-s Tower.

Moonlight peoples Boyd Tower,
Mystic are its walls;
Lightly dance the lovers
In its haunted halls.

Ben Boyd-s Tower is watching-
Watching o-er the foam;
Ben Boyd-s Tower is waiting
Till the -Wanderer� comes home.

O! he lay above us-
High above the surf-
Finger-nails and toe-caps
Digging in the turf.

We do not know the day,
We do not know the hour,
But Two and Two shall meet again
By Ben Boyd-s Tower.

There-s an ancient dame in Eden-
Basket on her arm-
And she goes down the Main Street
From the old, old farm.

Hood drawn on her forehead-
Withered dame and grey-
She never looks on Boyd Tower
Out across the Bay.

Bright eyes in the ballroom,
Coquetting with two,
Just for love of mischief,
As a girl will do.
A quarrel in the bar-room-
All within the hour-
And four men rode from Boyd Town
To Ben Boyd-s Tower.