Comments about Ezea Ikenna Precious

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Joseph Amos: A visionary
Eze oluchi: Very impressive, I love this.
Nkemjika Chisom ogechi: Amazingly beautiful. More wins dear

Ezeah Monday: Surely
Associating with friendly foe is a huge disaster
Ezeah Monday: This is really instructive and didactic
It depicts the paradox of life
Pharm. Nestor: Pharmacist Ezea Ikenna is a great guy. Super intelligent and very creative.

Poem of the day

Robert Service Poem
 by Robert Service

Heaven's mighty sweet, I guess;
Ain't no rush to git there:
Been a sinner, more or less;
Maybe wouldn't fit there.
Wicked still, bound to confess;
Might jest pine a bit there.

Heaven's swell, the preachers say:

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